2025 Selection

Achillea 'Coronation Gold'


Yarrow is an easy to grow perennial that is a good choice for beginners. These plants thrive in average to poor soil in full sun. Coronation Gold Yarrow offers large golden yellow flower heads on fern-like foliage and is a great selection for drying. Best used in a border or as a cut or dried flower.

Achillea 'Firefly Diamond'


Ivory white flowers contrast beautifully with its dark green foliage. Upright, columnar habit. Flowers remain attractive as they age. Drought and salt tolerant.

Achillea 'Firefly Peach Sky'


Light peachy orange flowers age to yellow. Mature and new flowers create a blend of colors, much like you would find on a peach fruit. Tall, upright habit. Drought and salt tolerant.

Achillea 'New Vintage Rose'


This compact variety holds its tidy plant habit with bold flowers that keep its color longer into the summer. Reflowers very well for a Yarrow. Easy to grow in any soil as long as you provide sun and good drainage. Avoid planting in rich soil, as flowers tend to flop. Cut back flowers by half after flowers have faded to promote a second bloom. Fragrant flower, drought tolerant, salt tolerant. Attracts butterflies.

Achillea 'New Vintage Violet'


This compact variety holds its tidy plant habit with bold flowers that keep its color longer into the summer. Reflowers very well for a Yarrow. Easy to grow in any soil as long as you provide sun and good drainage. Avoid planting in rich soil, as flowers tend to flop. Cut back flowers by half after flowers have faded to promote a second bloom. Fragrant flower, drought tolerant, salt tolerant. Attracts butterflies.

Achillea millefolium 'Paprika'


Yarrow is an easy to grow perennial that is a good choice for beginners. These plants thrive in average to poor soil in full sun. Paprika Yarrow has ruby red flowers with yellow centers above fern-like foliage. Best used in borders, and fresh and dried arrangements.

Achillea millefolium 'Saucy Seduction'


Yarrow is an easy to grow perennial that is a good choice for beginners. These plants thrive in average to poor soil in full sun. Best used in borders, and fresh and dried arrangements. Upright, dense, sturdy green foliage. Broad clusters of tiny rosy-pink florets with subtle white shading appear mid June through July. Attracts butterflies. Care-free, drought tolerant and heat loving - no meltdown!

Achillea millefolium 'Strawberry Seduction'


Yarrow is an easy to grow perennial that is a good choice for beginners. These plants thrive in average to poor soil in full sun. Strawberry Seduction Yarrow has large clusters of strawberry red flowers with a gold center and grey-green fern-like foliage. Best used in borders, and fresh and dried arrangements.

Achillea ptarmica 'Peter Cottontail'


Large, ivory white flowers. Low, mounding habit of green foliage. Deer and rabbit resistant. Long blooming, drought tolerant. If you're not familiar with Achillea ptarmica, this species is unique from what you'd expect from the classic A. millefolium types. 'Peter Cottontail' has a look that's reminiscent of Baby's Breath, with large, ivory white flowers that are produced over a low, mounding habit of green foliage. Compared to A. millefolium types, the flower clusters on this perennial are more singular and well-spaced-great for adding texture to the garden!

Aconitum napellus


Deep-blue hooded flowers with a delicately translucent mauve tinge adorn the lengthy spikes that peak this vigorous perennial. Wispy, finely divided mid-green foliage. Upright habit, low maintenance.

Agastache 'Blue Boa'


Long, wide deep violet-blue flower spikes are held high atop bright green foliage. An extremely showy, low-maintenance, clumping perennial. Well branched upright form with aromatic foliage. Attracts hummingbirds and butterflies. Drought tolerant once established.

Agastache 'Blue Fortune'

Mexican Hyssop

Oodles of soft lavender-blue flowers are held over large deep-green, minty licorice-scented foliage. Unique bottle-brush like flowers of Agastache are very attractive. Leaves feature silver undersides. Exceptional performance in the sun-drenched garden. Great for containers! Agastache Blue Fortune is an outstanding plant selection for the sunny border. Low maintenance, tolerates heat and drought once established. Butterflies and hummingbirds love to sample the nectar rich blooms.

