2025 Selection

Artichoke 'Imperial Star'

A green artichoke specifically bred for annual production, Imperial Star will produce well-developed artichokes the first year from seed. Plants become 1 1/2-3' tall and have an open growth habit. Each typically produces 1-2 primary buds, which average 3-4" in diameter, and 5-7 smaller secondary buds. 85 days to maturity.

Arugula 'Astro'

Perfect for salads or braising. Harvest at a young leaf size for a mild, nutty flavor. Leaves become spicy as they mature, especially in higher temperatures.

Aspabroc 'Broccolini'

Broccolini, a cross between broccoli and Chinese Kale, produces smaller heads and long slender sweet stalks with great flavor. If harvested 1-2 times per week plants will bear well for 4-6 weeks.

Bean 'Blue Lake Bush'

Blue Lake Bush is upright and has medium-thick pods that are plump, tasty and at their flavorful peak when 6" long. Pick them daily to enjoy a bountiful and extended harvest. No trellis or poles are required for this bush type bean.

Bean 'Blue Lake Pole'

Blue Lake Pole beans yield much longer than bush beans, right up to frost. Plant 8 to 12 in. apart at the base of poles, trellises or fences. Blue Lake pole beans have straight, 6-in. stringless pods that stay sweet and crisp even at full maturity. 60 days to maturity.

Bean 'Yellow Wax'

Very high yields of crisp, ultra-sweet wax beans that are borne on compact and unusually upright plants. The beans grow together in clusters that make harvest a snap. Beans are 5-5 1/2" long. Plants yield early and need no support. 55 days to maturity.

Beans 'Purple Pod'

Bush, 60 days. Super-productive bush type, yielding straight, purple pods. These are held above the foliage--a great advantage that makes the pods easier to see and harvest, and keeps them from contact with the ground. Pick them young, at 4-5 inches, for flavorful, tender snaps.

Beet 'Bull's Blood'

Heirloom variety. Very sweet red roots. Harvest dark red-purple foliage in 35 days for baby leaf tops. 60 days to maturity.

Beet 'Rainbow Mix'

Delicious, healthy and beautiful! 55 days to maturity.

Broccoli 'Destiny'

This mid-early, compact, heat-tolerant broccoli variety features medium-small green beads, a smooth dome and a round shape. Destiny is a flavorful source of Vitamins A and C.

Brussel Sprouts 'Franklin'

These small, 1-in. sprouts look like miniature heads of cabbge and are tasty when steamed just to the point of tenderness or enjoyed raw.

Cabbage 'Fast Vantage'

Fast Vantage matures quickly, resulting in 2.5-lb. (1-kg), medium, green heads up to 6 weeks earlier than other cabbage varieties. Cabbages can take some heat, but they love the cold, which means that you can have a cabbage or two gracing the garden in Spring and Fall, as well as Summer.

Cabbage 'Ruby Perfection'

The #1 mid-late red cabbage. The heads are medium-sized and dense with a uniform high-round shape and good wrapper leaves. Good field-holding ability. Matures just in time for late summer crops or fall harvest for medium-term storage.

Cabbage 'Savoy Alcosa'

Earliest savoy makes small, dense, crinkled heads with thin, yellow interior leaves. Compact plants are good in small-space gardens for Spring and early Summer production. 62 days to maturity; 2-4 lb; blue-green color.

Cantaloupe Melon 'Hales Best'

These are beautiful melons with luscious deep-orange golden flesh that is sweet, juicy and fragrant. Rinds are thin, heavily netted and medium ribbed. Vigorous, prolific plants bear nearly round, medium-sized, 2-3 lb. fruits that are ready to pick 90 days from sowing.

Cauliflower 'Amazing'

Medium-sized plants with domed, solid curds and self-blanching, upright wrapper leaves when well fed. 10" Heads. Tolerant to both heat and cold stress. 68 days to maturity.

Celery 'Giant Pascal'

It's the "green giant" of celery, a tried and true favorite with large stalks of crispy, flavorful celery. A long-keeping variety that is very productive and easy to grow.

Collards 'Tiger'

‘Tiger’s a favorite in the south, where collard is culinary king. Expect a royal crop of hardy, upright plants packed with slightly savoyed, thick, blue-green leaves. ‘Tiger’ stands out for flavor and high ratio of blade to stalk. Plants eagerly regrow: so you can enjoy harvest after harvest of this tasty kale cousin.

