2025 Selection

Acer freemani 'Armstrong'

Armstrong Maple

This large deciduous tree has a narrow, columnar form and glossy green leaves that turn brilliant yellow-orange in fall. An extremely showy specimen

Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood'

Upright Japanese Maple

Bloodgood' remains a tried and true landscape favorite. It is a hardy, vigorous problem - free tree with symmetrical, round branching. A multi - stemmed small tree that shows off its silvery bark, crimson stems, and burgundy star shaped leaves. For best performance provide afternoon shade and keep its roots cool.

Acer palmatum 'Orido Nishiki'

Orido Nishiki Japanese Maple

Prized for colorful foliage. Excellent Specimen Tree. Dense, Rounded form. Pink, green, and cream foliage.

Acer palmatum 'Sango Kaku'

Japanese Maple

Ornamental deciduous tree. Known for its brilliant display of coral colored bark in winter. Leaves emerge red, turn to light green in summer, yellow with red in fall.

Acer palmatum dissectum 'Crimson Queen'

Crimson Queen Japanese Maple

A low-branching, dwarf tree with a delicate, weeping form. The foliage holds its beautiful crimson color throughout summer and can turn bright scarlet in autumn. Sun-tolerant in cooler regions, where sunlight intensifies the foliage color. Site in a bright dappled shade setting elsewhere.

Acer palmatum dissectum 'Garnet'

Weeping Japanese Maple

With a dense, spreading, cascading form, this plant will become a staple in your landscape. Its large, broadly dissected threadlike foliage begs to be touched. The foliage emerges in early spring bright red then matures to a stunning purple - garnet red color.

Acer palmatum dissectum 'Green Mist'

Japanese Maple

A beautiful, rounded, small ornamental tree. Graceful, weeping branches clothed in feathery, finely cut, light green foliage that turns yellow-red in fall.

Acer palmatum dissectum 'Inaba Shidare'

Weeping Japanese Maple

This selection is one of the more vigorous growing dissected leaf types and one of the most hardy. Lacy, deeply cut foliage can be up to 6” long and wide with striking purple - red color providing great landscape texture on a rounded, flowing plant that turns a crimson red in the fall.

Acer palmatum dissectum 'Red Dragon'

Japanese Maple

The deep dissection of the beautiful purple leaves produces an attractive lacy appearance. As fall temperatures cool, the foliage transitions to a bright, apple red color. This graceful, small tree creates a stunning focal point or accent for lightly shaded gardens, patios, and entryways, and is ideal for containers. Deciduous.

Acer palmatum dissectum 'Red Select'

Weeping Japanese Maple

A vigorous, weeping small tree with lacy purple-red foliage throughout the summer. Fall foliage ranges from crimson to yellow and orange. A beautiful small specimen or accent that provides great contrast to green-leaved plants. Works well for containers. Deciduous.

Acer palmatum dissectum 'Tamukeyama'

Weeping Japanese Maple

Great texture and great leaf color combine to make this one of the most desired threadleaf Japanese Maples. With a low, spreading form this plant's highly cut foliage holds its deep purple color all season and makes a perfect specimen for any landscape.

Acer palmatum dissectum 'Viridis'

Japanese Maple

Vivid green, finely cut leaves change to beautiful shades of gold and crimson in the fall. Small tree with graceful weeping habit and excellent branching architecture. An excellent accent under larger trees, near a water garden or in container. Thrives in dappled sun. Deciduous.

Acer palmatum dissectum 'Waterfall'

Weeping Japanese Maple

This bright green leaved selection of weeping maple creates a flowing landscape form with layers of pendulous branches covered with deeply lobed, threadlike leaves producing superb texture. This plant is stunning when used near a water garden and in the fall when its leave turn a bright yellow.

Acer rubrum 'October Glory'

Red Maple

Outstanding, reliable, bright orange to deep, reddish purple fall color - even in warmer climates. A tall form with a dense, rounded crown and large, medium green leaves in spring and summer. Foliage is held on the tree later into fall than with most cultivars. A superb choice as a high profile shade tree for larger landscapes. Deciduous.

Acer saccharum

Sugar Maple

Large, upright maple tree. Green foliage on spreading limbs. Brilliant fall leaf colors. Excellent landscape tree.

Acer shirasawanum 'Autumn Moon'

Fullmoon Maple

An outstanding small tree for city gardens with limited space. New growth unfurls yellow to burnt orange, with underlying tones ranging from orange, salmon and chartreuse for the remainder of the season. Exceptional fall foliage displays varying shades of gold to red. Thrives in cool summer regions. A must for collectors! Deciduous.

Acer x freemani 'Jeffersred'

Autumn Blaze Maple

Dense, oval-round with a strong central leader and ascending branches. A vigorous, seedless cultivar with orange-red fall color.

Amelanchier canadensis

Shadblow Serviceberry

The flowers yield deep-purple fruits that are enjoyed by birds and wildlife. In fall, the leaves change to brilliant shades of yellow to re

Amelanchier x grandiflora 'Autumn Brilliance'

Apple Serviceberry

A shrub or small tree prized for its brilliant orange-red fall color and disease resistance. Clusters of fragrant white flowers give way to small purplish black fruit often used in jams and jellies. Use in shrub borders or as a small tree. Deciduous.

Aronia 'Low Scape Mound'


Low-growing groundcover shrub, providing beauty from spring through frost. Low Scape Mound aronia is a tough, tolerant, tidy little mound of glossy green foliage. In spring, it's covered in hundreds of dainty white flowers, and in autumn, the leaves turn brilliant red to contrast with dark purple-black fruit. The unique low-growing, mound-shaped habit of this new variety makes it perfect for mass planting as a ground cover or edging plant. Best of all, it thrives almost anywhere: cold climates and hot ones, wet soils and dry ones, sun and part shade. This native shrub will gracefully handle just about any landscape challenge you can throw at it!

Aronia arbutifolia 'Brilliantissima'

Red Chokeberry

An upright growing native with shiny dark green leaves has a ton of landscape attributes. White1 to 1.5” diameter flowers in May attract butterflies and pollinators. These are followed by bright red, persistent bunches of berries in the fall which provide food for local birds. That along with its tolerance of wet soil make this a winner.

Azalea 'Arctic Rose'

Artic Rose Azalea

Deep green foliage edged in white forms a dense, round, spreading shape in the landscape that is at home in any wind-protected, partially shaded landscape spot.Native

Azalea 'Ben Morrison'


Upright evergreen shrub. Orange and pink flowers with white stripes cover the plant in spring. Later blooming variety. Attractive shrub even when not in bloom.

Azalea 'Blaauw's Pink'


Soft salmon peach-pink blooms emerge in abundant small, funnel shaped flowers in mid April to early May. Dark green foliage throughout the summer. This slow growing evergreen azalea stays compact and semi-upright. Pleasant to the eye, a great choice for brightening a partly shady patio or courtyard garden.

Azalea 'Flame Creeper'


Blooms in spring and fall. Excellent in masses. Elegant, dwarf size shrub. Bright salmon blooms

Azalea 'Gibraltar'


Dense deciduous azalea with bright orange, 2-3″ flowers blooming in spring. Excellent variety for colder climates.

Azalea 'Girard's Christina'


Double rose-red blooms cover the shrub in a profusion of color in late spring. Dense, broadly rounded evergreen shrub with large, glossy green foliage. The leaves take on a Mahogany color in the fall and winter. An excellent choice for a showy border or accent planting. Makes a great companion plant for Japanese Maples. The Girard azalea offers excellent, large flowers and evergreen foliage. Developed for colder climates by Girard Nurseries, Geneva, OH. An excellent choice for the northern gardens to zone 5.