Agastache 'Kudos Coral'


Warm tangerine buds open to a sea of glowing coral-pink plumes. Flowering non-stop, the long-lasting blooms sway in the summer breezes as though being gently rocked by an ocean current. A delicate sweet honey-mint scent entices butterflies and hummingbirds. Agastache Kudos Coral is an appealing perennial for summer through fall color in a sun-loving garden.

Agastache 'Kudos Mandarin'


Dazzling tangerine orange flowers glow atop the tidy upright habit. This long-blooming, pollinator magnet is worthy of many kudos. Agastache Kudos Mandarin is an appealing perennial for summer through fall color in a sun-loving garden.

Agastache 'Kudos Red'


Glowing red-orange trumpets climb branching stems to form lush spires above the fragrant foliage. Hummingbirds and butterflies pay tribute to this beauty with daily visits to the nectar-laden blossoms. Long blooming and compact! From the Kudos Series, Agastache Kudos Red is an appealing perennial for summer through fall color in a sun-loving garden.

Agastache 'Litte Adder'


Provides a great show in the garden with three times the flower power than standard Agastache. This mint family member is an outstanding source of nectar for bees and butterflies. Half the height of Black Adder or 'Blue Fortune,' with better branching.

Ajuga reptans 'Bronze Beauty'


The striking metallic-bronze foliage makes this low-growing plant a great focal point in any garden or container. Shows off its bright blue flowers in April or May. Vigorous, rapidly spreading species of tightly carpeted oval foliage. Leaves have a glossy

Ajuga reptans 'Burgundy Glow'


There are many shades to this plant's foliage, giving it a unique appearance. Leaves are featured in shades of white, pink, rose and green, then turn deep bronze in Autumn. Vigorous, rapidly spreading species of tightly carpeted oval foliage. Leaves have

Ajuga reptans 'Metallica Crispa'


Bronze Bugleweed features glossy burgundy leaves and blue flowers. Lovely at garden's edge, in the rock garden or as a slow-spreading ground cover. Adapts well to difficult sites, including areas with poor soils and beneath downspouts.

Ajuga reptans 'Pink Lightning'


This variety forms a low, spreading mat of soft mint green, crinkly textured leaves with a distinct creamy white edge. Short, bubblegum pink flower spikes are produced in mid to late spring. A. reptans is an evergreen groundcover that can grow in the shade of large trees where grass is hard to establish. Unlike many perennials that are grown only for their flowers, ajuga is prized for its attractive, colorful foliage that looks nice all year.

Alcea rosea 'Chater's Double Red'


Hollyhocks feature tall columns of fluffy, double blooms. Vibrant flowers add dramatic effect to butterfly or flower gardens. Great as a background planting for smaller plants and along walls and fences.

Alcea rosea 'Chater's Double Violet'


Hollyhocks feature tall columns of fluffy, double blooms. Vibrant flowers add dramatic effect to butterfly or flower gardens. Great as a background planting for smaller plants and along walls and fences.

Alcea rosea 'Chater's Double Yellow'


Hollyhocks feature tall columns of fluffy, double blooms. Vibrant flowers add dramatic effect to butterfly or flower gardens. Great as a background planting for smaller plants and along walls and fences.

Alcea rosea 'Indian Spring Mix'


This is a great, old fashioned cottage garden flower. Indian Spring Mix is an All American award winner, with tall spikes of beautiful variations in bloom colors of white, pale to medium pinks, to pinky-reds. Indian Spring Mix Hollyhock is the heirloom, single and semi-double petal variety but some have smooth petals and some more ruffly. Hardy and easy to grow, this species can grow to 4-6 feet tall and often blooms the first year. Hollyhocks are biennials and usually take two years to bloom and then die back, but will reseed prolifically. They can be considered a short lived perennial in Zones 3-8. Use for screening, or backdrop to a garden. Plant near a wall or fence for support in a spot protected from the wind.

