2025 Selection

Rhubarb 'Victoria'


The best cooking rhubarb, bar none-noticeably sweeter and milder the all others. Stalks are slender and very tender and don't require peeling, so it's quick and easy to fix for the pot. Plants are prolific; stalks green with red blush

Rudbeckia fulgida 'Goldblitz'

Black Eyed Susan

Strong, low-maintenance variety for borders and landscapes. Plants have tight foliage with shiny, dark green leaves that hold back weeds and flower abundantly from summer well into fall. Golden yellow horizontal petals contrast nicely with the black center disc. Attracts Bees, Attracts Butterflies, Deer Resistant, Drought Tolerant, Attracts Hummingbirds, Rabbit Resistant, Water/Rain tolerant, Heat Tolerant, Low Maintenance, Frost Tolerant

Rudbeckia fulgida 'Goldsturm'

Black Eyed Susan

Goldsturm is a perennial that everyone knows and loves as it packs a punch of golden garden color in late summer. It is one of the most highly planted perennials on the market today. Basal clumps of hairy, medium green leaves give rise to long leafy stalks topped with golden yellow daisies punctuated with black eyes. Plants spread underground and may form large colonies over time. Many pollinators are drawn to black-eyed Susan flowers, to include butterflies and bees. The dry, black, buttons of this plant may be left uncut to provide seed for birds.

Rudbeckia hirta

Black Eyed Susan

This native wild form has small golden-orange, daisy-like flowers. Naturally re-seeds. A profusion of vibrant flowers attract butterflies. Excellent cut flower, outstanding in the perennial garden or wildflower planting, and especially attractive with daylilies, daisies, asters and grasses. Heat tolerant.

Rudbeckia hirta 'Cherry Brandy'

Black Eyed Susan

A welcome color addition, Rudbeckia Cherry Brandy produce deep maroon red flowers with a dark chocolate center. Flowers, 3-4" across, bloom all summer, even in poor soils. Combine with yellow-blooming Rudbeckia to create a cheery garden spot with wonderful contrast. Road salt tolerant.

Rudbeckia hirta 'Indian Summer'

Black Eyed Susan, Gloriosa Daisies

These have some of the largest flowers of all the gloriosa daisies. The enormous golden yellow blooms of 'Indian Summer' have typical black eyes and are great for cutting. In summer this clump forming plant puts forth thick leafy stems topped with large daisies with yellow petals and brown-black central cones. These attract many pollinators, such as bees and butterflies.

Rudbeckia hirta 'Irish Eyes'

Black Eyed Susan

The heavy blooming Irish Eyes has fantastic bright yellow and gold daisies with emerald green eyes a far cry from your typical black-eyed Susan. It is easy to grow, great for cutting and offers lots of blooms in the heat of summer. Throughout the summer, the clump-forming, short-lived perennial puts forth, thick, leafy stems topped with colorful flowers that attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies. If the seed heads are left to dry, they will attract seed eating birds.

Rudbeckia hirta 'Sonora'

Black Eyed Susan

Large, 3-in. (8-cm) golden flowers with black centers. Attracts Butterflies, Heat Tolerant.

Sagina subulata

Irish Moss

Sagina looks like a scratch-proof sponge, but feels so much softer. Irish Moss is covered in tiny, star-shaped white flowers in spring. It spreads rapidly to form a carpet that looks especially nice against gray stone.

Sagina subulata 'Aurea'

Scotch Moss

Sagina looks like a scratch-proof sponge, but feels so much softer. It spreads by creeping stems to form a soft, mounded, mossy carpet. Scotch moss favors clay soil and has a yellow tint to the foliage

Salvia 'Color Spires Back to Fuchsia'


This colorful perennial produces fuchsia pink flowers spikes atop the neatly mounded, aromatic foliage. Lovely when planted in drifts. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. Deer and rabbit resistant.

Salvia 'Color Spires Violet Riot'


This colorful perennial produces vivid violet blue flower spikes atop the mounded, aromatic foliage. Lovely when planted in drifts. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. Easy to grow in almost any climate in full sun. Drought tolerant but blooms better with average moisture. Cut back after flowering to promote rebloom.