Corn 'Honey and Pearl'

Superb eating quality, tender kernels and exceptional sweetness are Honey ‘N Pearl’s claim to fame. 6' plants produce 8-1/2" ears that have a cylindrical shape and fill well to the tip with 16-18 rows of bicolor kernels. Its tight husk has a medium green color and showy flag leaves. 76 days to maturity.

Cucumber 'Boston Pickling'

Heirloom. A favorite of gardeners for high yields of short cukes with solid flesh. Cucumbers are thin-skinned, straight with full ends, and a nice green color. Vines bear continuously. Flesh is crisp and very receptive to pickling spices. Great for any pickling recipe, whether sweets or dills. May be harvested at sizes from 3 to 7 inches, depending on your pickling needs. 55 days to maturity.

Cucumber 'Bush Crop'

This dependable selection maintains a nice bushy habit instead of vining out like most cucumbers. This means that 'Bush Crop' is a good choice for gardeners with limited space. Plants can be grown in containers or tucked into a corner of the vegetable garden. The straight, cylindrical fruit is ideal for making your own homemade pickles! 55 days to maturity.

Cucumber 'Bush Pickling'

This space-saver saves garden space by growing its abundant crop on a compact, bushy plant just 3 to 4 feet wide! The fruit is just right for pickling -- 4 inches long, light to mid-green, with a crisp, tender flavor. 45 days to maturity.

Cucumber 'Marketmore'

A favorite slicer for the home garden. These long, slender, dark green cucumbers have been the standard for American slicing cucumbers in the Northeast. 63 days to maturity.

Cucumber 'Poniente'

Long European cucumber with improved disease resistance. Poniente offers an upgrade from Tyria with added resistance to cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) and cucumber vein yellowing virus (CVYV). Bitter-free, 12–13" fruits grow straight with trellising and fill out well. Excellent vigor and yield potential. 56 days to maturity.

Cucumber 'Sweet Success'

By far the sweetest flavor you'll find in any burpless English cucumber. This All-America Selections winner yields bumper crops of nearly seedless dark green 12" fruits. Burpless, parthenocarpic fruit means they remain bitter-free and do not need outside pollination to set. Resistant to cucumber and watermelon viruses, scab and leaf spot. 58 days to maturity.

Eggplant 'Black Beauty'

Over 100 years old, this 1902 Burpee introduction was an immediate hit because the plants ripened perfect fruits dramatically earlier than other varieties. It became the common market eggplant of today. Harvested fresh, however, makes all the difference.

Eggplant 'Shikou'

Shikou is a long Asian type eggplant with dark, glossy fruit that measure 6-8" long by 1-1.5 inches wide, have a purple calyx, very few seeds, thin tender skin, and a very white interior. Plants are medium-sized, productive, semi-spineless and mature about 75 days from transplant. Shikou is a Japanese word meaning "Supreme."

Honeydew Melon 'Dulce Nectar'

The fruit is about 6 to 8 inches in diameter and round to oblong. The cream-colored rind is very smooth, opening to reveal light green flesh and a small seed cavity. The flesh is juicy and mouth-wateringly sweet! No matter how hot your summers get or how long they remain, Dulce Nectar can take it! Specially adapted to grow in hot, long-summer climates, this mid-sized Honeydew also boasts some of the sweetest flavor to be found in the family. An all-around superb performer, it belongs in your vegetable patch this season! 90 days to maturity.

Kale 'Lacinato'

Heirloom. Good looks and great taste combine in Lacinato kale, which makes a striking addition to any garden setting. Dark blue-green to black leaves often have a heavily crinkled texture, which inspires one of its many common names, dinosaur kale. The flattened leaves are perfect for making kale chips.

Kale 'Red Russian'

Dark green, oak-leaf cut leaves. Tender, sweet taste when cooked; also good raw. Baby stage: harvest at 25 days. 50 days to maturity.

Kale 'Redbor'

Tasty gourmet red variety will keep you well supplied this summer. Kale leaves mingle nicely in salads, stir-fries, and soups. Best harvested when leaves are young (six inches or less) for fresh eating, or let leaves mature for prepared gourmet creations. 65-80 days to maturity.

