An aromatic plant that produces numerous bright pink flowers that cover the branches in early May. Aromatic, small, glossy, bright green foliage in summer, turns coppery bronze in winter. A hardy, fast - growing plant with a dense, mounding habit, it prefers full sun and well - drained, rich soil. Excellent winter leaf retention.
Striking, riveting, brilliant blue flowers grace this selection in early May, nearly covering its uniquely small, elongated, shiny foliage. Compact, mounded landscape form is easy to work with and looks good year round, even in winter as its foliage takes on a decidedly reddish-bronze hue
A dense, rounded form with lustrous, deep green foliage, serves as a backdrop for distinct yellow flower trusses that will easily be the best yellow seen on a Rhododendron in this part of the country.
Our hardiest broadleaf white rhododendron, this variety is vigorous growing and dependably sets loads of lilac-tinged flower buds that open pure white with yellow blotches in mid-May.
Dependable and hardy with a round dense shape that lends itself well to any landscape situation. Deep purple buds open lavender in mid-May and put on quite a show!
This variety is a beauty with a dense, compact habit and narrow deep dark green foliage. Later blooming, toward the end of May, it's usually covered with big trusses of white flowers with yellow centers. Although most are adaptable to full sun or full shade, the large - leaf varieties perform best in partial shade with protection from harsh summer and winter sun as well as wind.
Compact growing with great dark green foliage, this selection is easy to grow and a dependable, profuse bloomer with even an occasional fall bloom! Buds are pink, opening to white with a greenish yellow blotch in early May. It will become an anchor plant in your landscape.
Dramatic merlot-red, ruffled blooms emerge on a neat, mounded plant in May. Deep red flowers against glossy, dark green foliage create a show-stopping explosion in your landscape.
A beautiful, dense-growing evergreen shrub, prized for its large, elegant trusses of showy rosy pink-purple flowers that stand out against the lustrous dark green foliage. Thrives in cooler regions but benefits from protection from winter winds. An outstanding choice for foundation plantings or for use as an accent specimen. Use this romantic lavender-flowering hybrid at the back of the shrub border with others of its size. Plant as a single accent outside a special window or use to fill a barren corner of the yard. Makes a foolproof front-yard display plant to fill in side-yard gaps and disguise utilities. Makes a good evergreen hedge for privacy or to absorb sound.
Interesting wavy-edged deep green foliage and dark purple flowers make this variety stand out. Quite hardy and a strong grower, its late May bloom make this plant a knockout.
A dense and spreading compact shrub with handsome dark green, glossy foliage. This hardy mid-season bloomer heralds spring with deep red-violet buds
Beautiful glossy dark green foliage with golden-yellow flowers speckled with red. Prefers cooler regions but some protection from winter wind is recommended. Makes an outstanding accent specimen or low, informal hedge.
A great, eye-grabbing red flower on a very dependable plant adds up to this variety being extremely popular! Profuse mid-May bloom on this heat and cold tolerant selection and large, upright form make this a great landscape background plant.
Super hardy and super compact, this floriferous, denser selection of 'PJM Elite' will light up the landscape with huge clusters of deep lavender-pink flowers in late April and early May. 'PJM Elite Star' is likely the most tolerant Rhody you'll find for cold conditions and will reward you with a consistently breathtaking flower show each spring.
A slightly more compact form of PJM, this plant is a landscape stunner both for form and flower. The purple-plum color of the winter foliage serves as a great background for the late April burst of brilliant lavender pink bloom.Extremely hardy!
Early flowering. Brilliant lavender - pink flowers cover the entire plant in late April when forsythia is in bloom. Small, rich green, aromatic foliage turns a vibrant dark mahogany winter color from October through April. Even though it seems to be a compact growing plant when young, it will attain a large stature with maturity if allowed to grow unsheared or in partial shade. More sunlight will produce a deeper fall foliage color.
Unique form, bud color, and flower color will make this Rhododendron an unforgettable landscape experience. Tight, low and spreading, this broadleaf Rhododendron will mature twice as wide as tall with a pleasing form that is perfect where height issues are paramount. Leathery, dark green leaves populate its branches and serve as the backdrop for striking, bulbous, branch ending buds that turn nearly black as they expand in mid to late May to expose the first glimpses of flowers color. When the buds open fully, frilly deep, dark purple flowers form huge trusses that cover the plant with this rare, very showy color. What a sight and what a perfect, well behaved plant for morning sun/afternoon shade conditions!
A handsome dwarf evergreen shrub with a dense habit and deep blue-green foliage that develops a bronze tint in winter. Prized for its showy trusses of stunning purple-violet flowers.
Purpureum Elegans Rhododendron is covered in stunning clusters of lightly-scented purple trumpet-shaped flowers with a burgundy blotch at the ends of the branches in mid spring. It has dark green foliage. The glossy narrow leaves remain dark green throughout the winter.
Roseum Elegans Rhododendron is smothered in stunning clusters of lilac purple trumpet - shaped flowers with shell pink overtones at the ends of the branches in mid spring, which emerge from distinctive purple flower buds. It has green foliage. The large narrow leaves do not develop any appreciable fall color.
Rounded evergreen shrub with dark green foliage. Clear pale pink flowers with light brown blotches burst forth in late May. Ideal for hedge, accent plant or in natural setting.
A dense growing beauty with bronze winter foliage, this plant is highlighted in late April with an eye-catching display of profuse, soft yellow flowers. Low and dwarf, this plant deserves a try in any small landscape space.
Another excellent, compactly formed selection that cries out for wide landscape use. Mid-May bloom is heavy and attractive with a showy, dark pink color that stands out.