Salvia 'Pink Profusion'


This Salvia nemorosa hybrid will impress you with the number of times it reblooms! Sheer back the spent flowers and enjoy again throughout the summer. Dark pink flowers are produced on darker pink calyxes on a perfectly rounded, dense and beautiful habit. This shorter stature Salvia will tuck in nicely to all sorts of places in your perennial garden, planted en mass makes a perfect edger. Salvia is a staple item for every sunny garden. It asks little more than sunshine and a little drink every once in a while in return for producing a bountiful mass of colorful flower spires from late spring into early summer. It forms a uniform, rounded clump of aromatic, rugose green foliage that looks nice all season long and is not enjoyed by rabbits or deer.

Salvia 'White Profusion'


Enjoy these flowers again and again throughout the summer with rebloom! White flowers are produced on a perfectly rounded, dense and beautiful habit. Easy to grow in almost any climate in full sun. Drought tolerant but blooms better with average moisture. Cut back after flowering to promote rebloom.

Salvia nemerosa 'Blue Hill'

Meadow Sage

The bluest salvia available, 'Blue Hill' produces lavender blue flowers that appear in late May to June on an upright plant with aromatic green-gray foliage. Very heavy bud count and long bloom time. Feel free to shear back this drought tolerant variety after flowering to encourage new growth

Salvia nemerosa 'Caradonna'

Meadow Sage

Caradonna has glowing purple stems loaded with violet-purple flowers that bloom from June to October. With its gray-green aromatic foliage, it makes an attractive accent all summer long. For best performance, shear back this drought tolerant plant after flowering.

Salvia nemerosa 'May Night'

Meadow Sage

A former Perennial Plant of the Year, the aromatic dark green foliage and compact habit of 'May Night' gives rise to very dark purple flower spikes in late May to June. This very popular cultivar will benefit from shearing after flowering.

Salvia nemerosa 'Rose Marvel'

Meadow Sage

The Marvel family has some of the largest flowers of any Salvia nemorosa on the market. Deer resistant. Attracts hummingbirds.

Salvia nemerosa 'Snow Hill'

Meadow Sage

Deep purple stems bear hundreds of tiny, puffy white flowers all summer long and into fall. A pleasing combination with its fragrant silver green foliage. Highly resistant to heat, drought and deer, this lovely salvia is attractive to hummingbirds, butterflies and gardeners alike

Scabiosa 'Flutter Deep Blue'

Pincushion Flower

A dwarf Pincushion Flower from the Flutter series, featuring flowers that are larger and deeper blue than the popular Butterfly Blue. Blooms non-stop from spring through late summer. Terrific for mass planting, edging the border or in pots. Flowers are attractive to butterflies. Drought tolerant once established.

Sedum 'Lemon Ball'


Vivid mounds of chartreuse foliage stay dense, bushy and bright all Summer long.

Sedum 'Rock 'N Grow Bundle of Joy'


Forms a low, rounded mound in spring, growing to just under 1' tall by summer. Light green leaves become covered in a dome of pure white flowers followed by pretty seed heads.

Sedum 'Rock 'N Grow Popstar'


This low maintenance, compact Stonecrop will be the star of your late summer garden. In the summer, blue-green foliage appears on grey-purple stems with a dense, full habit, an improvement in form from the classic Sedum cauticola. In late summer to early fall, the dense mound is completely covered with creamy grey buds that burst open to cheery, salmon pink flowers. When the flowering period is finished, darker pink seed pods extend the interest of the plant further into fall.

Sedum 'Rock 'N Grow Pure Joy'


Forms a low, rounded mound in spring, growing to just under 1' tall by summer. Light green leaves become covered in a dome of bubblegum pink flowers followed by pretty seed heads. Drought and salt tolerant. Rabbit resistant.

Sedum 'Sunsparkler Cherry Tart'


An excellent addition to rock gardens and pathways. Vibrant, colorful foliage attracts pollinators for a big show. Attracts Bees, Attracts Butterflies, Rabbit Resistant. Cherry red foliage

Sedum 'Sunsparkler Dazzleberry'


This brilliant new sedum lives up to its name, blooming earlier than most, with huge, brilliant raspberry colored flower clusters that are up to nine-inches in diameter! Disease resistant foliage retains its fantastic smoky blue-grey color from spring through fall. Spreads to form colorful clumps.