Azalea 'Girard's Crimson'


Dense and spreading, the selection is very hardy and one of the most dependable bloomers of any of the azaleas grown. Shiny, deep green foliage keeps well through the winter and serves as a backdrop for big, 2.5” crimson - red flower in early May.

Azalea 'Girard's Fuchsia'


Exceptional reddish - purple flowers in early to mid - May, along with dark glossy foliage really make this selection stand out! Very hardy with excellent winter leaf retention.

Azalea 'Girard's Hot Shot'


A prolific bloomer displaying single, reddish-orange flowers. Remains evergreen in milder climates, semi-evergreen elsewhere. Terrific effect used in mass for a colorful show. Orange-red fall foliage. Semi-evergreen.

Azalea 'Girard's Pleasant White'


The single, rounded white flowers which appear in late May are up to 3" across on this Girard hybrid Azalea. It's large, spreading habit makes it a great landscape Azalea. The green foliage is lighter than most other Girard types.

Azalea 'Girard's Renee Michelle'


Very deep pink, ruffled flowers have a dark pink-spotted throat. The profusion of blooms creates a thrilling spring specimen, excellent for use as a hedge, in borders or in a mass planting for an impressive color display

Azalea 'Gumpo Pink'


Dwarf evergreen shrub displays extremely showy single light pink flowers late in the season. Lush foliage on dense twiggy branches. A lovely accent and welcome addition to the landscape.

Azalea 'Gumpo White'


Dwarf evergreen shrub displays extremely showy single white flowers late in the season. Lush foliage on dense twiggy branches. A lovely accent and welcome addition to the landscape.

Azalea 'Helen Curtis'


Blooms in spring. Nice in color accent border. Low growing, rounded shrub. Semi Double, white flowers

Azalea 'Hino Crimson'


An excellent choice for an azalea. Clusters of deep red blooms in spring, followed by wonderful bronze foliage in winter.

Azalea 'Joseph Hill'


Native,bright red flowers make it a must! Dark, true evergreen foliage makes this hardy selection an excellent groundcover.

Azalea 'Klondyke'


Spectacular decidious shrub covered with golden orange blooms. Flowers generally occur before leaves emerge

Azalea 'Red Red'


Red Red Azalea is covered in stunning clusters of lightly-scented red trumpet-shaped flowers at the ends of the branches in mid spring before the leaves. It has olive green foliage throughout the season. The small glossy narrow leaves turn an outstanding yellow in the fall.

Azalea 'Rosebud'


This longtime favorite is true to its name, with blooms recalling the classic beauty of roses. Shell pink rosebuds open to rosy pink double flowers in spring. This selection is characterized by slow spreading growth and remains neat and tidy in the landscape. Evergreen.

Azalea 'Stewartstonian'


Makes for a great hedge or accent. Has beautiful vivid red flowers which attract butterflies.

Azalea 'Tradition'


Very heavy bloomer with medium pink flowers that make a wonderful spring show. Flowers are backed by tiny evergreen foliage on a low spreading form

Azalea `Arctic Rose`


The deep green foliage edged in white color add a crispness throughout the growing season, forming a dense, round, spreading shape in the landscape that is at home in any wind - shielded partly shady spot. In May rose red flowers open by the hundreds keeping the foliage in the background for up to 3 weeks at a time.

Azalea Encore 'Autumn Fire'

Encore Azalea

This dwarf azalea packs a powerful punch of rich, true red color with semi-double velvety blooms. Its glossy, dark green foliage deepens to a saturated purple bronze in winter adding year round appeal to gardens.

Azalea Encore 'Autumn Twist'

Encore Azalea

This fast growing variety boasts large bi-color and occasional solid purple blooms. Rebloomer.

Azalea indica 'Delaware Valley White'


Pure white, single 2 to 4 in. flowers cover the vigorous, upright, evergreen shrub with lush green foliage. Makes a lovely accent, border or hedge.

Azalea kaempferi 'Johanna'


Reliable performer is great in the landscape. Winter foliage turns from rich green to bronzy purple. Full shade tolerant. Great seasonal color is followed by outstanding fall foliage.

Azalea kaempferi 'Silver Sword'


Vivid bright pink flowers age to red and practically smother the variegated foliage in early spring. Unique deep green leaves have narrow creamy yellow margins.

Azalea poukhanense 'Compacta'


A hardy semi-evergreen shrub valued for its abundance of charming lavender-pink flowers in early spring. The handsome, deep green foliage is held on dense branches. A great choice for use as a hedge, in borders or in a massed planting

Berberis 'Crimson Pygmy'

Dwarf Japanese Barberry

A dwarf, densely branched form displaying deep crimson colored foliage all season long. Best color when planted in full sun. Excellent color contrast against green or gold-leafed plants. A great choice for mass plantings, particularly as a low hedge or border plant. Deciduous.

Berberis 'Sunjoy Cinnamon'


Unique orange foliage. A whole new look for barberry! With its bright orange foliage and compact branching, Sunjoy® Cinnamon barberry stands out in the landscape or border. It's a good choice for low maintenance, season-long color. Excellent for hedges and foundation plantings.

Berberis 'Sunjoy Gold Pillar'


This is an easy way to add both vertical lines and bright color to your home landscape. Similar in shape to 'Helmond Pillar' barberry, but with orange-red new growth that matures to vivid gold. Autumn brings stunning orange-red color. Proven to be burn resistant in side by side tests with other yellow leaf barberry. Plant Sunjoy Gold Pillar barberry as a low-maintenance hedge or edging, or add it to a border as an specimen plant.

Berberis 'Sunjoy Mini Maroon'


This sterile barberry is not invasive! Finally, a colorful, care-free barberry that won't make a nuisance of itself: Sunjoy Mini Maroon®. It took Dr. Tom Ranney over ten years to develop, but the results were worth it. Sunjoy Mini Maroon barberry offers sumptuously deep purple-red foliage on a dense, nicely shaped mound. It needs no pruning to stay small and lush, and like all barberry, it is highly resistant to damage from deer and rabbits. And it does it all without producing the seeds which have made other varieties so problematic. Simply put, it's a better choice.

Berberis 'Sunjoy Orange Pillar'


The same incredible neon orange foliage as Sunjoy Neo barberry, but with the useful, versatile habit of best-selling Sunjoy Gold Pillar barberry. Developed by Dr. Tom Ranney and his team at NCSU. Top reasons to grow Sunjoy Orange Pillar barberry:- Versatile, appealing shape adds drama and flair- Vibrant, persistant neon orange coloring. Very deer resistant.

Berberis 'Sunjoy Tangelo'


A zingy accent to spice up your landscape! Bright and cheery, this new barberry has vivid orange new growth that develops a distinctive chartreuse margin as the season goes on. Stronger growing than other variegated cultivars, it is colorful in the landscape from spring to fall. Deer resistant.

Betula nigra 'Cully' Heritage

Heritage River Birch

Vigorous, clump- forming decidous tree. Papery, reddish-brown, peeling bark. Glossy green foliage turns yellow into fall. Excellent focal point in the landscape

Buddleia 'Lo & Behold Blue Chip Jr.'

Butterfly Bush

This Butterfly Bush variety is compact, reblooming, non-invasive, drought-tolerant with frangrant flowers. Deadheading is not necessary. Attracts pollinators.