Kale 'Winterbor'

Standard green curly kale. The plants are tall, growing up to 2–3', with excellent yield and good cold hardiness. The ruffled blue-green leaves have an attractive curl. Vigorous plants will continue growing to produce leaves for successive harvests as the lower leaves are harvested. 60 days to maturity.

Leek 'American Flag'

American Flag Leek is a classic leek and the predominant choice for home gardeners. A close relative of both onion and garlic, leeks are most commonly used in soups and stews, but can also be used effectively in salads. 90-120 Days to Harvest.

Lettuce 'Buttercrunch'

With a luscious, buttery texture, Buttercrunch has 4-to 5-in. heads that are dark green outside with a creamy yellow color inside. Best picked minutes before your meal. Plant a few lettuce plants at two-week intervals for a continuous supply of tasty lettuce. 65 days to maturity.

Lettuce 'Great Lakes'

Great Lakes' is heat and cold tolerant and has a strong resistance to bolting and tip burn. It produces large, glistening, well-rounded heads, well-folded and fine-flavoured leaves with a crisp texture. Usually ready to harvest after around 70 days . Harvest as soon as the lettuce is large enough to make it worthwhile. The harvest is over when a central stem starts to form. This is the signal that the plant is getting ready to bolt and the leaves will be bitter.

Lettuce 'Iceberg'

Crisp firm leaves grow in compact, medium-sized heads. Light green fringed and heavily ruffled outer leaves with hearts that blanch to silvery white. Grows best in cool weather. The classic crisphead lettuce. Ready to harvest 85 days after sowing seeds.

Lettuce 'Mesclun Mix'

Tasty, attractive blend of herbs and greens includes arugula, mizuna, tatsai, endive, chervil, radicchio and kale. You can harvest the leaves at baby stage 25-30 days after sowing. 55 days to maturity.

Lettuce 'Red Sails'

Early, well-regarded red leaf. Attractive, ruffled, fringed leaves of deep burgundy red over green. 55 days to maturity.

Lettuce 'Romaine Parris Island'

Flavorful pale-creamy green heart is surrounded by thick green outer leaves on enormous upright plants. Parris Island romaine lettuce can be planted close together for a long harvest of baby leaves for gourmet salads. Given space and time to grow, Parris Island will form huge crazy size heads up to 12" tall. Even at this size, the leaves are tender and succulent, with mild flavor. 65-70 days to maturity.

Lettuce 'Salad Mix'

A specially designed blend based on two years of trial research to make your salad mix stand out from the crowd. Selected varieties yield darker reds and greens even under low-light conditions. Ruffled edges and unique leaf shapes provide loft, interesting texture, good shelf life, and fancy appearance. Includes green oakleaf, red oakleaf, green romaine, red romaine, lollo rossa, and red leaf lettuces. 28 days to maturity.

Lettuce 'Simpson Elite'

Fast-growing, crinkly, medium green leaves with a crisp texture and fine flavor. Rarely gets bitter. Early maturing and tolerant of hot weather. Plant early in spring and repeat every 2 weeks into fall. Protect from heat with shade cloth. Likes fertile soil, ample water. Best when picked minutes before your meal. Space lettuce plants 8" apart. 48 days to maturity.


Okra is easy to grow and use and looks lovely throughout the growing season due to its beautiful flowers. It’s also rich in vitamin A and low in calories, which makes it a great addition to your diet. You can plant okra in the garden when the soil has warmed to about 65° or 70°F—the warmer, the better. Space plants 1 to 2 feet apart to give them ample room to grow allowing 3-4 feet between rows. The first harvest will be ready about 2 months after planting, remove lower leaves after first havest to speed production. Harvest when 2-3 inch long pods.

Onion 'Candy'

Up to 6-inch bulbs, 2-foot tops. This onion is well adapted throughout the country. Not affected by day length, it is called a day-neutral variety and will form bulbs in the North or South. The jumbo, globe-shaped bulbs are sweet and mild with lasting quality and good flavor. 100 days.

Onion 'Green Banner Bunching'

60 days. Strong dark tops, very nice long white shafts.

Onion 'Red Baron'

60 days. Long-day variety. An extremely versatile red onion that maintains its vibrant burgundy color at all stages of growth. When planted in the summer, Red Baron can be harvested in the early fall as a scallion. When plants reach 12-14 inches tall, they will start forming small bulbs, which are mild flavored and wonderful in salads or pickled.