Sedum 'Sunsparkler Firecracker'


Brilliant burgundy-red sedum clusters all season long with soft pink flowers in late summer. Perfect in shallow containers or tucked into rockery or a green wall, where it will gently cascade. Excellent groundcover or accent for borders and rock gardens. Drought tolerant. Deer and rabbit resistant.

Sedum 'Sunsparkler Lime Zinger'


Bright lime green foliage sports a crisp ruby red edge to form a dense colorful groundcover. Clusters of hot pink flowers last for weeks. Lovely cascading down a slope and for use on green roof systems. Part of the SunSparkler Series, these enticing beauties are selected for their dazzling flower and foliage hues. Foliage colors are retained from spring through fall. Compact habit forms a solid mat of foliage. Excellent as an underplanting at the base of something taller.

Sedum dasyphyllum 'Himalayan Skies'

Sedum, Stonecrop

Rosettes of blue-green leaves are completely covered by tiny white flowers in summer.

Sedum ewersii

Sedum, Stonecrop

Creeping wiry stems with bluish-green foliage. Each stem bears rosy-pink flowers mid-summer. It forms a low, non-spreading tuft or mound of rounded, blue-green leaves. Rose-pink star flowers appear in late summer, clustered at the ends of each stem.

Sedum hakonense 'Chocolate Ball'

Sedum, Stonecrop

This unusual sedum has needle shaped foliage that ranges in color from chocolate brown in the spring to a burgundy-brown in the fall. Clusters of bright yellow flowers appear in summer over this solf mat-forming sedum.

Sedum kamtschaticum

Sedum, Stonecrop

Semi-evergreen plant with narrow, green, jagged, and fleshy leaves. Star-shaped yellow flowers.

Sedum makinoi 'Ogon'

Sedum, Stonecrop

Ogon' is perhaps the brightest of our groundcover sedums. Its small, rounded leaves are pure gold flushed pink. This very low growing spreading variety stays full throughout the growing season. It has round, flat, chartreuse to bright yellow leaves. Summer flowers are green-yellow.

Sedum ochroleucum 'Red Wiggle'

Sedum, Stonecrop

Resembles a coral reef, bi-color burgundy-red foliage is topped with fresh green tips.

Sedum sieboldii

October Daphne Stonecrop

Often described as having the most beautiful foliage and form of all sedums, this adorable little plant looks great all summer long and then really comes into its own in fall. Sedum sieboldii is a low, spreading species that forms a rounded mound, sending out horizontal branches from the central crown. The " round, blue-green leaves are borne in 3's around the stems and each leaf is narrowly outlined in deep pink. During the hot summer months, this pink edge intensifies. In early fall, bright pink, star-shaped flowers are borne in small clusters at the ends of the stems.

Sedum spectabile 'Autumn Joy'

Sedum, Stonecrop

It's no surprise that this is such a stand-by perennial. This plant is as dependable and adaptable as they come. Its flowers bloom from August into November; they open pink and mature to a copper befitting of autumn. It is 2 feet tall and wide, with succulent stems and leaves. 'Autumn Joy' looks great with ornamental grasses. Pinch in late June to prevent flopping and delay flowering.

Sedum spurium 'Tricolor'

Sedum, Stonecrop

Striking foliage complements soft pink flowers. Wonderful as ground cover, in the rock garden, along walkways or cascading over stone walls. Easy to maintain. Thrives in hot, dry locations.

Sedum telephium 'Autumn Fire'

Sedum, Stonecrop

An offspring of the famous Autumn Joy, Autumn Fire retains all its parent's best attributes but clicks them up a notch. Stronger, stouter stems, gray-green leaves with wavy-toothed edges, larger, longer lasting flower heads packed with tiny rosy-pink florettes and plants that fade more gracefully into botanical architecture for the winter garden. A very good thing just got better.

Sedum telephium 'Frosted Fire'

Sedum, Stonecrop

Frosted Fire is a variegated sport of Autumn Fire rather than Autumn Joy . This plant shares the same brightly colored rosy flower heads, tighter growth habit, and thicker foliage as Autumn Fire . Light green leaves with creamy yellow, serrated margins form a dense, upright mound. Tall, upright sedums form substantial clumps of foliage which can be substituted for shrubs in the landscape. Their stout, sturdy stems support the massive flower heads which develop in summer and burst into bloom in fall. If left standing, they provide winter interest and food for birds.