Buddleia 'Lo & Behold Pink Micro Chip'

Butterfly Bush

Lo & Behold® 'Pink Micro Chip' is the smallest member yet of this series of award-winning dwarf butterfly bush. It's a tiny and tidy mound of orchid-pink flower spikes, with a cute pincushion-like habit that makes it perfect for including in perennial gardens. Earlier blooming than other butterfly bush, which means you get non stop color from early summer clear through frost. Highly deer and rabbit resistant, too! Fragrant flowers!

Buddleia 'Lo & Behold Ruby Chip'

Butterfly Bush

Finally - a butterfly bush with the neat habit of the Lo & Behold series, with the jaw-dropping color intensity of the "Miss" series! Lo & Behold Ruby Chip butterfly bush brings together the best of both, with a tidy 2.5'/.76m size and dozens of magenta-ruby flower spikes. Fragrant and long-blooming, it keeps putting out fresh flowers without the need to deadhead (i.e., remove old brown flowers). Perfect for flower gardens or landscapes. Deer resistant.

Buddleia 'Miss Molly'

Butterfly Bush

Enjoy the reddest color of any butterfly bush. With its intensely colored blooms and refined habit, 'Miss Molly' is the queen of the summer garden. Its fragrant flowers are the closest to red of any butterfly bush and appear for months every summer without deadheading. Unlike older varieties of butterfly bush, 'Miss Molly' reaches just 4-5'/1.2-1.5m tall, so it's easy to work into any sunny landscape. This non-invasive variety thrives in hot climates. Butterflies and hummingbirds will find it as irresistible as you do!

Buddleia 'Miss Ruby'

Butterfly Bush

Brilliant rich pink summer blooms unlike any other variety. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. Fragrant. Deer resistant. Like all of the "Miss" series, 'Miss Ruby' butterfly bush is non-invasive.

Buddleia 'Miss Violet'

Butterfly Bush

Just like her sisters, 'Miss Molly' and 'Miss Ruby', 'Miss Violet' is a compact plant with vibrant flower color, but with loads of dark purple-violet summer flowers. Seedless and non-invasive; deer resistant, too! Winner of a Green Thumb award from the Direct Gardening Association.

Buddleia 'Pugster Amethyst'

Butterfly Bush

Meet Pugster® Amethyst butterfly bush - the newest member of this unique series that offers full sized flowers on a dwarf plant. This compact butterfly bush reaches just 2'/.6 m tall and wide but has the large, full flowers normally seen on a much larger plant. It blooms non-stop from early summer through frost with amethyst-toned flowers, each with a tiny yellow-orange eye in the center. Thanks to thick, sturdy stems, the Pugster® series offers vastly improved hardiness and winter survival over other types of dwarf butterfly bush.

Buddleia 'Pugster Blue'

Butterfly Bush

Full sized flowers on a dwarf plant! Meet Pugster Blue® - it's a whole new look for butterfly bush. This compact plant reaches just 2'/.6 m tall and wide but has the large, full flowers normally seen on a much larger plant. It blooms non-stop from early summer through frost with true-blue flowers, each with a tiny yellow-orange eye in the center. Thanks to thick, sturdy stems, the Pugster® series offers vastly improved hardiness and winter survival over other types of dwarf butterfly bush.

Buddleia 'Pugster Pinker'

Butterfly Bush

Full-sized flowers on a dwarf plant! Meet Pugster Pinker® butterfly bush - the newest member of a unique series that offers full-sized flowers on dwarf plants. This compact butterfly bush reaches just 2'/.6 m tall and wide but has the large, full flowers normally seen on a much larger plant. It blooms non-stop from early summer through frost with very rich pink flowers, each with a tiny bright orange eye in the center. Thanks to thick, sturdy stems, the Pugster® series offers vastly improved hardiness and winter survival over other types of dwarf butterfly bush.

Buddleia 'Pugster White'

Butterfly Bush

Big flowers on a small plant! Pugster White® gives butterfly bush a whole new look: - its small, sturdy frame bears large flowers the size you'd find on much taller plants. Each bloom is a full, dense cluster of crisp white blooms, emitting a honey-sweet fragrance and treating bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds to a tasty snack. Like all Proven Winners butterfly bushes, it blooms all summer without deadheading. Because of their thick, strong stems, Pugster® butterfly bushes have better hardiness and winter survival in zone 5 than other dwarf varieties.

Buddleia davidii 'Bicolor'

Butterfly Bush

The bi-color variety of butterfly bush has frangrant peach, purple, and pink flowers. Foliage is silvery green on this deciduous summer flowering shrub.

Buxus 'Green Gem'


A small, lush mound of emerald green summer foliage with some bronzing in winter cold. Naturally oval form and dense foliage is perfect for low hedges and an excellent foundation plant.

Buxus 'NewGen Freedom'


NewGen Freedom® is an excellent boxwood. It was selected due to its better resistance to Boxwood Blight and resistance to Boxwood Leafminer. Its vigor helps it create an attractive plant quicker than many cultivars but it also makes annual pruning a must. With annual pruning, this plant makes a fabulous specimen. Grows 3-6 inches per year. NewGen Freedom® is a relatively vigorous, rounded cultivar that is slightly taller than wide. It has beautiful glossy medium green foliage. Its habit is more uniform and tighter than Buxus microphylla ‘Wintergreen’ or Buxus microphylla ‘Winter Gem’ thus making it an excellent choice for many formal and residential landscapes. Deer resistant!

Buxus 'NewGen Independence'


NewGen Independence® was chosen based on its better resistance to Boxwood Blight as well as its good performance in Boxwood Leafminer trials. It's growth is similar to Buxus microphylla ‘Green Beauty’ but has much better Boxwood Leafminer resistance and the leaves are slightly more elongated. Grows 2-4 inches per year. NewGen Independence® was a chance seedling found in the Williamsburg, Virginia area. NewGen Independence® is a very deep green medium sized cultivar that holds excellent color throughout the winter. It has a rounded habit that is nearly as tall as wide. NewGen Independence® can be used in formal plantings where a medium sized round plant is desired. Would be a replacement for Buxus sempervirens ‘Suffruticosa’ (English Boxwood) for foundational plantings. Branching structure is very strong allowing it to withstand most moderate to heavy snow loads. Deer resistant.

Buxus 'Winter Gem'


We talk a lot about "winter interest" ? let's talk now about spring, summer, autumn AND winter interest, because that's what you get when you plant 'Winter Gem'. Let's start in the spring, when lime-green new growth explodes in a burst of chartreuse on stunning yellow young stems. This vigorous grower quickly becomes blanketed with fresh green, delightfully shiny foliage for the warm summer months. Late summer brings deep green, glossy, sun tolerant leaves that will delight you as they transition into autumn with their light golden bronzing to mark the descending temperatures. 'Winter Gem' is one of the easiest of the Boxwoods to grow and as easy to prune as the rest. In fact, a couple of light trims in season will encourage a neat compact form that will serve it well, whether it is being used as a specimen or it is grouped in sun or partial shade to produce a hedge or border planting.

Buxus microphylla 'Sprinter'


Evergreen. Deer-resistant. Fast-growing. Salt tolerant. Popular low hedge featuring interest in all seasons.

Buxus microphylla japonica 'Baby Gem'


Great, compact growing Boxwood is both heat and drought tolerant with year round dark green foliage color. Holds color in winter cold. Low maintenance evergreen is great for foundations, edging or border uses.