Onion 'Ruby'

Beautiful burgundy skin gives this onion its name, Ruby Red. A good storage onion, Ruby Red is a large, firm, red onion that lasts 5-6 months. A Long Day Onion with a medium-large sized globe. Crunchy and aromatic, plants are very reliable and heavy yielding. 90-120 days

Onion 'Walla Walla'

Big round onions with sweet, mild, juicy flesh. The best mild choice for the North. The only northern onion ever to match the famous Vidalia types for quality. Well grown bulbs can reach 2 lb. apiece and will store 2-3 months. 80-90 days to maturity.

Onion 'Yellow Sweet Spanish'

One of the most popular items for gardeners, this jumbo-sized onion is mild with golden-brown skin. These golden onions produce fruit up to 1 lb. (454 g), and their great flavor lasts longer than most other varieties. Yellow Sweet Spanish onions are gardeners' favorites because they grow quickly without much effort. These onions can be harvested in less than four months after planting.

Ornamental Gourds

Multi-color trio of mini-pumpkins includes orange with green handles; green-mottled white; and green-mottled orange/white color patterns. Good for ornamental and edible use. 90-100 days to maturity.

Pea 'Sugar Snap'

Most flavorful snap variety. The vines are tall, growing about 6' or more, and need support. Pods are about 3" long, 1/2" across, and bear over a long picking period. Both peas and pods are sweet. Yields well in both hot and cold weather. Remove string from pods before cooking. 62 days to maturity.

Pepper 'Baron'

The aristocrat of bell peppers, bright red Baron is distinguished by high yields of blocky, 4-in. long fruits. Thick walled with heavy flesh, Baron is excellent for eating fresh, roasting and stuffing.

Pepper 'Better Belle II'

Better Belle II is a popular green-to-red bell pepper known for early maturity, outstanding color and high yields of quality fruit.

Pepper 'California Wonder'

The standard bell pepper for many decades, this 1928 introduction is still the largest open-pollinated, heirloom bell. A perfect stuffing pepper – blocky, thick walled, tender and flavorful. 75 days to maturity.

Pepper 'Cayenne Long Thin'

Very hot fruits 5" long and 1/2" thick. Use them fresh or they can easily be dried for winter use. Harvest starts about 75 days after plants are set out. CAUTION: Use rubber gloves, or clean hot peppers under running water, to avoid skin burn from the pepper juice.

Pepper 'Cubanelle'

This yellow-green to red tapered fruit is prized for a sweet, mild flesh that is growing in popularity because of its rich flavor and pretty colors for frying and cooking. The thin-walled pepper is especially suited for quick cooking. Popular in dishes of Spanish, Italian, and Slavic descent, many cooks prefer it to bell types. In the garden, Cubanelle peppers are unique, often growing in imperfect shapes and changing color from green/yellow to shades of orange to red. Don’t be surprised if the some of the peppers curl and twist a bit. No two seem to ever be alike — it’s part of of their charm.

Pepper 'Golden California Wonder'

70 days — Nearly identical to 'California Wonder' green bell peppers except that the fruits are a beautiful, bright gold color, changing to orange-red when mature. Golden California Wonder' makes a tasty and excellent visual addition to salads and stir fries.

Pepper 'Habanero Orange'

Among the very hottest peppers ever measured! Lantern-shaped, 1 x 1.5-in. pods have thin, wrinkled, light green flesh and ripen to a golden orange. 95 days.

Pepper 'Hungarian Wax'

A Mexican favorite that's four to five times hotter than jalapeño: distinctive, pungent flavor. Heat-lovers, here's another Mexican favorite used in a variety of dishes, from salsas to soups, with a distinctive, pungent flavor. Large 2-3' plants produce fruits about 5" long that start out bright yellow and turn red as they mature. They make great pickled peppers. 70 days to maturity.

Pepper 'Jalapeno M'

Dark green, medium-hot, thick-walled peppers 3" long, 1" wide, with rounded tips. Matures to dark red.

Pepper 'Purple Beauty'

This absolutely stunning purple bell pepper has a tender, crisp texture and low-key, sweet flavor. The large, four-lobed, thick-walled fruits remain purple for some time before ripening to a radiant purple-red and are borne on sturdy, compact plants.