Showy pinkish white blooms create a striking contrast against the deep olive green foliage. A vigorous grower and low maintenance
A unique tart and sweet combination. Tart skin covers the sweet flesh of these tasty, ruby berries, so you can enjoy both flavors. Perfect for making pies and jams. Bushes are heavy producers, even when young. Mildew-resistant and cold-hardy. Ripens in July. Self-pollinating.
Clusters of large, bright red berries, delicious eaten fresh or used in jams and jellies, ripen mid-July
Finally - a fragrant, disease-resistant rose! It's the dawn of a new day for roses: At Last® combines all the romance of a fragrant, fully-petaled tea rose with the no-nonsense practicality of a disease-resistant landscape rose. No spraying is required to enjoy a non-stop display of large, sweetly perfumed sunset-orange blossoms from late spring through frost. Handsome, glossy foliage and a vigorous, rounded habit makes it ideal for use in the landscape or the flower garden.
Perhaps the most famous, most durable climbing rose available, 'Blaze' is a flower producing machine with big bunches of lightly scented, pure red flowers on aggressive, flowing canes. 'Blaze' keeps the flowers coming throughout the season and blooms on both new and old wood.
This rose has been sought after for decades due to its bigorous nature and its double, clear lavender flowers that appear throughout the summer, ready to be cut for any long stem bouquet. A light, fruity flowers scent adds to the intrigue of this very popular selection.
This deep red Floribunda rose has an outstanding color with excellent disease resistance. It produces dark green glossy foliage and maintains a nice rounded habit. It will rebloom throughout the season.
An old stand-by that still is the standard by which great Hybrid Teas are judged! Huge, shapely flowers open velvety red with a powerful sweet, spicy fragrance that just fills the yard.
The old standby that still keeps on performing. Vigorous and spreading, this plant is awash with double, deep pink flowers throughout the growing season and is nearly care free with glossy, disease-resistant foliage.
Bold, bright red flowers are single in form and prolific throughout the season. Vigorous and strongly spreading, this selection will really cover some ground that will look all the better for that coverage!
Double white bloom and trailing form will make your landscape look like a blanket of snow in summer when this is flowering full tilt! This selection is vigorous and exhibits terrific glossy, deep green foliage.
Great vigor and great blooming power distinguish this selection that is so little known yet so superlative in the landscape. 'Gold Medal' is a strong . Upright power that clothes itself in deep green resistant foliage that always seems to look great in the garden. Late May sees bunches of large buds grouped at the top of stems colored gold, brushed with orange color that open to reveal deep, golden yellow double flowers with a rich, fruity fragance you'll love. 'Gold medal' is one of the best rebloomers in the garden and very dependable so be prepared for color throughout the summer and great, fragrant blooms to cut for inside, too! Plant 'Gold Medal'in full sun with good airflow, mulch on the soil surface and feed regularly during the growing season.
Riveting color and superb garden form make this plant, in a word, intriguing! Deep, dark green foliage is tightly packed on a dense, rounded frame serving as a perfect backdrop to bunches of large, double flowers that emerge an extraordinary velvety-plum purple and keep on blooming throughout the summer. Even better, 'Intrigue' exudes a wondrously strong citrus scent that fills the garden.
Huge, multi-colored flowers of red, pink, orange and yellow grace this vigorous climber. Long-blooming and blooms on new and old wood. Great foliage.
Just before our wonderful American icon left us, she selected this exceptional rose to bear her name. Julia loved the even butter gold color & the licorice candy fragrance. Yet it wasn't just the old-fashioned blooms that inspired the recipe. The perfectly rounded habit, super glossy leaves & great disease resistance finish off the dish. An awesome AARS award winner—a right & proper honor for a dear friend. Consistent, hardy & floriferous in all climates. Very disease resistant.
An award winning, reliable & easy to grow rose with a profusion of rich, velvety red blooms atop beautiful dark green, glossy disease resistant foliage. Flowering from early summer to frost, it suits every garden and every lifestyle.
A dependable Hybrid Tea that keeps on giving velvety, rich red flowers with strong demask scent thoughout the growing season.
Fragrant, blush pink, double flowers cover this large climbing rose. Glossy dark green foliage and abundant rose hips in autumn add to the show for months of show stopping curb appeal.
This regal Glandiflora sets the standard for this rose type with its dependability and profusion of long-stemmed bunches of clear pink blossoms.
The Rise Up™ series of roses are the first-ever climbing roses from Proven Winners ColorChoice Shrubs. We call them "mini climbers," as they keep a neat, dense habit and can be grown as a climber or a shrub rose, depending on how the gardener prunes or trains them. Coming to us from the rose breeding genius of Chris Warner in the UK, these vigorous, healthy, reblooming roses create a range of new applications for Proven Winners roses. Rise Up™ Ringo® rose is a beautiful mini-climber with double golden yellow flowers featuring a bright red eye. Very healthy foliage and a very vigorous growth habit. Moderate fragrance. Winner of the Warsaw Rose Trials Photographers Award and the Australian National Bronze Medal.
Rich golden yellow flowers send a lovely fragrance adrift through the summer air, making any outdoor space a haven of luxury.
Wonderfully scented, deep rose pink blooms. Flowers freely and almost continuously. Thornless climbing rose.
A variety of unusual coloring that changes with age to a glowing deep pink-red. The deeply cupped flowers soon open to slightly cupped rosettes. The fragrance is fruity, with aspects of wine and pear drops. It forms a dense, rather upright shrub. REPEAT FLOWERING roses flower in flushes from late spring through to fall.
Glorious, neatly formed rosettes of a lovely apricot-orange with a strong, fruity fragrance. A well-rounded, slightly arching growth. Repeat flowering.
When young, the outer petals of each bloom form a perfect ring around an inner cup, gradually opening out to form a perfect, medium-large rosette. The color is a deep, rich crimson-pink, taking on a tinge of mauve just before the petals drop. There is a light-medium fruity scent. It forms a compact shrub with attractive bushy growth. REPEAT FLOWERING roses flower in flushes from late spring through to fall.