Buxus microphylla japonica 'Green Beauty'


An excellent evergreen shrub for small hedges. Retains its dark green foliage in the hottest summers, becoming bronze-tinged in cold weather. Well-suited to pruning into formal shapes. More heat, humidity and drought tolerant than other boxwood varieties.

Buxus microphylla japonica 'Winter Gem'


Popular evergreen shrub which is among the hardiest boxwoods. Beautiful dark green foliage makes it a good choice for low hedge.

Buxus microphylla japonica 'Wintergreen'


‘Wintergreen’ is a vigorous, winter-hardy cultivar that is ideal when a medium to large foundation plant is desired. It is great for use in medium-sized hedges and is very tolerant of pruning or shearing. It has a tendency to bronze when exposed to direct winter sun but the bronzing will quickly disappear as temperatures rise in spring and as new growth emerges. It is very similar to ‘Winter Gem’ and ‘Faulkner’. Deer resistant.

Buxus sempervirens 'Green Mountain'


Distinctly upright and conical with a broad base, this cultivar has a large range of landscape uses from specimen to hedging. Great green color has year - round staying power.

Buxus sempervirens 'Green Velvet'


The foliage on this low, rounded evergreen will stay luxuriously green whether in the blazing sun or in winters up to - 20F. This is the plant for you if you want a low - maintenance evergreen easy - keeper to shape or let grow naturally.

Carex morrowii 'Evergold'

Evergold Carex

Butter-yellow-striped leaves with dark green-edges remain attractive throughout the season. Forms a low tufted mound, perfect at pond's edge, in dappled shade borders or as a container accent. Evergreen in mild winter areas.

Carex oshimensis 'Evercolor Everest'

Japanese Sedge

Snowy white margins glow against the deep green blades-perfect for a moonlight stroll. Graceful arching mounds of evergreen foliage are low-maintenance – this Everest is easily tackled by beginners!

Carex oshimensis 'Evercolor Everillo'

Japanese Sedge

Award winning variety whose chartreuse foliage turns to gold as it matures forming a stunning, arching display.

Carex oshimensis 'Evercolor Everlime'

Japanese Sedge

Gracefully flowing, glossy green blades are flanked by lime green margins. Fine-textured foliage maintains a neat habit, the perfect accent for container plantings and living walls.

Carex oshimensis 'Evercolor Eversheen'

Variegated Sedge

The citrus lemon-yellow blades edged in green add a refreshing zest even in the winter garden. Neat habit is perfect for container planting. Colorful year-round, the flowing arching mounds of Carex Eversheen is perfectly suited for shade, but can handle some sun in cooler climates. A pleasing addition to any spot as it bends and sways with the warm summer breezes. A nice edger.

Caryopteris 'Beyond Midnight'


Dark and dreamy! You'll love this new caryopteris - it has extremely dark, glossy foliage, a compact habit, and deep blue flowers. It adds much-needed color to the late summer landscape and makes a handsome companion with perennials. A great favorite with pollinators of all types! Long blooming, heat and drought tolerant.

Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca Pendula'

Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar

This dramatic, weeping evergreen makes a special addition to any landscape. Superb specimen for minimal-care gardens. Naturally slow-growing pendant branchlets display icy-blue needles, creating a graceful, waterfall-like effect.

Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca'

Atlas Cedar

A bold, pyramidal form with sparkling silvery blue foliage that drapes from the expansive branches. One of the most popular evergreen conifers. A spectacular specimen for large landscape areas that increases in character as it ages. Drought tolerant, when established.

Cedrus deodara

Deodar Cedar

A large, pyramidal form with attractive gray-green foliage and graceful, arching branches. Makes a wonderful living Christmas tree! Allow plenty of room in the landscape to best display this stately tree. Heat and drought tolerant when established. Evergreen.

Cephalanthus 'Sugar Shack'


Native to North America, featuring fragrant white flowers followed by red fruit. Dwarf variety, attracts pollinators.



Fiber Optics® is a distinct improvement over the coarser Cephalanthus occidentalis that grows twice the size of this compact selection. Native from Florida to Mexico and north to Nova Scotia and Ontario, buttonbush is quite happy in moist conditions, tolerating flooding and wet spring soil. As such it is often used in wetland restoration work, along streams and pond banks. It’s also a great plant for low areas in the landscape that don’t dry out until late in the season. The spherical flowers are fragrant, creamy white, and many species of waterfowl eat the seed.

Cercis canadensis

Eastern Redbud

A beautiful garden tree valued for its profusion of rosy pink flowers that cloak the bare branches to bridge the gap between winter and spring! Heart-shaped foliage emerges as the blooms fade and turns yellow in autumn before dropping

Cercis canadensis 'Flame Thrower'

Eastern Redbud

Commonly known as Eastern Redbud, this cercis is full of colors. The leaves emerge reddish burgundy and mature to yellow and green, giving a fabulous, multicolor effect to the foliage. The pink, pea-shaped blooms appear on the stems before the foliage. This is a striking small tree - a must-have if you love color.

Cercis canadensis 'Forest Pansy'

Forest Pansy Redbud

Beautiful landscape tree valued for its brilliant scarlet-purple color to new foliage, maturing to maroon. Rosy-pink flowers on bare branches bridge the gap between winter and spring! Deciduous.

Cercis canadensis 'Pink Heartbreaker'


The bloom, like all Cercis, is fantastic with hoardes of small, lavender-pink buds that are held tightly to branches opening in late April before the foliage emerges. Its a unique look that lasts until mid-May when its rounded foliage emerges red before maturing to deep green as summer approaches. Plant 'Pink Heartbreaker' in full sun in a place where it is protected from the harshest of the winter winds.

Cercis canadensis 'Ruby Falls'

Ruby Falls Redbud

A lovely compact redbud tree with a weeping canopy that is perfect for a smaller-sized landscape. An excellent specimen plant with clusters of lavender-red, sweet pea-like blooms in spring. Small, semi-glossy, heart-shaped leaves turn yellow in fall.

Chaenomeles 'Double Take Orange'


It's so beautiful you may overlook its survivalist skills! Heat and drought tolerant, this plant will delight you each spring with candy colored blooms. Double Take Orange puts on a spectacular spring display of large double flowers with intense orange color - you'll do a double take! More than just pretty flowers, the Double Take Quinces are easy to care for, having neither thorns or fruit. Once established, they are extremely drought tolerant. Developed by Dr. Tom Ranney and his team at the Mountain Crops Research & Extension Center in beautiful North Carolina, Orange Storm and the other Double Take Quinces are sure to brighten spring gardens across the United States.

Chaenomeles 'Double Take Pink'


You'll do a double take when you see this quince that looks like a camellia. Double Take Pink puts on a spectacular early season display of pink blooms. The large, double flowers are excellent in cut flower arrangements. Bright spring flowers are only the beginning of the Double Take quince's appeal: they're also thornless, and do not produce fruit. Extremely drought tolerant once established, these early spring charmers are excellent landscape plants and real survivalists in tough climates. Developed by Dr. Tom Ranney and his team at the Mountain Horticultural Crops Research & Extension Center in beautiful North Carolina, they are sure to brighten spring landscapes across the United States.

Chaenomeles 'Double Take Scarlet'


Double Take Scarlet puts on a spectacular early spring display of large red, double flowers. The Double Take quinces are more than just pretty spring flowers: thornless and deer-resistant, they do not produce fruit, and once established, are drought-tolerant survivalists. Developed by Dr. Tom Ranney and his team at the Mountain Horticultural Crops Research & Extension Center in beautiful North Carolina, the Double Take quinces are sure to brighten spring landscapes across the United States.