Alchemilla mollis 'Thriller'

Lady's Mantle

Lady's Mantle grows close to the ground forming a mound of chartreuse flowers above scallop-edged leaves in late spring through summer. These plants prefer a part sun location ideally in morning sun. The flowers are excellent for cutting, often surviving until the snow flies.

Allium 'Millenium'

Ornamental Onion

Combining interesting flower shapes creates a garden design with texture and depth. The Perennial Plant Association has rightly awarded Allium Millenium the 2018 Plant of the Year ! Its globe-shaped, rosy-purple flowers add a perky, colorful focus to your late summer garden. Mature plants are covered in dozens of long lasting flowers. Foliage is glossy deep green, grass-like and heat tolerant.

Alyssum wulfenianum 'Golden Spring'


Masses of golden yellow flowers cover this plant in early spring. Early spring bloomer Golden Spring Alyssum lights up the garden with its bright yellow carpet like appearance. Its resistant to deer, rabbits and frost in early spring. Plant in full sun as a ground cover, in a rock garden or as a border.

Anenome 'Curtain Call Deep Rose'

Japanese Anenome

A shorter stature Japanese Anemone that's perfect for extending the season in the garden. Beginning in late summer, this perennial produces dark rose pink flowers that are positioned right above a small mound of green foliage. Spreads slowly through rhizomes. Deer and rabbit resistant.

Anenome 'Curtain Call Pink'

Japanese Anenome

This fall blooming Anemone is one of the final performers in your garden for the growing season. Beginning in late summer, this perennial produces bright rose pink flowers that are positioned right above a small mound of green foliage. The flowers are fuller than single, producing a double row of petals. Its shorter stature lends itself well to containers, both as monoculture and in combination with other perennials. It spreads by underground rhizomes. This is a perfect companion to other fall interest varieties, such as Coneflowers, Ornamental Grasses, and Stonecrop.

Aquilegia 'Swan Mix'


Large, out-facing blooms of red, burgundy, blue or yellow with attractive cut-leaf foliage. Great cut flower.

Aquilegia caerulea 'Biedermeier Mix'


Striking flowers are a favorite of hummingbirds. Versatile plants, excellent for cutting, in flower or rock gardens or to naturalize lightly shaded areas. Biedermeir Mix Columbine is a dwarf variety and is attractive with ferns, hostas or pulmonaria, or at the base of larger perennials such as baptisia.

Aquilegia canadensis


Striking flowers are a favorite of hummingbirds. Versatile plants, excellent for cutting, in flower or rock gardens or to naturalize lightly shaded areas. This Columbine is a native plant to the eastern United States. Attractive with ferns, hostas or pulmonaria, or at the base of larger perennials such as baptisia.

Arabis 'Catwalk White'

Rock Cress

Compact, globe-shaped plant. Great grown with pansies and bellis in Spring.

Arabis blepharophylla 'Spring Charm'

Rock Cress

Strong carmine-pink flower spikes top the attractive foliage of this bushy, low-growing variety of Rock Cress. Plant this perennial in the sun or part sun in rock gardens, as borders and groundcover.

Aralia cordata 'Sun King'

Golden Japanese Spikenard

A unique golden-leafed plant for the shade. The color will be brighter yellow in part sun, and more chartreuse or lime green in full shade. Tiny white flowers. After blooming, deep purplish black, inedible berries. This unique perennial grows best in part to light shade, though if given consistent moisture it can also grow in full sun. It prefers richly organic, deep loamy soil that is moist but well-drained. This plant is not drought tolerant. It typically dies back to the ground in winter and re-emerges in spring to quickly form a shrub-like clump. Deer resistant.

Artemisia schmidtiana 'Silver Mound'


Wormwood is a long lived perennial grown for its distinct silvery foliage. Best used as an accent plant for texture and contrast. Blends nicely with many flower colors. Vigorous grower with a mounding growing habit.

Aruncus dioicus

Goats Beard

A tall plant with dark green foliage and fine, feathery, plume-shaped clusters of cream-colored flowers. Best used as a specimen plant or at the back of borders.