One of the largest-flowered English Roses, bearing rich yellow blooms in the form of giant cups. They have a strong Tea fragrance, developing wonderfully combined notes of Sauternes wine and strawberry. It forms a rounded shrub, with ample foliage – the flowers held beautifully poised on long, arching branches. Repeat flowering.
High Voltage shocks with beautiful clusters of double yellow blossoms held high on sturdy stems. Its incredibly clean foliage complements the fragrant blooms, giving your garden a fresh feeling. This own root shrub rose grows in an upright, vase shape, making it a perfect plant for the back of a border or stand out as an accent. Portland Rose Society named High Voltage the Best Shrub Rose in 2010.
Resembling a hybrid tea rose, the velvety red blossoms are as soft as cashmere and beg to be cut for the vase. With an evenly rounded habit, Kashmir fits perfectly into today's urban landscapes. Try this bold accent plant in the border, foundation or as a low hedge, hugging paths and walkways.
Music Box boasts everblooming double blossoms with creamy yellow centers surrounded by delicate pink blends. Glossy medium foliage accompanies the beautiful flowers, making an ideal accent shrub for any garden. This statement rose is own root shrub rose is highly disease resistant and does not disappoint.
Pinktopia is an ideal accent or hedge plant. Masses of pink flowers are surrounded by dark green foliage and red new growth, creates a beautiful contrast. Own root.
Brilliant color and superb disease resistance will make this latest addition to the Knock Out® Rose family an absolute winner in your landscape. Shiny, deep green foliage serves as the backdrop for rich orange to coral flowers that bloom from spring through fall
Just as gorgeous as 'Double Knockout' only with intense hot pink blooms. The double have twice the number of petals as regular 'Knock Out' roses, presenting a fuller, richer, traditional style rose flower that is simply breathtaking. Blooms maintain a continuous show of color from early June to hard frost, with beautiful foliage almost year round. Compact and upright fashion, more winter hardiness and shade tolerance.
Easy Bee-zy™ Knock Out® delivers flower power like no other with fragrant yellow flowers that bloom repeatedly from spring to frost. Plant individually, in a group, or mixed with other perennials, shrubs or roses.
Orange Glow™ Knock Out® delivers flower power like no other with luminous orange flowers that bloom repeatedly from spring to frost. Plant individually, in a group, or mixed with other perennials, shrubs or roses.
Blooms from spring through fall with attractive pink flowers. The overall color effect is peach, achieved with the combination of pink petals that become yellow in the center. The color will be much more intense with the cooler temperature in the spring and fall.
The Petite Knock Out® Rose is the first-ever miniature Knock Out® Rose! It has the same flower power and easy care as others in The Family, but in an adorable, compact size! Not only is the plant petite, but it displays smaller blooms than other Knock Out® Roses. Plant in decorative containers for your porch or patio, or in mass for a dramatic pop of bold red color.
Single petals just like the original 'Knock Out' but in a beautiful shade of bright pink. And like the other members of the family, The Pink 'Knock Out' Rose is black spot resistant, drought tolerant and self - cleaning. A perfect companion to other shrubs, roses and perennials.
Loads of buds top deep green foliage from May to October, continually opening to reveal bright yellow, single, 3” diameter flowers that mature to creamy yellow as they age. These are the only fragrant members in The 'Knock Out' Family. The plants clean themselves, dropping their spent petals, and are perfect for groupings or as a stand alone
The original member of The Knock Out® Family, this shrub rose set a new standard in disease resistance with little to no maintenance required. The bloom cycle produces rich cherry red, hot pink blooms that will continue until the first hard frost. Black spot resistant, drought-tolerant and self-cleaning.
A compact, exceptionally disease resistant selection with abundant, single white flowers backed by superb dark green, nearly black foliage. This rose re-defines flower power, with nearly non-stop blooming in the mildest climates
Tough,hardy, native plant that thrives in difficult sites. Used extensively in seashore locations. Large, flowers that bloom somewhat continously all summer.
Pure white, single flowers abound in the spring, recur sporadically throughout the season and fill the air with their sweet scent
A dense, rounded mound of a plant with a continuous show of semi-double purple-crimson flowers. Very hardy with bright red, bird attracting hips in the fall and winter months.
If you like fall bearing Raspberries, 'Anne' is your choice for the best fall bearing yellow Raspberry. Think of 'Anne' almost a yellow version of the old red favorite fall bearer, 'Heritage'. 'Anne' offers the same big, sweet berries in big numbers in the spring and fall just like 'Heritage' only in a pleasing yellow, firm berry that your taste buds will thank you for. Like all Raspberries, 'Anne' is easy to grow in any sunny location... just give it space so you can pick easily and so this wide grower does not overfill a small space.
A thornless blackberry that yields a productive crop of large, very sweet, high quality fruit. The hardiest thornless blackberry, it does fine in all of Zone 5, and has good resistance to cane blight. Ripens in July.
Red raspberry with flavorful fruit, producing one crop in mid July and another in early September. Flesh stays firm even when over-ripe.
This tried and true selection was developed by Washington State University back in 1967 and features brilliant red fruit that is highly sweet and perfect for home gardeners. Aggressive growing, expect a great July harvest after a strong May flower bloom.
Navaho is an upright,blackberry producer on a thornless shrub. When berries are not in season, there are clusters of pinkish-white blossoms. Excelent snack for a hot summer day when matured in the mid-to-late July, or to use in canning and pies. Get ready to love this variety year after year!
Revolutionary! There is no other word for this Raspberry that is a quantum leap ahead of the competition. Dwarf and rounded, this thornless beauty tops off at only 3' in height while producing a boatload of sweet tasting mid season red Raspberries in June and July. While it does spread like other Raspberries in the ground, it is perfectly suited for growing in a container on a deck so that you can pick delicious fruit at your leisure. Gone are the Raspberries that take over the landscape! Start a berry revolution in your garden today!