Pepper 'Scotch Bonnet'

SPICY HOT! So named because of its resemblance to a Tam o' Shanter Scottish cap, this little pepper packs a rather powerful kick. Scotch Bonnet pepper seeds produce the brightly colored chile peppers that are widely used in Jamaican and other Caribbean cooking, and have a flavour profile that is quite distinct from its close cousin the Habanero. If you want the traditional flavour of jerk paste, you have to use Scotch Bonnets. Give this variety a little extra time to mature and as much heat as possible.

Pepper 'Serrano'

Serrano will give you dozens of medium-thin walled fruits per plant. Pick them early when the peppers are green and more mild or wait until they're mature and "red hot", at about 10,000 Scovilles. 1-2" Fruit.

Pepper 'Super Khi'

Super Khi is not only a good eating pepper, it offers a beautiful ornamental plant, with a semi-compact growth habit, sporting an abundance of hot chili peppers that are borne upright. The vigorous plants and pungent fruit provide a lasting source of delicious flavorings for Chinese or Thai dishes. These spicy fruit mature from green to red, and are best harvested when red at 1-1/2 inches in length. Bred for early harvest and superior yield, Super Khi can be grown in containers or in your backyard garden. It takes only one half of a red pepper to add enough heat to a bowl of chili or spicy soup to raise your temperature and increase your appreciation of the subtle flavors. When properly fertilized, just a few plants will provide enough peppers to feed your entire family. Maturity is 75 days from transplanting. An appropriate substitute for Pepper Super Chili.

Pepper 'Sweet Banana'

Even after more than 70 years, this is still extremely popular pepper. Large, pointed fruits measure 6-7" long and 1 1/2" across. The mild yellow peppers ultimately turn brilliant red. A favorite for pickling. Heirloom variety.

Pepper 'Trident'

Trident is an adaptable, high yielding Ancho pepper that produces extra-large fruits, 3½”W x 6½-7”L. Fruit are tapering, firm, and somewhat flattened. Trident ripens from dark green to red and fruit maintain size and quality across multiple harvests. 80 days to maturity.

Pumpkin 'Howden'

One of the most traditional old-time favorites for big, Fall carving pumpkins. These intense, bright orange pumpkins with defined ribs and strong “handles” grow from 10-ft. vines. Vigorous, spreading Howden pumpkins provide high yields of attractive 20 to 30-lb. fruit – expect to harvest four or five from each plant.

Pumpkin 'Sugar'

The Small Sugar Pumpkin is noted as one of the finest pie pumpkins. A staple heirloom baking pumpkin, the “Small Sugar” has been enjoyed around the Thanksgiving table for more than 120 years! 100 days to maturity.

Radish 'Rainbow Mix'

Brighten up your salad bowl with this visually stunning selection of coloured-skinned radishes. Vibrant roots of purple, red, white and gold contain crisp, white flesh with a refreshing, tangy flavour. Radish 'Rainbow Mixed' is quick growing and can be harvested in as little as 28 days from sowing.

Radish 'Rover'

Rover is extra early, holds well in the field, and has less of a tendency to produce oval radishes under heat stress than other varieties. The smooth, dark red roots are extremely uniform and attractive with crisp white flesh. 21 days to maturity.


With a flavor described by some as combining the best of onion with garlic, shallots are essential in gourmet cooking, for sauces, soups, dressings, side dishes, and casseroles. 110 days to maturity.

Spinach 'Bloomsdale'

Medium-dark green leaves on upright plants make Bloomsdale easy to harvest. Heavily savoyed. Suited for early spring and fall plantings as it is fast growing.

Spinach 'Seaside'

Delicious variety packed with nutrition and resistant to heat-induced bolting and bears small dark-green leaves. Best for the East Coast. Smooth leaves for easy cleaning, downy mildew-resistant for more care-free gardening. Grow and begin to harvest healthful greens in about 30 days.

Squash 'Buttercup'

These turban-shaped fruits are 4 1/2" high and 6 1/2" across, and they weigh in at 5 lb. Buttercup has thick, orange flesh that cooks dry and sweet, with (as the name suggests) buttery rich flavor and dark green skin with silvery stripes and spots. 105 days to maturity.

Squash 'Butternut, Waltham'

Larger fruits with small seed cavities and thick, straight, cylindrical necks. Flesh has smooth texture and sweet flavor, particularly after 2 months of storage. This 1970 All-America Selections winner from Massachusetts is still deservedly the most widely grown, full-size OP butternut. Fruits avg. 9" long. Avg. weight: 4–5 lb. Avg. yield: 4–5 fruits/plant. 85-100 days to maturity.