Asclepias incarnata 'Cinderella'

Swamp Milkweed

A virtually hassle-free perennial, offering three months of vanilla scented, rose pink flowers in large, compact clusters from midsummer to early fall. Deadheading the flowers will stimulate another bloom cycle about a month after the first one. The flowers, which are heavily laden with nectar and pollen, are particularly attractive to hummingbirds, butterflies, bees, and other beneficial insects. This species grows in loose clumps by means of slowly creeping rhizomes. It is not invasive and can be safely mixed in with other perennials in the border. Ascelpias incarnata is native to North America.

Asclepias incarnata 'Ice Ballet'

Swamp Milkweed

This elegant plant is upright with slender willow like leaves. In summer plants are topped by clear white flower clusters which attract flocks of butterflies. Plants thrive in sunny sites with moist or saturated soils. The Ice Ballet cultivar differs from the species due to its white flowers, more compact habit and darker green foliage.

Asclepias tuberosa

Butterfly Milkweed

Beautiful native prairie plant that produces bright orange flowers in tight clusters. Great for attracting butterflies, cut flowers, or for use in borders or edging.

Asclepias tuberosa 'Hello Yellow'

Butterfly Milkweed

Beautiful native prairie plant that produces golden yellow flowers in tight clusters. Great for attracting butterflies, cut flowers, or for use in borders or edging.

Astilbe 'Delft Lace'

False Spirea

This beautiful perennial forms a robust clump of lacy, deep blue-green, waxy foliage with red highlights. Foliage displays some burgundy fall color. Red stems carry panicles of deep salmon red buds which open to soft apricot pink flowers in early summer. Deep red seed panicles extend the season of interest through summer.

Astilbe arendsii 'Bridal Veil'

False Spirea

False Spirea is a garden staple for shaded areas. Plumes of beautiful blooms show during the late spring and early summer months to brighten up darker areas. Works well planted with other shade perennials such as hosta, lungwort, and lady's mantle. Flowers nicely fill in fresh cut or dried arrangements.

Astilbe arendsii 'Fanal'

False Spirea

False Spirea is a garden staple for shaded areas. Plumes of beautiful blooms show during the late spring and early summer months to brighten up darker areas. Works well planted with other shade perennials such as hosta, lungwort, and lady's mantle. Flowers nicely fill in fresh cut or dried arrangements.

Astilbe chinensis 'Maggie Daley'

False Spirea

A member of Astilbe chinensis (Chinese Astilbe). A later blooming species useful for extending the bloom season into late summer. Foliage is deeply incised, coarsely textured, and often bronze-green in color. Flowers are borne on narrow, branched panicles. Though garden performance is far superior in moist soils, members of this species are moderately drought tolerant.

Astilbe chinensis 'Pumila'

False Spirea

False Spirea is a garden staple for shaded areas. Plumes of beautiful blooms show during the late spring and early summer months to brighten up darker areas. Works well planted with other shade perennials such as hosta, lungwort, and lady's mantle. Flowers nicely fill in fresh cut or dried arrangements.

Astilbe chinensis 'Purple Candles'

False Spirea

A member of Astilbe chinensis (Chinese Astilbe). A later blooming species useful for extending the bloom season into late summer. Foliage is deeply incised, coarsely textured, and often bronze-green in color. Flowers are borne on narrow, branched panicles. Though garden performance is far superior in moist soils, members of this species are moderately drought tolerant.

Astilbe chinensis 'Vision In Red'

False Spirea

False Spirea is a garden staple for shaded areas. Plumes of beautiful blooms show during the late spring and early summer months to brighten up darker areas. Works well planted with other shade perennials such as hosta, lungwort, and lady's mantle. Flowers nicely fill in fresh cut or dried arrangements.

Astilbe chinensis 'Vision In White'

False Spirea

False Spirea is a garden staple for shaded areas. Plumes of beautiful blooms show during the late spring and early summer months to brighten up darker areas. Works well planted with other shade perennials such as hosta, lungwort, and lady's mantle. Flowers nicely fill in fresh cut or dried arrangements.