Vigorous, spreading, deciduous shrub with a multitude of gray, hairy catkins that appear in mid to late March. Attractive red-brown stems and bluish backed foliage. Tolerates wet soil, easy to grow. Perfect for large border plantings.
Outstanding tri-color variegation of white, green and pink make this more compact growing pussy willow an interesting landscape addition. Easy to grow, prefers moist soil.
Intense purple black foliage is finely cut, giving it an effect similar to that of Japanese maple. Huge 10” diameter creamy pink, fragrant flowers in spring contrast nicely with the dark leaves. They are followed by blackish red fall berries which can be harvested for making wine and jam, or left on the plant to attract birds and other wildlife. 'Black Lace' is very cold hardy and easy to grow, and adaptable to most sites. Full sun is needed for the best color. Tough enough for roadsides or naturalizing. Good in wet soils
Variegated va-va-voom! Brighten your garden with Instant Karma® elderberry. A major improvement over older variegated elderberries, Instant Karma offers neat, clean foliage of interplaying green and white. Large, lacy flower clusters appear in early summer, and if a pollinator variety (like Black Lace® or Black Beauty® elderberry) is present, you'll get a crop of purple-black fruit in autumn. This versatile plant can be grown as a small tree or large shrub - it even plays nice in a perennial garden if it is cut back each year for a handsome spray of bright foliage.
Beautiful elderberries like Black Lace® and Black Beauty® have long been some of our most popular varieties - but as fairly large plants, not everyone has space for them. Enter Laced Up® elderberry, an amazing narrow, upright variety that takes up only a few square feet of ground. Feathery black foliage covers broomstick-straight stems that shoot toward the sky but stay in a narrow column. Early summer brings hundreds of pink flowers to contrast with the leaves. It's an exotic looking plant that's surprisingly hardy and easy to grow!
Ever wish our popular Black Lace® elderberry came in a sunny bright yellow? We are happy to oblige: Lemony Lace® offers finely dissected foliage but in a cheery gold color to really light up your landscape. This North American native produces big clusters of white flowers in early spring before the foliage emerges, then bright yellow leaves take over, edged in red. As the foliage ages, it turns an attractive chartreuse. Though it is a large plant, it can be pruned to stay smaller if you'd like. Deer resistant. Native to North America.
Little Princess Spirea is perfect for a cottage garden. It attracts lots of butterflies to its pink flowers. Plant it along a foundation, put it in a border or in a rock garden. Use it as a low casual hedge or to line a sidewalk.
Unique and showy in bloom with rose-pink and white flower heads appearing on the same plant starting in mid-June. Compact and spreading, this variety will bloom throughout the summer if old flower heads are removed.
Selected for increased resistance to foliar diseases, this graceful shrub features a massive display of pure white flowers and colorful orange-red fall color. Very attractive as a specimen plant or in mass plantings. Deciduous.
Tiny rose - pink flowers in flat - topped clusters cover the foliage in late spring to mid - summer with sparse and intermittent repeat bloom often occurring throughout the remainder of the growing season. Flowers are attractive to butterflies. ‘Goldflame is noted for the changing colors of its foliage. Leaves emerge bronze - red in spring, mature to yellow - green by summer and finally acquire interesting yellow - orange - copper hues in fall.
A real improvement in gold foliage Spireas, this selection keeps its gold color throughout the summer and blooms heavily from mid - June through July with pink, flat flower heads. Neat compact form makes it easy to use anywhere.
Japanese spirea comes by its popularity earnestly: durable, super easy to care for, and perfectly pretty pink flowers in spring. Double Play Big Bang® spirea does the landscape classic one better with the biggest, pinkest flowers of any Japanese spirea. It also offers super colorful new growth, especially when it emerges in early spring. That's what makes it a perfect Double Play! Like other Japanese spirea, it's drought tolerant, deer resistant, grows and blooms well in partial shade, and maintains a nice, neat shape without pruning.
Meet the newest and most colorful Proven Winners spirea, Double Play® Candy Corn®. The show starts in early spring when the new growth emerges bright candy apple red. As it matures, it turns pineapple yellow, and the new growth continues to emerge bright orange all season. Top it off with dark purple flowers in late spring/early summer, and you've got a display you really have to see to believe. Be sure to click the image tab below to see just how showy this low-maintenance spiraea is! Deer resistant.
Like all of the Double Play® spirea series, the show begins in early spring, when the foliage emerges in blazing brilliant color - in this case, deep red. By late spring, the flowers begin to emerge, a bright, glowing purple-red that truly sings in the landscape. And as summer comes on, the show doesn't stop: it just keeps flowering, and flowering, and flowering. Because it produces no seeds, it puts all of its energy into flowering! It does it all with the same good looks, drought tolerance, and deer resistance that you expect from spirea, too.
Double Play Spiraea have vibrant flowers and stunning foliage. Double Play Pink is an improved variety of spirea whose foliage emerges dark red in spring and then turn rich green in time for the pure pink spring flowers. The flower color on this variety is quite intense - much deeper than that of other varieties. It has a dense, mounded habit that is perfect for landscapes.
Double Play spireas have vibrant flowers and stunning foliage. Double Play Red is a flower color breakthrough, with nearly-red flowers. Add in showy dark burgundy spring foliage and you've got the perfect double play!
Light chartreuse - green foliage throughout the spring and summer make this an outstanding accent plant. Produces best color in full sun. Very compact habit. Flowers are pink in June and July. Fall color is pinkish red.