Chamaecyparis 'Gold Thread'

Gold Thread False Cypress

A compact conifer with interesting, thread-like needles that weep and drape over the entire shrub. Bright, golden yellow new foliage, even in full sun. An excellent semi-erect, mop-headed landscape specimen or accent plant that makes a nice background border or small hedge. Slow growing; size can be maintained with minimal pruning. Evergreen.

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Oregon Blue'

False Cypress

Gorgeous, broad columnar specimen with soft, steel blue foliage.

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Pinpoint Blue'

False Cypress

One look at Pinpoint® Blue false cypress is all it takes to fall in love with its lush color and soft, feathery texture. It's a fantastic accent for any place in your landscape, but is particularly striking as a specimen. You'll love the way its unique color looks with your home - especially with tricky-to-match red or orange brick! Pinpoint Blue false cypress naturally grows as a narrow column, so it takes up little space in the landscape. A memorable choice for planting on either side of your front door!

Chamaecyparis nootkatensis 'Pendula'

Weeping Alaskan Cedar

Deep green - blue foliage and a stately, cascading, weeping form make this plant an ideal specimen in the landscape. Rapid growth and low maintenance make this adaptable tree and increasingly popular selection.

Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Compacta'

Compact Hinoki False Cypress

A handsome evergreen plant with gracefully curved limbs and a pyramidal form. The blue-green fernlike foliage adds an interesting oriental look to the garden. Slow growing; benefits from careful pruning to maintain a more compact shape.

Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Crippsii'

Hinoki, False Cypress

Distinctive bright golden yellow fern - like foliage all year grace this small tree. Wide growing when young, it becomes conical when older. Best in combination with darker foliaged evergreens. Requires full sun for brightest color.

Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Fernspray Gold'

Hinoki False Cypress

Fernspray Gold' hinoki cypress is a broad upright evergreen with flat sprays of bright lime green to fold foliage that at times takes on an orange cast in winter. Very much like a golden version of 'Filicoides'.

Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Nana gracillis'

Minature Hinoki False Cypress

Very attractive selection of Hinoki cypress that has stood the test of time for well over a century. Typical rate of growth in most areas is 3 to 6 inches

Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Thoweil'

Hinoki False Cypress

Thoweil Hinoki Cypress has a unique, upright sculptured form. Its slow and undulating growing habit makes it a enchanting specimen for rock gardens or containers.

Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Cream Ball'

Sawara Cypress

Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Cream Ball' is a compact dwarf, globose selection of Sawara cypress with cream-colored, and finely textured semi-juvenile foliage. It grows in the form of a very tight ball when young and is sometimes vulnerable to sun scald. It is a great choice for Rock gardens and troughs. After 10 years of growth, a mature specimen will measure 18 inches tall and 2 feet wide, an annual growth rate of less than 2 inches.

Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Gold Mop'

Sawara Cypress

Gold Mop Sawara cypress is a popular evergreen with a relatively low, semi-weeping habit. Thread-like yellow foliage covers the thin pendulous stems, creating memorable texture. Holds its golden yellow color well when sited in full sun.

Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Soft Serve Gold'

Gold False Cypress

Soft Serve Gold false cypress is the perfect plant for adding year-round color to your landscape. It naturally grows as a dense pyramid so is especially nice for planting near your front door or any place you'd like a formal accent. Easily grown in sun or shade for maximum versatility.

Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Soft Serve'

False Cypress

You'll want to reach out and touch this compact, conical, slow growing evergreen with its dense yet graceful foliage and soft, fernlike branching. The foliage is bright green on top and flecked with silver - blue on the underside. It requires little pruning and thrives in full sun to partial shade. It prefers moist well - drained soil and some protection from winter winds to look its best.

Chamaecyparis pisifera 'True Blue'

True Blue False Cypress

This dense growing pyramidal shrub provides sweet texture and foliage color as blue needles provide year round color and 'fluffy' look that is one of a kind in the garden! Dense rounded, slow growing form is ideal in rock gardens, foundation plantings under windows, banks, slopes or large scale groundcover. Easy to grow. Great foliage color and texture.

Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Vintage Gold'

Vintage Gold Cypress

You'll be dazzled by both the amazing golden color of this plant and its fabulous form. It has a dense rounded form that is easy to use in any half to full sun area. It will brighten up any area with its striking gold fernlike foliage that keeps its blazing color throughout the summer.

Citrofortunella mitis

Calamondin Orange

Prized for its ornamental value, this attractive columnar shrub bears small, juicy, sour orange fruit excellent for preserves. Fragrant white flowers backed by dense green foliage. Blooms and sets fruit intermittently throughout the year. Ripe fruit holds well. Makes a great container specimen.

Citrus aurantifolia

Key Lime

A small lime, ripening to yellow, although often used when green. The Key Lime tends to be more aromatic in flavor and scent than other limes. Flavor is excellent and is used to make Key Lime Pie.

Citurs limon 'Meyer'


Excellent foliage is displayed on this medium to large shrub or small tree. Fragrant flowers produce thin skinned, juicy lemons year round. Makes an attractive accent. Protect from frost. Evergreen. Handsome foliage, fragrant flowers and year-round fruit make this an all-round excellent plant for container or tropical bed close to the patio. It can be grown indoors in the sun or taken in during winter in colder climates.

Clethra alnifolia 'Ruby Spice'


Summersweet is a carefree shrub with glossy, deep - green leaves that turn vibrant yellow in fall. 'Ruby Spice' has bottlebrush - like clusters of tiny, fragrant, bell - shaped, reddish - pink flowers that appear in late summer, making this shade - loving native shrub a must have.

Clethra alnifolia 'Sugartina Crystalina'


Fragrant white flowers in mid-summer. Yellow fall color. Native. Attracts butterflies. Dwarf.

Cornus alba 'Ivory Halo'

Red Twig Dogwood

A more compact form of shrubby dogwood, this selection has beautiful cream - edged variegated foliage and bright red erect unbranched stems that really enhance the winter landscape. Flowers give way to clusters of blue - white drupes in summer. Fruit is quite attractive to birds. Prune in spring for best stem color.

Cornus florida 'Cherokee Brave'


This specimen brings four season interest to your landscape. In spring, you’ll watch this king of ornamental trees blanket itself in coral-pink to white flowers, Summer brings lush green foliage, deep red foliage in fall,then glossy red fruit in winter.

Cornus florida 'Cherokee Princess'


Cherokee Princess Flowering Dogwood features showy clusters of white flowers with white bracts held atop the branches in mid spring. It has forest green foliage which emerges burgundy in spring. The pointy leaves turn an outstanding brick red in the fall. It produces red berries from early to late fall. The warty gray bark adds an interesting dimension to the landscape.

Cornus florida 'Cloud Nine'


The 'Cloud Nine' dogwood has the appearance of a true cornus florida, but when it blooms it 'turns the dial to 11' to give that extra bit that puts it over the top. It has white blooms that are larger and more dense. When this tree blooms in the spring it is really a sight to behold as clusters of huge dogwood blooms seem to overload the branches. This tree makes an outstanding spring center piece, but can also be planted in rows, near a house, or among the shade of larger trees. Like all dogwoods it can adapt to full sun and less ideal soil conditions with care, but prefers afternoon shade and moist, well drained soil rich in organic matter.

