2025 Selection

Rosa 'Gold Medal'


Great vigor and great blooming power distinguish this selection that is so little known yet so superlative in the landscape. 'Gold Medal' is a strong . Upright power that clothes itself in deep green resistant foliage that always seems to look great in the garden. Late May sees bunches of large buds grouped at the top of stems colored gold, brushed with orange color that open to reveal deep, golden yellow double flowers with a rich, fruity fragance you'll love. 'Gold medal' is one of the best rebloomers in the garden and very dependable so be prepared for color throughout the summer and great, fragrant blooms to cut for inside, too! Plant 'Gold Medal'in full sun with good airflow, mulch on the soil surface and feed regularly during the growing season.

Height: 4-5'
Width: 2-3'
Color: Yellow
Exposure: Sun
Bloom Months: Summer