Yes, you have space for a delightfully fragrant lilac! Baby Kim lilac is our smallest lilac to date, but boy, does it pack in a lot of flower power. Enjoy glossy, dark green foliage, an abundance of fragrant purple blooms that don't fade to white, and a useful rounded habit that fits into just about any sunny spot. It brings all the joy of lilacs into a neater, tidier package so you can enjoy this classic flowering shrub no matter how much - or how little - space you have.
Selected for its fragrant pure white flowers, compact, rounded growth habit and mildew tolerance. This is one of the better lilacs for warmer climates.
Don't settle for lilacs that bloom just once a year - get Bloomerang® lilacs and enjoy months of blooms instead of just weeks. Big, bold, and beautiful - that's Bloomerang® Dark Purple lilac. Naturally growing as a handsome, rounded shrub, very large dark purple buds emerge in mid to late spring. These open to a classic deep purple-lilac color and perfume the air for weeks. The plant then takes a brief rest to create new growth before it starts to bloom again in mid to late summer, continuing through frost. Bloomerang lilacs are also noted for their exceptional disease resistance - no worries about ugly white or brown foliage to spoil the floral show. And like other lilacs, it is sun-loving and deer resistant, so it makes an easy care choice for years of beauty.
Think you don't have room for a lilac? Think again! Bloomerang® Dwarf Pink lilac naturally grows as a small, rounded shrub, at just about a third the size of conventional lilacs. It outperforms other lilacs with its pure pink blooms that cover the plant in late spring, then reappear throughout summer and fall. Plus, it's vigorous and resistant to disease. Just plant it in full sun, soil that's not too wet, and enjoy the show for years to come.
Think you don't have room for a lilac? Think again! Bloomerang® Dwarf Purple lilac naturally grows as a small, rounded shrub, at just about a third the size of conventional lilacs. It outperforms other lilacs with its perfectly purple blooms that cover the plant in late spring, then reappear throughout summer and fall. Plus, it's vigorous and resistant to disease. Just plant it in full sun, soil that's not too wet, and enjoy the show for years to come.
Enjoy classic lilac fragrance for months instead of weeks! A revolutionary new kind of lilac, Bloomerang blooms in spring and then again throughout the summer. It does go through a rest period in the heat of the summer, then flowers again as Bloomerang's fragrant flowers continue until frost. This compact, mounded variety fits easily into any landscape, and is ideal as a foundation planting or as part of the mixed border.
Selected at the U.S. National Arboretum for its very large, fragrant, dark reddish-purple flowers and clean foliage. It has an upright habit and good mildew resistance.
Looking for a pink lilac with the traditional lilac scent? 'Maiden's Blush' is it! This early blooming Lilac blooms about 1 week before the common and French lilacs and is considered the best pink Lilac available on the market. The single, very fragrant blooms are held above a cloud of green leaves in big, attractive cones that will dazzle in early to mid-May. These factors, as well as being able to survive the coldest of winters and maintaining an upright form, makes 'Maiden's Blush' a perfect plant for full sun or partial shade, to be planted alone as a specimen or in groups to create a deliciously fragrant border planting. Try planting 'Maiden's Blush' near a porch or walkway to better enjoy the heavenly scented blooms and beauty.
Pearl Potion™ delivers all the great lilac qualities we love in an improved compact form. Each spring, pure white fragrant flowers blossom to make your outdoor space a sweeter place. And because it’s easier to maintain, you can spend your extra time relaxing and breathing in the wonderful scents of spring.
Palibins profusion of delicately perfumed lavender - pink blooms burst forth from dark purple buds in early May. The compact and wide growing shrub is covered in clean foliage that is not susceptible to powdery mildew like so many older varieties.
Showy 3” long panicles of fragrant purple flowers grace this dense, full shrub in mid - May. Leaves are deep green and somewhat glossy and tend to keep clean throughout the growing season.
Trouble free and spectacular, this plant will be a blooming masterpiece in any landscape. Round, dense form is covered with creamy white, 6-12" long panicles of flowers in June. A real beauty!
The common lilac is an old-fashioned, long-lived, and well-loved lilac best known for its fragrant flowers. It is extremely hardy and thrives with little care which make it a lovely shrub for a specimen planting, in masses, screens, hedges, or mixed in shrub borders. The May blooming flowers are typically purple to lilac but cultivars also come in magenta, pink and white.
An upright grower with open branches, this lilac sends out clusters of exquisite, pure white flowers in mid-May. With a heavenly scent to match its visual appeal, this is a variety that is sure to please in hedges, screens, or as an accent in your landscape.
This compact, unique Lilac is beautiful in both the landscape and containers. It produces fragrant, lavender flowers in the spring, is resistant to mildew, and displays attractive foliage throughout the season.
You may remember Lilacs from your grandma’s yard by their fragrance and size. These Lilacs represent a new generation of ultra compact, mildew resistant varieties with attractive foliage that will have you creating new Lilac memories.
Displays unique two-toned flowers of deep purple with white edges, contrasted by lovely, dark green, heart-shaped leaves. A lightly sweet fragrance adds to this individuals appeal: butterflies and hummingbirds cant resist!
A profuse bloomer, 'Pocahontas' features deep violet - purple buds that open to fragrant, single, deep violet florets throughout the month of May.. Deep green foliage completes this upright and vigorous plant.
This early May bloomer will take your landscape by storm with waves of fragrant, double, dark purple flower panicles that have to be seen and smelled to believe! Great foliage and superb multi - stem form add to the package. This one gets large, so give it space and stand back and watch the show!
While it will grow quite tall with age, as with most of the taxus species it takes pruning very well. The natural form is a tall and pyramidal with very dense foliage. Provide a fertile, well drained soil for the best growing conditions. Male selection, does not fruit.
A very densely growing shrub form of Yew - many times twice as wide as it is tall. Nice deep green needles, with new growth emerging as a brighter green and eventually maturing to deep green. Excellent choice for use as formal hedge, takes very well to pruning / trimming. Will do well in full sun, but will really perform well if given just a bit of shade as a break from high summer heat. Likes well drained soil that is somewhat moist and slightly on the acidic side.