Squash 'Summer, Mulipik'

Vigorous bush plants have a high yield potential and long harvest period. Rich yellow fruits with a medium bulb. Yellow straighneck. 50 days to maturity.

Squash 'Summer, Zephyr'

Distinctive, slender fruits are yellow with faint white stripes and light-green blossom ends. Harvest young at 4-6" for unusually delicious, nutty flavor and firm texture. Vigorous, high-yielding plants.

Squash Acorn 'Table Ace'

The finest, tastiest acorn squash you'll ever grow. Color is excellent, and the thick, bright orange flesh is smooth and delicious. The rind is a real black-green and holds its color well in storage. Its semi-bush vines are quite compact and produce a lot of delicious squash in a limited space. Stores well all winter. 70-80 days to maturity.

Squash Spaghetti

The classic pasta alternative. Skin is ivory, changing to pale yellow at maturity. Bake like squash or boil and fork out the flesh, topping the "spaghetti" with your favorite sauce. 3-5 lb. oblong fruit. Avg. yield: 4-5 fruits/plant. 88 days to maturity.

Strawberry Everbearing

Produces medium-size berries from the start of Summer through Autumn.

Swiss Chard 'Bali Red'

Vigorous plants produce dark green leaves with contrasting dark red stems. Robust and healthy with good regrowth. 55 days to maturity; baby: 35-40 days.

Swiss Chard 'Bright Lights'

This stunning chard mix has stems in gold, pink and crimson. A few plants will be white and pink striped, orange, scarlet, purple, green and white. All are delicious to eat, though they are at their best harvested young for salads. GARDEN HINTS: Easy to grow; eat it like spinach or beet greens. Pick from late spring until winter. Grows best in full sun and will tolerate light shade. 60 days to maturity.

Tomatillo 'Toma Verde'

A green hybrid tomatillo that has mid maturity, plus a strong plant with strong vigor and cover. Fruit set is very good and offers improved uniformity, yield potential and longer cycle production. Fruit are firm, have strong healthy husks, attractive green color and above average shelf life. Tomatillos ripen late in the season, so have patience, and are fully ripe when they pull easily from plants with a gentle tug and the husks are papery and turn green-brown. Unique flavor of the green fruit makes a tasty salsa verde. 75 days to maturity.

Tomato 'Amish Paste'

A long-time favorite heirloom plum. Large for a sauce tomato, Amish Paste's slightly irregular plum-to strawberry shaped fruits avg. 8-12 oz. with excellent flavor. These meaty tomatoes are good in salads and great for processing. Indeterminate. 85 days to maturity.

Tomato 'Better Boy'

Huge, tasty, red tomatoes, many 1 lb. each. Large, delicious, bright red, high yielding fruits are borne in abundance starting midseason and continuing to frost. Better Boy is highly adaptable and thrives in most climates and has very good disease resistance. Indeterminate. 72 days to maturity.

Tomato 'Big Beef'

The large fruit has old-time tomato flavor and the vines are resistant to many of the problems that can discourage gardeners. The fruit is borne on vigorous, indeterminate vines from summer until frost. Compared to other beefsteak types, Big Beef is early and will set fruit reliably even in cool, wet weather. 73 days to maturity.

Tomato 'Black Krim'

Originating in the Crimea, an island peninsula known for its perfect "tomato Summers," this beefsteak variety bears medium-sized, very dark maroon fruits with wonderfully rich flavor. Delicate skin and juicy, green-tinted flesh complete the package! 80 days to maturity.

Tomato 'Black Prince'

As befits a native of Siberia, the Black Prince tomato thrives where summers are too cool for some varieties. However, it does well in warm climates, too. These deep garnet tomatoes are among the most popular of the "black" types. Compact at only two inches across, Black Prince produces glossy fruits that are round to slightly plum-shaped. As deeply colored inside as out, this variety is known for its rich, sweet flavor and juiciness. 70 days to maturity.