Cornus kousa 'Scarlet Fire'

Kousa Dogwood

Be dazzled by the the huge, deep, dark fuschia-pink flower bracts that will light up the rounded small tree in June. Bred at Rutgers University, this precocious tree grows quickly and blooms as a very young tree showing off brilliant color almost right away in the landscape. Superb burgundy fall foliage color and large, bird attracting fruit add to its glory.

Cornus kousa chinensis

Kousa Dogwood

Attractive horizontal tiers of branches help make this small deciduous tree popular. Splendid white bracts followed in fall by hanging red fruit. Autumn leaves have red-scarlet tints. Special accent.

Cornus sericea 'Baileyi'

Red Twig Dogwood

A beacon in the winter landscape with its bright red stems, this selection is easy to grow and tolerant of poor soils, wet areas and the coldest climates. Great for massing, this selection has good red - purple fall color, and should be trimmed yearly for the best winter color.

Cornus stolonifera 'Arctic Fire Yellow'

Red Twig Dogwood

A ray of winter sunshine for your landscape! Arctic Fire Yellow dogwood offers the same legendary durability as red-twig dogwood, but brings a cheerful yellow option. Stunning on its own, or planted with Arctic Fire Red dogwood, it also brings a nice option for cutting for winter and holiday arrangements. Native to North America. Top reasons to grow Arctic Fire® Yellow dogwood:- one of the most shade-tolerant ornamental shrubs- Tolerant of a wide range of soil conditions- Bright yellow stems in winter add color to the landscape. Produces berries. Deer resistant. The best yellow color appears on one and two year old stems; older stems will turn corky and brown. To maintain a colorful display, you can do one of two things: one, cut the whole plant back to short stubs every other year. Two, cut out one-third of the oldest stems every year. This option is recommended if you planted your Arctic Fire® dogwood to provide coverage. Early spring is the best time to prune.

Cornus stolonifera 'Arctic Fire'

Red Twig Dogwood

More compact and dense than 'Baileyi', this Dogwood will find a home in the smaller landscape. This selection gives up about half of 'Baileyi's' size but none of the fantastic, bright fiery red winter stem color. This plant is perfect for smaller spaces. The best red color appears on one and two year old stems; older stems will turn corky and brown. To maintain a colorful display, you can do one of two things: one, cut the whole plant back to short stubs every other year. Two, cut out one-third of the oldest stems every year. This option is recommended if you planted your Arctic Fire® dogwood to provide coverage. Early spring is the best time to prune.

Cotinus 'Royal Purple'


Prized for its showy 6 to 8” plumes that change from grayish to pink from June into August, these flowers take on a fuzzy “smokey” affect. This selection also has a super maroon to purplish red foliage that really makes it stand out, especially in full sun where the color is richer. The foliage will turn scarlet in the fall.

Cotinus 'Velveteeny'


Velveteeny offers the same silky smooth, deep burgundy foliage with large feathery plumes of dove gray to pink blooms as it's big brother 'Royal Purple', but in a petit, dwarf form. Maturing at a mere 4', 'Velveteeny' is as versatile as it is exquisite, with its compact, rounded shape and brilliant color a dazzling addition to any sunny landscape.

Cotinus 'Winecraft Black'


A feast for the eyes from spring through autumn! Winecraft Black® is the first Proven Winners smokebush, so you know it must be special. In spring, round leaves emerge rich purple but as summer's heat comes on, they turn a deep near-black tone and finally light up in an array of reds and oranges in fall. In early summer, large, soft panicles of bloom appear that become the misty "smoke" that makes this such a popular landscape plant. Unlike other smokebush, it naturally has a rounded, dwarf habit which means that finally, every landscape has room for this unique plant. Winecraft Black smokebush is very easy to care for and requires little to nothing in the way of regular maintenance. Plant in full sun for best color and flowering. Pruning will rarely be required but may be done in spring. Deer and rabbit resistant.

Cotinus 'Winecraft Gold'


Bold, bright, and beautiful: that's Winecraft Gold™ smokebush. Round, waxy leaves emerge a sunny orange, soon take on a golden hue, then mature to a cheerful chartreuse for the season. In early summer, cloud-like green flower clusters cover the plant, and these turn into the pink "smoke" plumes that earn the plant its name. Naturally grows with a dense, oval shape that's ideal for adding a spot of bright color to partially shaded or sunny areas. Smaller and more dense than conventional smokebush.

Cryptomeria globosa 'Nana'

Dwarf Globe Japanese Cedar

A superb selection that retains a natural, dense, dome shape with little care. The finely textured foliage breaks up the bold effects of large leaved plants. Foliage becomes rusty red in winter.

Deutzia 'Yuki Cherry Blossom'


Perfectly pretty pink flowers on a deutzia. A shower of elegant pink flowers creates a carpet of color. Great for mass plantings because of its neat, mounded habit and burgundy-purple fall color, this tough, adaptable plant makes an excellent groundcover, especially on a sunny slope. Deer resistant.

Deutzia 'Yuki Snowflake'


If you like 'Nikko', you'll love this extra-heavy blooming variety. Elegant white spring flowers appear at the perfect time for spring gardens, and its neat, mounded habit and attractive fall color make it a great landscape plant, too. Deer resistant.

Diervilla 'Kodiak Orange'

Bush Honeysuckle

Looking for a durable native plant that will thrive in sun or shade, and is drought-tolerant? Deer-resistant, too? You've got it! This shrub pushes fall color to the limits with its glowing orange fall foliage. It lights up the fall landscape, making it an ecofriendly alternative to burning bush. Bright yellow flowers in early summer add to its appeal. A durable native plant that thrives in sun or shade, its is drought-tolerant, deer-resistant, and can even grow in dry shade. This is an excellent landscape plant that will succeed in even challenging sites.

Diervilla 'Kodiak Red'

Bush Honeysuckle

Rugged beauty for the toughest spots in your landscape. Kodiak® Red diervilla is a native flowering shrub that looks great while shrugging off shade and problem soils. New growth emerges in spring with a deep burgundy tone, and turns vivid red in fall. During summer, leaves have a red edge and clusters of small yellow flowers appear all season. It's a simple but beautiful way to add low-maintenance color to parts of your yard that have been difficult to landscape. Deer resistant

Euonymus alatus 'Compactus'

Dwarf Burning Bush

This shrub is one of the great beauties of the autumn season. It is distinguished by vibrant scarlet foliage and small red - orange fruit in the fall as well as unusual corky "wings" which can flare out along its branches. A versatile, hardy shrub that makes and excellent shrub or hedge.

Euonymus alatus 'Fire Ball'

Burning Bush

Outstanding bright red fall foliage. May be pruned in late winter. Hardier than other varieties. Adaptable. Excellent for landscaping. There are few problems with this shrub. It is low maintenance, has nice bark, and isn't prone to pest problems. However, to maximize the fall red foliage color, the plants should be placed in full sun. Plants placed in areas with too much shade will color up much later in the fall and will often lose their leaves before they have a chance to turn bright red. Tolerant of most soils except extremely wet conditions. pH adaptable. Prefers medium moisture. Deciduous shrub. Fertilize in early spring by applying a slow release fertilizer specialized for trees and shrubs. Follow the label recommended rate of application. Fertilizer will prime the plant to have a good growth flush in spring to its maximum potential. Withstands heavy pruning. Can be done whenever, but best done in late fall.