This selection is narrowly columnar in habit with needles that are lustrous dark green above and lighter green beneath. Easily grown in average, well-drained soils, and will tolerate full sun to even deep shade
A durable orange globe arborvitae! Fire Chief™ arborvitae is a sport of 'Rheingold' with much brighter spring foliage and a deeper red tinge to the new growth all season. It is also less prone to splitting. Use it to add bright, year-round color to landscapes.
True to its name, Mr. Bowling Ball® arborvitae is a dwarf, mounded globe with soft, sage-green juvenile foliage. The habit is tight and compact, creating an outstanding landscape or container plant.
Anna's Magic Ball® arborvitae is a cute little sphere of cheerful yellow foliage. It was developed in Canada, so you know that this little plant isn't bothered by winter weather and holds its color all year-round. This nifty little native evergreen needs no pruning to keep its tight, rounded shape and makes a nice addition to perennial beds, rock gardens, troughs and containers, or any landscape project. It's petite size and well-behaved manner makes it an especially nice choice for smaller yards and gardens. Native to North America. Shade tolerant
This is a golden-yellow, globe-shaped evergreen shrub. It is ideal as a low hedge or as an accent in the landscape. Requires little maintenance.
Scale-like foliage populates fan-like foliage fronds that pack tightly to form a dense, flattened globe shaped evergreen offering great landscape texture on a slow growing plant Easy to grow
Narrow upright columnar habit is perfect for narrow sites as a specimen or screen. Little care is needed. Evergreen. Hardy, resists winter burn. Excellent landscape plant. Native to North America.
Very ornamental and deservedly popular because of its narrow, uniform habit, 'Smaragd' also offers glossy, soft, emerald green color in summer and winter. Adaptable and easy to grow.
Irresistible green globes of cedar-scented, fan-like foliage are virtually maintenance-free! Native to North America, this dwarf evergreen is perfect for year-round beauty in rock gardens, edging a pathway or even a larger container.
This “ever golden” compact shrub grows quickly into a stunning display of gold-yellow foliage that will not shed. Both heat and drought-tolerant. Excellent for planting in a container on the patio, or at the back of a border.
Fast - growing and upright with rich, medium - green foliage, this selection is an ideal choice for screening in a hurry! Rumored to be much less palatable to deer than occidentalis types, 'Green Giant' is drought tolerant and has no significant insect or disease problems. You get that classic French Renaissance look without having to prune or shear.
The solution to deer problems! This fast growing, cold hardy selection of Western Arborvitae shows excellent resistance to deer browsing. Spring Grove was selected for its superior winter color and hardiness. It maintains a dark green, glossy color even in Midwest winters, and has survived -25 degree temperatures. The tight pyramidal habit works nicely in landscape designs, and its hardiness and deer resistance makes it a good choice for many suburban locations, especially for creating fast-growing privacy screens.
A dense, multi-stemmed evergreen shrub with finely textured, green foliage and gracefully arching branches. Foliage turns bronze in winter. Excellent for use as a specimen plant or in group plantings for added appeal in the landscape.
The Princeton elm is the king of all shade trees. This ornamental tree features a stately vase shape with an overhead arch. If you want the ultimate street tree, this is definitely the elm for you. These elms are extremely adaptable and very hardy. For that classic look, make sure to select the Princeton elm for your yard.
Jelly Bean® has large, flavorful blueberries that taste like sweet homemade blueberry jelly. The foliage has unique, elongated green leaves with highlights of red in cooler climates.
Humans and landscape critters alike will find it hard to resist this American Beauties selection. Robust and rounded, 'Blue Jay' is easy to grow, tolerating dry acidic, poor soils and partial shade while yielding an impressive crop of deep blue, sizable berries in August. Not only do humans love the fruit, countless songbirds and small mammals count it as one of their favorite foods, making it a magnet for wildlife in the landscape while native bees and butterflies seek out the nectar from its May flowering. 'Blue Jay' also provides outstanding cover for these birds and mammals, all while looking great in the landscape with deep green foliage that puts on a remarkable purplish-red fall show.
This highbush blueberry cultivar is an upright, deciduous shrub which typically grows 5 - 8' tall but is more manageable as a fruit crop when pruned to 6' or less. Dainty, waxy, bell - shaped, white flowers appear in May. Flowers are followed by medium sized powder blue blueberries which ripen in mid - season. Ovate, dark green leaves turn brilliant, burgundy red in fall. Reddish stems have better winter color than those of most other blueberry varieties. Blueberries love acid soil.
Midseason - Considered the best all around variety for consistent yields; large, high quality fruit and disease resistance. Bluecrop is an upright, open growing shrub to 5 - 6 feet. There are other varieties with better ornamental value but none better in the garden. The most popular variety in North America. Turn attractive shades of red in fall. Reddish stems can be attractive in winter. Blueberries love acid soil.
Chippewa' has an upright habit and large fruits on a compact plant with exceptional cold-hardiness. Bears large quantities of firm sweet sky blue berries in early summer, preceded by small white urn-shaped flowers. Glossy dark green foliage turns a brilliant orange-red in fall. Deciduous.
Slighly tart, very firm berry is perfect for fresh eating but also one of the best berries for freezing allowing you to enjoy 'Duke' long after its profuse crop has been picked
Big, burly, and productive, 'Jersey' is an old time variety that keeps on growing. 'Jersey' is laden with huge numbers of small - to medium - sized, sweet, dark blue fruit late in the season and is a consistent producer of perfect fresh eating or pie berries year after year. Blueberries love acid soil.