Sempervivum 'Hens & Chicks Mix'

Hens and Chicks

Hen-and-chicks tolerate heat, drought and neglect with style. They form a low cushion or carpet of fleshy leaves, tiny new plants appearing in a circle around the mother in the middle. This is an interesting collection of evergreen succulents. Many forms and colorations are mixed together.

Stachys byzantina 'Helene Von Stein'

Lamb's Ear

This form of Stachys is much more tolerant of heat and humidity giving it a wider range of climates in which it will grow. The velvety, wooly, gray-green leaves are nearly twice the size of other forms of Lamb's Ear. A very popular perennial among rose gardeners who often use it to edge rose beds. Sometime pruduces purple flowers, but this selection rarely flowers. Good drainage is essential.

Stachys monieri 'Hummelo'

Lamb's Ear

Compact clumps of distinctive, heavily textured, glossy green foliage. Stiff, upright stalks topped with spikes of purple flowers. Deer resistant

Stokesia 'Honeysong Purple'

Stokes' Aster

Honeysong Purple' sports true royal purple flowers with a hint of red towards the center that darkens as it ages. The contrasting white stamens and purple-tinged stems add to its appeal. The individual flowers measure 4" across and have petals with deeply serrated edges. They are wonderful in fresh bouquets. The deep green foliage is neatly mounding. Stokesia is a native North American wildflower. It has been grown for many years for its beautiful flowers and ease of culture. Because of its heat tolerance, it is widely grown in the south. Blooming from midsummer to early fall (if deadheaded), it is a tremendous accent to yellow, pink, or white mums and other late bloomers.

Tiarella 'Fingerpaint'


This woodland perennial is truly a plant with interest for all seasons. Starting in spring, bright green foliage will jump out at you from the shade. Each leaf is deeply lobed with pointy edges, with an overall lacy texture. The centers of the leaves have burgundy blotches, like handprint made with paint. Ivory flowers appear just above the foliage in early spring. This foamflower is a semi-running type, forming a compact, dense, rounded mound that will have restrained spreading. Tiarellas can be grown in containers and in the landscape anywhere that dappled to full shade can be provided. They pair beautifully with hostas and ferns. Tiarellas are enjoying popularity thanks to their shade tolerance, unusual leaf shape, dramatically marked foliage, repeat flowering, and light fragrance.

Tradescantia 'Lucky Charm'


Violet-blue flowers over golden, compact foliage. A striking combination and sure to bring luck to any garden!

Trollius chinensis 'Golden Queen'


A sterling addition to bouquets, the golden-orange Buttercup-like blossoms perch on straight stems above handsome, deeply divided glossy leaves and promise a long summer fling with regular deadheading. Globeflowers are undemanding perennials that are the perfect choice for the waters edge, a boggy spot, or the border, given a moisture retentive, organic-rich soil and shelter from hot sun.

Verbascum phoenicium 'Southern Charm'


It flowers first in spring, then goes dormant during the hot summer months and returns when the weather cools down in fall. How convenient is that? The soft, silvery foliage supports the flowers whose colors are fantastic -- a soft blend of creamy golden, peachy rose, and softest lavender, starred by a fuzzy purple center. This variety does not self-sow.

Verbena canadensis 'Homstead Hot Pink'


This verbena produces a carpet of hot pink blooms that works wonder as groundcover.

Verbena canadensis 'Perfecta'


Compact trailing deeply cut foliage with small clusters of bright pink flowers. Blooms all summer

Veronica 'Explosion Bicolor'


Dense clustered spikes huddle together and explode into bloom with multi-toned pink to violet flowers. Flowers burst upward like a colorful fireworks display. This show will last all summer. Classic Veronica spikes add a vertical accent to the perennial border. Veronica Bicolor Explosion is happy with any well-drained soil in full to part sun. Long lasting and carefree.