Euonymus alatus 'Unforgettable Fire'

Burning Bush

Unforgettable Fire burning bush differs from conventional types, thanks to its dense, fine branching and smaller leaves. This is a very good choice for residential landscapes. It has outstanding fall color. Developed by Michael Hayman of Louisville KY. Like other burning bush, Unforgettable Fire is low maintenance, has nice bark, and isn't prone to pest problems. To maximize the red fall color, the plants should be placed in full sun. Plants in too much shade will color up later in the fall and may lose their leaves before they turn bright red. Tolerant of most soils except extremely wet ones. pH adaptable. Fertilize in early spring. Tolerates pruning- if pruning to trim or shape, do so in late spring, after the new growth has emerged but before it hardens off. If doing major pruning, late winter is preferable.

Euonymus fortunei 'Emerald Gaiety'


The landscape fun lasts all year long with this playful broadleaved evergreen. Distinct white margins adorn the round, deep green foliage of this Asian transplant giving it more than enough glorious color to make it a focal point in the garden throughout the year, wowing you even more all winter as the white edges turn distinctly pink as the temperatures plummet. Known to be slower growing than the species, this Wintercreeper requires little maintenance and will be a steady climber if given the opportunity to grow up against any structure. Full sun or part shade and any well-drained soil will keep this beauty happy all year long in a multiplicity of uses from specimen to climber to low hedge or border to a group planting, beautifully massed on a slope.

Euonymus fortunei 'Emerald N Gold'


This colorful evergreen shrub sports bright green leaves with gold edges, turning pinkish red in fall and winter. Spreads by creeping stems that root where they touch the ground. Dense mounding form makes an excellent small hedge or border plant. Gently climbs with support, making a nice background or foundation planting.

Euonymus fortunei 'Gold Splash'


A real improvement in Euonymus! The big, round leaves of this selection have bright, bold variegation. It has far more impact in the landscape than other, older varieties. The variegation is very consistent, and the plant has excellent disease resistance.

Euonymus fortunei 'Moonshadow'


A slow growing cultivar that spreads as it grows and forms a low mound as it matures. Distinctive for its wavy, medium size yellow leaves with narrow dark green margins. Stems turn red, and foliage becomes pink - toned in winter. Tolerant of most soil conditions and light.

Euonymus fortunei 'White Album'


This is a new and improved form of 'Emerald Gaiety' with superior leaf spot resistance and a consistent growing habit. Landscapers and gardeners will appreciate the bright leaves that set it apart from older varieties. The stable variegation has a large, cream-colored border around the perimeter of the large evergreen leaves.

Euonymus japonica 'Silver Queen'

Silver Queen Euonymus

Rounded, metallic green leaves sport a creamy border that provides instant and year round color to the landscape. Aggressive growing, this selection is the perfect, easy to grow foliage color plant. Colorful foliage year round. Easy to grow and maintain. Perfect for foundation use or for grouping to form a colorful hedge

Euonymus japonicus 'Aureo-marginata'

Golden Euonymus

An excellent choice for a colorful hedge, this evergreen shrub displays dense, bold green and gold variegated foliage on an upright growth habit. This tough shrub is adaptable to adverse conditions and tolerates poor, lean soils. Versatile and easy to care for, it requires minimal attention once established, but takes well to regular pruning.

Euonymus kiautschovica 'Manhattan'

Manhattan Euonymus

This handsome fast growing shrub has dense, lush, dark green foliage and a naturally neat, formal appearance, without pruning. Inconspicuous mid- to late summer flower clusters produce small but attractive, pink ornamental fruit in the fall.

Ficus carica 'Celeste'

Celeste Fig

The Celeste fig tree produces fruit that is medium in size and as light brown to purple skin and bright pink flesh. The flesh is very sweet, and its popular eaten fresh as dessert fruit.

Ficus carica 'Chicago Hardy'

Fig Tree

A hardy edible fig! 'Chicago Hardy' is one of the most cold-resistant figs on the market. Though it may die back to the ground in the colder ends of its range, it resprouts from the roots and will still bear sweet edible figs in autumn. Can grow in warmer parts of USDA zone 5 in protected sites; it should be mulched well in these areas for best results. Site in a protected area and mulch well in colder areas. Loves sunny, dry conditions. Plants can also be grown in pots and stored on the dry side over winter. Figs are ready to harvest when they are soft and sweet.

Ficus carica 'Italian Everbearing'

Italian Fig

This ethnic favorite is a staple in many of the yards of Mediterranean immigrants but is found far more rarely growing in other yards. One taste of this sweet fruit will change that! You won't want to miss out on this easy, self-pollinating, everbearing Fig as it produces loads of reddish-brown fruit that are even larger than the old stand by, Brown Turkey Fig, containing juicy, sweet pink flesh that is wonderfully delicious either fresh or dried. This small, rounded tree will be an attractive addition to the landscape along with being oh so dependable in the fruit production department. Colossal 9" lobed leaves add a distinctly tropical flavor to the landscape on this tree that should be grown in full sun and heavily protected, just like your Mediterranean neighbors do, to make sure it makes it through the winter to fruit like crazy next year..

Ficus carica 'Vern's Brown Turkey'

Common Fig

The best Fig available for the northeast, 'Vern's Brown' is the standard for the home garden for good reason! Its year to year reliability is outstanding producing a large crop of sizable, deep brown figs with sweet, seductive amber colored flesh that will have you popping them into your mouth right off the tree. This tasty treat keeps well with refrigeration and is perfect for a container on a deck or anyplace in the ground that you can provide winter protection.

Forsythia 'Show Off Starlet'


Show Off Starlet forsythia is a bright ball of yellow flowers in spring! If your older forsythia takes up too much room and has a weak flower display, try this new, improved variety. It has the same fabulous flower display you get with Show Off forsythia, but in a smaller package. This new dwarf forsythia is a mass of bright yellow spring flowers from base to tip. Prefers a good, loose soil, but is very adaptable. pH adaptable, air pollution tolerant, withstands city conditions. Pruning is seldom needed; if necessary, prune immediately after flowering. Old stems can be cut to the ground. Fertilize in spring.

Forsythia 'Sugar Baby'


Bright yellow early spring flowers. Dwarf habit. Outstanding flower display. Deer resistant. Prefers a good, loose soil, but is very adaptable. pH adaptable, air pollution tolerant, withstands city conditions. Does not need heavy pruning. Pruning is best done immediately after flowering. Old stems can be cut to the ground. Fertilize in spring. Great for erosion control.

Forsythia intermedia 'Lynwood'

Lynwood Gold Forsythia

Carefree Forsythia Lynwood Gold lights up the spring with its golden yellow blooms. The whole shrub produces an abundance of blooms! When colors fade, dark green foliage forms. Great for privacy and shaping.

Fothergilla 'Mt. Airy'


Dense and upright with cool, dark, blue-green foliage and an abundant early spring show of stamened, cone-like, white flowers that fill the air with their light fragrance. Superb summer foliage turns a striking yellow-orange-red in the fall. Truly a plant for all seasons!

Hakonechloa macra 'All Gold'

Japanese Forest Grass

Graceful arching golden leaves form dense, cascading mound. Deer resistant.