One of the hardiest Highbush Blueberries available, 'Northland' is also one of the most compact, yielding loads of fruit on a dense, rounded bush. While we humans love the easy to grow nature of blueberries, their great landscape look, and, of course, their luscious fruit, these plants are also an essential part of any living landscape. 'Northland's' May blooming flowers are a great source of early season nectar for native bees and butterflies while its summer fruit is a songbird magnet, so much so you might find it hard to get any yourself! Small mammals also prize the fruit while the plant provides needed cover for birds and mammals for nesting. 'Northland' tolerates dry, acidic, poor soils, grows well even in partial shade, and tops off the year with a riveting display of searing purplish-red fall foliage color. This is one American Beauties plant that everyone will love!
This variety bears consistent crops of the largest early season blueberries around - the size of quarters! Production is high, ranging between 10 and 20 pounds at maturity. The berries are dark blue and highly flavored. Patriot is a low growing, spreading shrub to about 4' wide. It is adaptable to many soil types and will perform better in wetter soils than many other varieties. Patriot makes an excellent landscape variety with its showy white blooms in the spring, dark green summer foliage, and fiery orange fall colors. Blueberries love acid soil.
Another small space wonder, 'Polaris' will thrill with its tight form, heavy producing ability and sweet, sweet berry taste. 'Polaris' is known as a 'half-high' type of Blueberry, combining the denseness of lowbush selections with the fruit size and larger berry yeilds of the highbush selections. The result is a plant that will cover itself with fragrant, white, bell shaped flowers in early May and with medium sized, powder blue, aromatic, extremely sweet tasting fruit in late July and early August. It is one of the earliest maturing of the Blueberries meaning that you might have to fight off more than the birds for its sweet fruit as hungry family members will be looking to outwit you for their year's first taste of fresh Blueberries! 'Polaris' is such a low maintenance plant and will even reward you and your garden with brilliant orange-red fall foliage color!
One of the best for mild-winter areas, a low-chill selection perfect for small gardens or large patio tubs. Blue-green foliage and showy pink to white flowers provide ornamental value, followed by an abundant crop of fruit. Self-fruiting, but yields best when planted with another variety.
A sweet, rich, spicy vanilla flower fragrance makes this variety one of the most sought after viburnums in this region. Bunches of deep pink buds open to mini - snowballs of creamy white flowers in late April. Late summer presents offerings of clustered red fruit that fade to black, drawing chattering birds. Leathery, deep green foliage turns wine - red in autumn. A real landscape gem.
Sweetly fragrant white flowers are in such tight balls they resemble snowballs. Unlike many viburnum carlesii, this variety blooms with its leaves fully expanded as a backdrop, enhancing the beauty of the flowers. Cooler fall weather turns the dark foliage into brilliant shades of burgundy and glowing red. A compact grower, Spice Island™ is slow to mature, perfect for garden paths, smaller spaces and as a specimen plant.
Sweetly scented flowers are extremely fragrant and will fill the air with the sweet-spice scent in early spring. Sugar n' Spice is slow-growing and forms a nice rounded shrub with pleasing red fall color. Easy to grow with great landscape rewards! The fragrant flowers of Sugar n’ Spice® Koreanspice Viburnum attract birds, butterflies, and other pollinators in spring. Thrives in full sun in average to rich, well-drained soil. Prune to shape if needed after flowering in late summer.
This handsome selection of the North American native arrowwood viburnum boasts neat foliage, white spring flowers, and, if a different selection is planted nearby, the namesake blue fruits in autumn. It's ideal as a hedge or specimen plant, and is very low maintenance. At present, there are no Proven Winners varieties that are suitable for pollinating Blue Muffin, so we recommend Chicago Lustre, which is a widely-available selection.
Cardinal Candy® viburnum has improved hardiness compared to other varieties of linden viburnum, so even northern gardeners can finally enjoy the impressive display of bright red berries in fall. Tons of creamy white flowers cover the plant in spring. The plant itself has a nice, well-branched habit, and fits nicely into the landscape. Berries are not edible by humans. Though Cardinal Candy viburnum will set fruit without a pollinator, planting near Tandoori Orange® viburnum results in abundant fruit on both.
Mariesii is a doublefile viburnum noted for its distinctively layered horizontal branching. Non - fragrant flowers in flat - topped, lacecap - like clusters bloom in profusion along the branches in April or May, causing a magnificent sight when in full bloom. Flower clusters appear in two rows or files along the branch, hence the common name. Flowers give way in summer to red berry - like drupes which eventually mature to black. Dark green healthy leaves turn reddish purple in fall; excellent plant for massing or as a specimen, tolerant of drought.
Vigorous and spreading, this selection's symmetrical branching lines up with showy, brilliant white flowers along the tops of branches in late May. Red to black berries follow in summer. Vigorous nature makes it perfect for grouping to form a hedge.
Not your run of the mill doublefile viburnum! In our trials, it has beaten out 'Summer Snowflake' with improved, stronger blooming. You can see for yourself with its long bloom time in spring and repeat blooming in the summer. Its elegant, lacy blooms are held on a strongly horizontal habit, which brings a unique architectural feature to the landscape. Foliage is dark green, glossy, and has the hallmark deep veining of the species, which altogether looks lovely in the landscape and performs well as a filler for cut flower arrangements. Fall color is a brilliant purplish-burgundy.
This shrub has a compact, rounded form, growing 8 - 10 feet tall and wide. In early spring, it produces showy lipstick - red buds that open to white flowers. Once open, the flowers scent the air with their spicy, clove - like perfume for another two weeks. The glossy dark green foliage is handsome throughout the growing season and resistant to bacterial leaf spot and powdery mildew. Foliage turns orange - red in autumn.