Veronica 'Magic Show Purple Illusion'


Thick, rosy purple flower wands are borne prolifically atop a rounded, low clump of deep green foliage. Try planting in combination containers or near the front of the border. Long blooming. Salt tolerant.

Veronica 'Magic Show White Wands'


Pure white flower wands are borne prolifically atop the short, dense clump of dark green foliage. Try planting in combination containers or near the front of the border. This plant grows best in average, humus enriched, well-drained soil and full sun. Though it will survive in partial shade, it flowers best in sun. Shear back after blooming.

Veronica 'Purpleicious'


This variety brings violet purple to the garden and walks a nice line between the pink or blue tones of other Speedwell. The tall tapered spikes guide butterflies and hummingbirds right to their nectar-rich flowers. Floriferous and long blooming above narrow lance-shaped bushy foliage. The positive attributes of Speedwell such as easy to grow, low maintenance, deer resistant, great cut flowers and adored by butterflies make Veronica Purpleicious a must-have plant.

Veronica 'Waterperry'

Creeping Speedwell

Spreading habit with light blue flowers and purple Winter foliage. Deer resistant. Attracts hummingbirds.

Veronica spicata 'Icicle'

Veronica, Speedwell

This selection forms a bushy clump of dark-green leaves, bearing upright spikes of white flowers through the summer months. Removing faded spikes will keep plants in flower for much longer. Excellent for cutting. Clumps may be pruned hard if they get floppy. Flowers are attractive to butterflies.

Veronica spicata 'Red Fox'

Veronica, Speedwell

Deep rosy-red spikes of flowers appear during July and August on erect stems that rise up from dark green, glossy foliage. Removing faded spikes will keep plants in flower for much longer. Excellent for cutting. Clumps may be pruned hard if they get floppy. Flowers are attractive to butterflies.

Veronica spicata 'Royal Candles'

Veronica, Speedwell

Royal Candles produces wonderful dark blue, candle flowers from June till September. With its dark glossy green foliage and compact form, it fits perfectly into almost any bed. Excellent for cutting. Clumps may be pruned hard if they get floppy. Flowers are attractive to butterflies.

Veronica spicata 'Skyward Pink'

Veronica, Speedwell

This Veronica offers a high flower count on a dense, upright habit for a rewarding addition to any garden. Attracts Bees, Attracts Butterflies, Deer Resistant, Attracts Hummingbirds, Rabbit Resistant.

Vinca minor 'Bowles'

Common Periwinkle, Creeping Myrtle

An excellent, weed-smothering, evergreen groundcover with small, solid dark green leaves. From mid to late spring, lovely lavender-blue flowers about the size of a nickle appear just above the foliage, creating a tranquil effect. Additional flowers may appear sporadically in summer and fall. Vinca spreads by creeping across the ground and rooting at each node that touches the surface. This makes it an excellent plant to use for erosion control on slopes.

Viola 'Halo Lemon Frost'


Noted for its winter hardiness and heat tolerance, Viola cornuta 'Halo Lilac' is a compact, rounded perennial prized for its abundance of large, fragrant, lavender and yellow flowers. Produced from early spring to late fall, the scented flowers of this ever-blooming pansy arise from a low, bushy mound of bright green leaves, which spreads to form an elegant ground cover. Adding cheerfulness to the landscape, this hardy pansy is excellent for massing, edging, rock gardens and in mixed containers.

Viola 'Halo Sky Blue'


The Halo violets are hardy, heat tolerant and long lasting in the garden. Big sky blue, pansy-like flowers with bright yellow centers are backed by heart-shaped foliage. Adds great color to patio containers, and its low mounding form works perfectly in a dappled shade border, or for naturalizing in moist woodland spots.

Viola 'Halo Violet'


Large purple flowers are noted for both winter hardiness and heat tolerance. Glowing yellow centers are etched with flirty dark eyelashes. Long blooming with a pleasing fragrance, this beauty deserves to be front and center. Viola Halo Violet will rebloom consistently if sheared when blooming begins to decline. Pansy-like flowers add vibrant color to any sunny to dappled shady garden.

Viola 'Rebecca Cawthorne'


Rebecca Cawthorne' features fragrant purple flowers splashed with white that will be charming harbingers of spring. Shear back this perennial viola after blooming to neaten the foliage mound.