Astilbe chinensis 'Visions'

False Spirea

False Spirea is a garden staple for shaded areas. Plumes of beautiful blooms show during the late spring and early summer months to brighten up darker areas. Works well planted with other shade perennials such as hosta, lungwort, and lady's mantle. Flowers nicely fill in fresh cut or dried arrangements.

Astilbe japonica 'Deutschland'

False Spirea

False Spirea is a garden staple for shaded areas. Plumes of beautiful blooms show during the late spring and early summer months to brighten up darker areas. Works well planted with other shade perennials such as hosta, lungwort, and lady's mantle. Flowers nicely fill in fresh cut or dried arrangements.

Astilbe japonica 'Peach Blossom'

False Spirea

Light salmon-pink plumes, short and narrow.This is a short species with narrow, sharply toothed, glossy, dark green foliage and pyramidal shaped plumes.

Astilbe japonica 'Red Stentinel'

False Spirea

A member of Astilbe japonica (Japanese Astilbe). A species characterized by an early bloom time and glossy green leaves often tinged with red. Flowers are produced in dense, pyramidal clusters. Vibrant scarlet-red flowers are held in open, lacy panicles. Blooms in early to mid summer.

Astilbe japonica 'Rheinland'

False Spirea

False Spirea is a garden staple for shaded areas. Plumes of beautiful blooms show during the late spring and early summer months to brighten up darker areas. Works well planted with other shade perennials such as hosta, lungwort, and lady's mantle. Flowers nicely fill in fresh cut or dried arrangements.

Baptisia australisl False Indigo

False Indigo

2010 Perennial Plant of the Year! Indigo-blue spikes of pea like flowers on bushy green foliage on this tall perennial. Plant in sun to part sun in well drained soil.

Bellis perennis 'Bellissima Red'

English Daisy

Robust, early-blooming plants are strong landscape performers in cool climates, displaying an abundance of large, fully double flowers.

Bellis perennis 'Pomponette Mix'

English Daisy

Loads of cute little button-like flowers, the tiny petals making perfect little domes in shades of red, pink or white. These are excellent anywhere in the garden as. A "walk on" plant.

Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack Frost'

Siberian Bugloss

2012 Perennial Plant Association's Plant of the Year. Prized for its large highly frosted and veined heart-shaped leaves. Brunnera Jack Frost produces a truly spectacular display in the shade, even more so when in bloom with its bright blue Forget-me-not flowers in spring. Will multiply politely.

Buddleia davidii 'Bicolor'

Butterfly Bush

The bi-color variety of butterfly bush has frangrant peach, purple, and pink flowers. Foliage is silvery green on this deciduous summer flowering shrub.

Campanula 'Birch Hybrid'


Bellflowers are among the most popular of perennials. This dwarf selection is a terrific choice for rock gardens, edging, and particularly for tubs or mixed containers. Plants form a trailing mound of small green leaves, bearing sprays of bright purple bell flowers for many weeks in early summer.

Campanula carpatica 'White Clips'


Profuse flowers over an exceptionally long season. Ideal for use at a garden s edge, in rock gardens or as a small-scale groundcover. Attractive with dianthus, creeping thyme or Siberian iris. Trim faded flowers for best appearance and extended bloom.

Campanula punctata 'Cherry Bells'


A floriferous and easy to grow perennial with hanging bells of deep cherry red, fading to dusky rose. Fragrant and attractive to hummingbirds, the flowers are also good for a cutting garden. Herbaceous perennial.

Centaurea montana 'Blue'

Bachelor's Button

This corn-flower blue flower attracts butterflies from all around. Centaurea blooms from mid-summer to fall. Flowers make wonderful cut flowers in any arrangements.

Centranthus ruber 'Red Valeriana'

Jupiter's Beard

Jupiters Beard - Medium 2-3' - Plant 18" apart. Rose-red flowers are produced from June through the summer until frost. The foliage is low and a rich green. A fine addition for your garden.