Tomato 'Brandywine Pink'

This popular beefsteak-sized, Amish tomato produces rosy pink fruits loaded with an old-fashioned tomato taste that has been prized for decades. It is considered one of the benchmarks for intense tomato flavor. The indeterminate vines are vigorous, so use tall cages. Vines yield tomatoes that ripen gradually until frost. Plants have “potato leaf” foliage. The tangy taste of Brandywine is a gourmet cook’s delight. 80-100 days to maturity.

Tomato 'Burpee Big Boy'

Burpee’s Big Boy is a long-time best seller with firm, smooth, red fruit, great flavor and excellent quality. Introduced in 1949, its incredible productivity and gorgeous, large, (8 to 9-oz), scarlet fruit made it an instant hit. 78 days to maturity.

Tomato 'Celebrity'

Celebrity vines bear clusters of medium-large tomatoes that are prized for their flavor. This is a great, all-round, dependable choice for your “basic” tomato needs — sandwiches, slicing, snacks, and bruschetta. Gardeners love that the plants are quite resistant to disease, too. The large, meaty fruit with exceptional flavor are borne on dependable, strong vines that benefit from the support of a cage or stake to keep them upright, especially when loaded with fruit. Celebrity is sometimes considered a semi-determinate tomato plant, because it grows to a certain height (3 to 4 feet) but continues to produce fruit all season until frost.

Tomato 'Cherokee Purple'

Slice Cherokee Purple tomato for rich, dark color and unmatched sweet, rich taste on sandwiches or in salads. The tomato is a beautiful dusky pink with a deep, rich-red interior. Cherokee Purple grows well in most regions of the U.S. Let the fruit ripen on the vine for the best flavor. This one is a consistent taste test winner at tomato fests around the country. For an heirloom, it is a good producer. 80-90 days to maturity.

Tomato 'Early Girl'

Bears heavy crops extremely early, continues longer than most tomatoes. Large clusters of 5 oz. fruits are borne extremely early, continues longer than most varieties. Globe to slightly flattened shape. Bright red and meaty with a lot of flavor and aroma. A prodigious producer. Harvest 59 days from transplant. Indeterminate.

Tomato 'Fourth of July'

Early tomato, you could have luscious vine-ripened fruit as early as the Fourth of July! The indeterminate plants produce a plentiful harvest of red 4 oz. tomatoes all season long. 49 days to maturity.

Tomato 'Husky Cherry Red'

This super sweet cherry tomato is a best seller because of its flavor, productivity, and good looks. If you like to snack on cherry tomatoes, this is a great choice. One of the popular “Husky” series developed especially for home gardens, the plant is stout, dark green and really pretty. The vines are dwarf indeterminate, making them short and husky like a determinate type, usually between 3 and 4 feet, yielding clusters of tasty little cherry tomatoes in a small space over a long period of time. Perfect for pots, too. The dwarf vines stay neat and compact, but give the plant a little support on a stake or cage to keep it upright in rain and wind.

Tomato 'Jet Star'

Jet Star tomato plants produce big yields of large, clean fruit, quite free of cracks and scars, in the second early season. Globe-shaped fruit with bright, attractive color inside and out have a pleasant flavor. Sturdy, indeterminate tomato vines grow vigorously, producing heavily on stakes or on the ground. Jet Star is a low acid tomato. Add lemon juice when canning. 72 days to maturity.

Tomato 'Juliet'

Slightly larger than the well-known Santa grape tomato, Juliet bears delicious, sweet fruit on indeterminate vines. Some gardeners refer to it as a mini Roma because of the shape. The wonderfully sweet fruit are crack resistant and remain in good condition on the vine longer than most cherry tomatoes. The fruit are as soft and juicy as cherry tomatoes, they hold up well in salads, even leftovers, and they have a longer shelf life so you can keep them on hand without picking every day. The vigorous vines set lots of fruit on long trusses and keep setting fruit throughout the summer. Quite heat tolerant. Vines are long and vigorous, so give the plant room to tumble over its cage. One of the longest-lasting tomatoes in the garden. Hybrid.

Tomato 'La Roma'

Heirloom. The classic sauce and paste tomato. Meaty interiors and few seeds. Garden Hints: Fertilize when first fruits form to increase yield. Water deeply once a week during very dry weather. 76 days to maturity.

Tomato 'Lemon Boy'

Lemon Boy hybrid is an eye-catching tomato with wonderful color and flavor. The deep globe fruit is slightly tangy, but also sweet and mild, meaty, and smooth — perfect for slicing. Adds visual interest to the garden! Vines grow rather tall, so be sure to stake or cage the plant.