It's hard to beat this grape for taste and ease of growth. The compact clusters of large, seedless red grapes ripen in early to mid September. Easy to grow, 'Canadice', like all grape vines, can get big and it could use a supporting, heavy duty trellis or pergola for best production and ease of care. Grapes need full sunlight and high temperatures to ripen, so plant on southern slopes, the south side of windbreaks, or the south sides of buildings. Birds love grapes, so be sure to plant some to share
Developed at Cornell University, this white Grape is perfect for growing in the northern home orchard and an incredibly heavy producer. This selection is widely used for producing a number of different white wines and is one of the easiest Grapes to grow with good disease resistance. September harvest.
A superb red seedless selection, this introduction features sweet flavored, medium to large clusters of berries. Vigorous, relatively disease resistant, mid-season ripening.
Vigorous and fruitful, this old, dependable variety still packs a punch with a multitude of medium to large clusters of big, sweet, highly aromatic black - blue grapes, the skins separate easily from the fruit for making jams and juices. Harvest late - August to September. Grape vines can get big and it could use a supporting, heavy duty trellis or pergola for best production and ease of care.
Three colors - on one plant - at once! Czechmark® weigela are a new series that showcases just how much flower power this old-fashioned favorite is capable of. Selected especially for their pure, true colors and bountiful bloom set, these easy-care weigela will rake in the compliments. Czechmark Trilogy® is an absolute dazzler that blooms in late spring with three colors at once - enjoy white, pink, and red flowers all on one plant! There aren't many other spring flowering shrubs that offer you so much color for so little effort.
Rich pink spring flowers often rebloom through summer. Dark purple foliage all season. Good for mixed borders or foundation plantings. Deer resistant. Season-long color.
Everything you love about Midnight Wine®, but with more va-voom than ever! It has darker, shinier leaves which make a huge impact in the landscape from spring to fall. And as for autumn, you'll be relieved to hear that it has had displayed much better hardiness when it comes to tip die-back
Take a look at this seductive, burgundy - purple foliage and then watch it explode with masses of deep pink flowers in mid - June. Consider its low, dense, spreading form and you'll wonder why it's not in your garden!
My Monet Purple Effect™ brings new color, more flowers, and better adaptability, while sharing all the charm and beauty of the original My Monet® weigela. Its variegated cream and mint green foliage takes on purple (as opposed to pink) tones, and it is much better able to withstand the rigors of both cold and warmer climates. Though it is slightly larger, it can be used in much the same way: as a delightful companion to perennials, as a colorful edging, in a container, or anywhere you need a spot of clear, clean color.
This is the first dwarf variegated Weigela to be introduced. Its tight habit and colorful foliage make it very versatile. Variegation changes depending on light exposure - whiter variegation in shade and pink variegation in full sun. Deep reddish - pink flowers add to the mix in late May through June. It's easy to grow, loves full sun, and will brighten any spot in your garden.
Snippet® weigelas are the best thing to happen to this spring-blooming favorite in years: they rebloom abundantly and naturally grow as a dwarf, rounded mound. They fit perfectly in just about any sunny spot in your landscape to add appealing structure and months of color. Snippet Dark Pink weigela has thick, deep green foliage that perfectly sets off the vivid pink blooms. They appear in late spring along with other weigelas, but then they continue to bloom all through summer with waves of fresh flowers. No deadheading required!
This is a humdinger of a weigela! Sonic Bloom® weigela are the strongest rebloomers ever seen in weigela. Loads of hot pink flowers in May are followed by waves of blooms until frost. No deadheading is needed to see strong reblooming through summer and fall. Deer resistant.
Lipstick red flowers in spring. Repeat flowers until frost. Reblooms without deadheading. Attracts hummingbirds.
Spilled Wine® weigela shares the fabulous deep purple foliage and bright pink flowers of the classic Wine & Roses® weigela but in a smaller size. This useful plant grows wider than tall, making it the perfect choice for edging beds or walkways and for incorporating under windows in your landscaping. Like all weigela, it is deer resistant and very easy to care for.
Top reasons to grow Very Fine Wine® in your garden: Fantastic cold hardiness, less prone to tip dieback. Darker foliage, full season interest. Heavy bloomer.
Rosy - pink flowers add a touch of romance when displayed against the dark glossy foliage. The foliage is much darker than that of older varieties. It contrasts beautifully with the rosy - pink flowers, making for a high impact display in the garden. This variety produces copious amounts of flowers in spring, and will re - bloom throughout the summer. The trumpet - like flowers are adored by hummingbirds!
An update on our classic Wine & Roses weigela, this vigorous, handsome variety combines even more dramatic dark foliage with crisp white-green flowers. A real showstopper in the landscape. Deer resistant.
Amethyst Falls has blue - lavender flower clusters for several weeks in June. This species twines counter - clockwise and is native to woodlands and streamsides of the southeast. It grows more slowly than other species and tends to be smaller in stature and much less aggressive. Tightly packed fist size clusters of somewhat fragrant flowers in June on new growth. Produces flowers at a young age, and tends to re - bloom sporadically during the summer. Suitable for the seashore. Deer resistant.
Upright sword - like evergreen foliage beneath 3–5 foot flower stalks with bell - shaped creamy white flowers in July and August. Fragrant at night. Prefers a dry, sunny location. Tolerant of poor, dry soils. Well suited to seashore gardens. Deer resistant. A traditional and durable favorite.
Slightly arching, sword-shaped, striped foliage of creamy-white against dark green provides great architectural interest. Showy spires of fragrant snow white blooms in summer.
Zelkova serrata 'Green Vase' has the distinctive, broad, vase shape of the typical species but grows almost twice as fast. 'Green Vase' has all of the other desirable characteristics of the species, including a wonderful scaffold of branches for a great winter silhouette, medium-sized, dark green leaves that turn soft yellow, orange and russet in autumn. This is a fine tree for the urban landscape as it has a high tolerance for wind, pollution, drought and compacted soils. Using a cultivar such as this one is effective when a consistent avenue of trees is desired.