Cerastium tomentosum 'Yo Yo'

Snow in Summer

A very useful groundcover perennial, often grown in dry, sunny areas with poor soil. Plants form a low, fast-spreading mat of silvery-grey leaves, studded with tiny white star flowers in late spring and early summer. An indestructible choice for difficult sites.

Ceratostigma plumbaginoides

Blue Plumbago, Leadwort

This plant is most often grown as a groundcover or edging plant along the front of a border. Foliage makes a low green mound through the summer, bursting into colour in August, when the brilliant blue starry flowers appear. As summer turns to fall, the whole plant begins to turn shades of bright scarlet and finally maroon red. Allow it room to spread

Chelone lyonii 'Hot Lips'


Fascinating snapdragon-like flowers over spreading plants. Blossoms are said to resemble the heads of open mouthed turtles. Rosy-pink flowers provide late season color that graces the glossy, fine toothed foliage. Chelone is an ideal plant for the middle-of-the-border. Will provide a nice contrast for dwarf shrubs.

Chelone obliqua 'Alba'


White flowers that bloom in August! As the name implies, the blooms resemble turtle heads and are arranged up and down the stem surrounded by deep green leathery leaves.

Chrysanthemum 'Clara Curtis'


Pretty in pink, this single-flowered daisy is a late bloomer, waiting until the end of summer to enliven the garden with masses of lightly fragrant flowers

Clematis paniculata

Sweet Autumn Clematis

A very vigorous climber, this selection will be completely covered in a blanket of petite, fragrant, white flowers in September.

Convallaria majalis

Lily of the Valley

The delicate ivory blooms of lily-of-the-valley are unsurpassed when it comes to sweet, unforgettable fragrance. This deciduous, low-growing groundcover appears in mid-spring when it puts forth broad, lance-shaped leaves of medium to dark green. Shortly afterward small stems lined with small, drooping, bell-shaped flowers appear. These may be ivory or pale pink and are exquisitely scented. After flowering poisonous, orange-red, berry-like fruits are produced.

Coreopsis 'Uptick Cream and Red'


Coreopsis is easy to grow, making it a good choice for beginners. One plant will provide you with long-lasting cut flower bouquets all summer long. Cream flowers with dark red centers.

Coreopsis 'Uptick Gold and Bronze'


Golden yellow flowers with bronze red centers are produced over a tidy, mounded habit. Attracts pollinators.

Coreopsis 'Uptick Red'


Nearly fully red in Spring; red with yellow petal tips in Summer. Mounded habit is similar to Yellow & Red.

Coreopsis 'Uptick Yellow and Red'


Sunny yellow flowers with dark red centers are produced above tidy, mounded habits. Attracts pollinators.

Coreopsis grandiflora 'Early Sunrise'


The compact, upright habit of 'Early Sunrise' produces vivid double golden yellow blooms all summer

Coreopsis verticillata 'Moonbeam'


Moonbeam' features small, pale yellow flowers that emerge above dark green, ferny foliage that creates a mounding habit. This variety will bloom all summer!

Coreopsis verticillata 'Route 66'


Route 66' features big, bold, blooms. A rich ring of burgundy surrounding the flower center bleeds out to the very tips of the yellow petals. Narrow, deep-green foliage forms vigorous,mounded clumps.

Coreopsis verticillata 'Zagreb'


Zagreb coreopsis features golden yellow flowers that appear week after week in June and July on an upright plant with medium green, fern-like foliage

Crocosmia 'Lucifer'


Double rows of orange-red, lily-like flowers along arching dark-bronze stems. Clumped, upright, bladed foliage. Large, lily-shaped flowers that appear along arching stems that rise through clumped, sword-shaped foliage.

Crocosmia 'Sharona'


Sharona Crocosmia stands out from other Crocosmias with unique hot coral flowers. Like its relatives, the bright blooms unfurl from elegant arching stems. The elaborate flower displays bring bold beauty, and plenty of pollinators, to your yard. A hit with hummingbirds, plant Sharona as a focal point in your garden or along the edges of a walkway where its beauty can be appreciated.