Tomato 'Marzinera'

Marzinera' is an heirloom marriage hybrid which crosses two heirlooms to produce earlier and more fruit, with great flavor and fewer blemishes than the parents. This is a red roma/paste tomato cross of San Marzano x Cream Sausage. Indeterminate habit produces 3-4 oz tomatoes. 70-75 days to maturity from transplant.

Tomato 'Mortgage Lifter'

This huge heirloom beefsteak (up to 4 lb.; average 2 1/2 lb.) consistently wins taste-tests. 80 days to maturity.

Tomato 'Napa Grape'

Napa maintains a higher sugar content than any other grape tomato-and the sweetness doesn't fade in late summer. The elongated, shiny red 1" globes produce in abundance on the vigorous vines. 65 days to maturity.

Tomato 'Old German'

High on flavor and low on seeds! the big, 1-lb, yellow fruit have a luscious red exterior and center. Although it has an odd shape, Old German is one of the best-tasting slicers you can grow. Dates back to the mid-1800s from Virginia's Shenandoah Valley. 75 days to maturity.

Tomato 'Patio'

Patio hybrid is excellent for containers and small gardens, bearing tasty 3 to 4 oz tomatoes on strong, compact plants that grow only 2 feet tall. The stout stems generally do not need much staking at first, but it won’t hurt to have stake or small cage to keep them upright in wind and rain, especially when loaded with fruit. This little plant is surprisingly productive. 70 days to maturity.

Tomato 'Pineapple'

Named for its shape, not flavor, the Pineapple tomato is a bi-color beefsteak tomato. Its outer ribbing is reminiscent of a pineapple’s ribbed exterior. The tomato’s size, too, places it in the category of large tomatoes. Known for its excellent flavor particularly among bi-color tomatoes, Pineapple is mildly sweet with low acidity, somewhat fruity, and includes a hint of citrus. Its flavor improves towards end of season.

Tomato 'San Marzano'

The best-known paste tomato! Long, blocky fruits are easy to seed, leaving plenty of meat for a first-class paste or sauce. San Marzano is also delicious canned or dried. 80 days to maturity.

Tomato 'Sun Gold'

One taste and you'll know why this gold gem gets such highs marks. The sweet-tart flavor is simply amazing. The beautiful golden-orange fruits are borne in large clusters. The flavor develops early, so this little tomato is great for snacking a week before full maturity, when it becomes very sweet and delicious. 65 days to maturity.

Tomato 'Sun Sugar'

The SunSugar Tomato is an early maturing cherry tomato with a high sugar content that is a customer favorite for a reason! These beautiful cherry sized orange tomatoes will be the first tomato to harvest in early summer. Every 1/2 oz. fruit has 3 times more vitamin A found in most other red tomatoes. Not only does this variety contain more nutrients but it is sweeter than candy and impossible to eat just one! SunSugar is crack resistant with very vigorous, heavy yields. 62 days to maturity.

Tomato 'Super Sweet 100'

Cherry tomatoes bursting with sugary flavor. The scarlet, cherry-sized fruits are produced in long pendulous clusters right up to frost. Grow on stakes or a fence.

Tomato 'Yellow Pear'

This extremely old variety makes a vigorous plant that bears enormous numbers of bright yellow, bite-sized fruit. The flavor is deliciously tangy. Perfect for summer party hors d'oeuvres. 75 days to maturity.

Watermelon 'Sugar Baby'

Sugar Baby saves space in the garden and in the refrigerator. The only thing oversized is its rich and incredibly sweet taste. The compact vines produce plenty of 8 to 10-lb. fruits packed with fine-textured, red-orange flesh. Perfect for any small-space garden! 75 days to maturity.

Zucchini 'Eight Ball'

Mini zucchini that's loaded with flavor. Loaded with delicious nutty, buttery flavor, Eight Ball makes a fantastic stuffer. Vines are very productive. Size: 3-4" x 3". 55 days to maturity.

Zucchini 'Elite'

Zucchini Elite sets the standard for medium green zucchini. An extra-early hybrid with a classic cylindrical shape, Elite’s slim fruit are best when picked at 7 to 8" in length. Its open plant makes picking easy, and its yields are incredible. Consistent performance has made Zucchini Elite the market-leader for years.