Hamamelis virginiana 'Harvest Moon'

Witch Hazel

This captivating selection developed by noted Connecticut Kalmia expert Richard Jaynes, blooms after the leaves have fallen in the fall. While this seems like a thing of small importance to some, most fall blooming Hamamelis tend to bloom with the foliage still on the plant making its unique, striking, fragrant flowers very easy to overlook. You'll find 'Harvest Moon' impossible to ignore with vivid, densely packed clusters of lemon yellow flowers showing off their trademarked crinkly, strap-like petals against bare branches in November for stunning late-season appeal. These flowers are considerably larger and showier than the species and make walking in the garden as Thanksgiving approaches a real treat! 'Harvest Moon' is a big, beefy, attractive plant in spring and summer with deep green leaves that provide loads of native critter cover and an easy going nature that lets it thrive in most sunny, well-drained locations.

Hedera helix

English Ivy

A very popular, easy to grow, self-clinging vine that is great for climbing walls, as a groundcover, or enhancing container plantings. Displays small green leaves. A classic vine for climbing walls, pillars, arbors and fences.

Hibiscus syriacus 'Dark Lavender Chiffon'

Rose of Sharon

The newest member of the incredible CHIFFON® rose of Sharon series! Honestly, we just got lucky with this one. It was growing by its parent Lavender CHIFFON® and since then it has proved it's out and out a richer color. Gardeners who prefer a luscious, rich colored flower will be happy to see Dark Lavender CHIFFON® as a hedge, specimen, or within a border. Long blooming. Heat, drought, salt tolerant. Attracts pollinators. Deer resistant.

Hibiscus syriacus 'Diana'

Rose of Sharon

Wonderful flowering shrub. Dark green, leathery foliage serves as the backdrop for pure white flowers that fill this selection from July through October.

Hibiscus syriacus 'Lil Kim Red'

Rose of Sharon

This newest addition to the Lil' Kim series has a compact habit and rich, deep rosy-red flowers. The unique color looks good with many summer flowering perennials, and is a great choice for container gardens. Deer resistant.

Hibiscus syriacus 'Orchid Satin'

Rose of Sharon

Seedless rose of Sharon means less work and more enjoyment! Exceptionally large pink single blooms are accented by a dramatic red eye. The graceful branches of this non-invasive new variety make it a very appealing addition to the mixed border. Deer resistant.

Hibiscus syriacus 'Pink Chiffon'

Rose of Sharon

Unique, clear pink color! This beautiful new rose of Sharon has the same flower power and soft, graceful stems of other Chiffon® varieties, but with large, soft pink flowers. You'll fall in love with the distinctive, clear pink blooms. Long blooming. Heat and salt tolerant. Attracts pollinators. Deer resistant.

Hibiscus syriacus 'Purple Pillar'

Rose of Sharon

Purple Pillar® is a totally unique rose of Sharon: it naturally grows as a narrow column instead of a wide, spreading plant. It gets to be just 2-3' (.6-.9 m) wide and 10-16' tall! Think of what you could do with that: screens, hedges, patio containers. Anywhere you need a little privacy and/or color in a narrow space, this plant is a great choice. Like most all hibiscus, it will do best in full sun. In summer, each stem is packed along its entire length with purple blooms. This unusual columnar habit makes it a real space saver - if you thought you didn't have enough space to grow rose of Sharon, Purple Pillar is perfect for you. Try it in containers, or flanking your front door, or simply as a quirky accent in your landscape.

Hibiscus syriacus 'Red Heart'

Rose of Sharon

A delightful flowering deciduous shrub with slender, upright branches and bright green foliage. The outstanding large white flowers with red centers provide a welcome color accent in summer landscapes. A beautiful accent or container specimen. Works well as a foundation plant, hedge, or privacy screen. Tolerates air pollution well.

Hibiscus syriacus 'Sugar Tip'

Rose of Sharon

Colorful foliage all season, and fluffy pink blooms in summer! Fabulous and eye-catching from spring to fall, Sugar Tip rose of Sharon offers unique brightly variegated creamy-white and bluish-green foliage. It produces loads of clear pink, double flowers and does not produce seed. This is a beautiful semi-dwarf rose of Sharon that saves space and looks great all summer.

Hibiscus syriacus 'White Chiffon'

Rose of Sharon

Beefy single flowers are adorned with a lacy center to create clouds of anemone - like blooms. Wow! Blooms begin in August through September. Strong growing and long blooming, this plant will draw attention from everyone who sees it.

Hydrangea Arb.`Invincibelle Spirit`

Mophead Hydrangea

Invincibelle Spirit is hardy and adaptable shrub that produces loads of flowers. They start out as dark pink buds which open to hot pink flowers which then turn soft pink as they mature, finally changing to green at the end of their life cycle. Flowers from mid - June up until frost on new wood.

Hydrangea arborescens 'Incrediball'

Smooth Hydrangea

This adaptable native plant produces huge flowers (as much as 12" across) and is both reliable and beautiful. Flowers open green, then mature to white before turning green at the end of their life cycle. Very cold hardy Incrediball blooms on sturdy new growth so no hoops or staking is required.

Hydrangea arborescens 'Invincebelle Limetta'

Smooth Hydrangea

Invincibelle Limetta® hydrangea is the easy way to experience refreshing summer color every year. It's as reliable as the classic 'Annabelle,' but offers big-time improvements, like strong stems that hold the blooms upright all season, and a dwarf, rounded habit that makes it perfect to plant anywhere, from foundations to flower gardens. In early summer, spheres of lime green flowers appear. They lighten to a soft green-white before turning jade green for the rest of the season. They last clear through frost for a persistent show that takes practically no effort on your part - they are great for both fresh and dried cut flowers.

Hydrangea arborescens 'Invincebelle Mini Mauvette'

Smooth Hydrangea

Cold climate gardeners, rejoice: there's finally a purple hydrangea for you! Introducing Invincibelle Mini Mauvette® hydrangea - it's unlike anything that's ever come before. Why? Well, it blooms every single year, even in cold climates and is impervious to bad pruning. It's the same type of hydrangea as the classic and much-loved 'Annabelle' but instead of plain white blooms, the flowers are a deep pink-mauve, and they're held up on strong, sturdy stems that don't flop. The show begins in early summer and because Invincibelle Mini Mauvette is a rebloomer, it continues clear through frost for an endless supply of flowers for the landscape or vase (both fresh and dried!).

Hydrangea arborescens 'Invincebelle Spirit II'

Smooth Hydrangea

Invincibelle Spirit II hydrangea represents the best in full-sized pink 'Annabelle' hydrangeas. It offers handsome, dark green foliage, sturdy, strong stems that prevent flopping, and large blooms of deep pink that age to an attractive green. Plus, it reblooms, delivering waves of fresh flowers through autumn. This North American native hydrangea grows over a huge range of the US and Canada, thriving in chilly USDA zone 3.

Hydrangea arborescens 'Invincebelle Sublime'

Smooth Hydrangea

Invincibelle Sublime hydrangea (H. arborescens) ushers in a new day for full-sized smooth hydrangeas, with cloud-like mophead flowers floating above the plant on super-sturdy stems. Each floret of the big, fluffy blooms is a deeply saturated tourmaline-green that looks refreshing and intriguing in the garden all summer long. Very dark green foliage sets off the lively green of the blooms. Makes a fantastic cut flower, both fresh and dried, if you can bring yourself to remove them from the fabulous plant.

Hydrangea arborescens 'Invincebelle Wee White'

Smooth Hydrangea

Invincibelle Wee White® hydrangea is positively ground-breaking: it's the first dwarf 'Annabelle' type hydrangea in the world! This cute little landscape plant ensures that any landscape can enjoy the reliability, low-maintenance, and season-long beauty of hydrangeas. It reaches just 1-2.5' (.3-.7 m) tall and naturally grows as a tidy, rounded mound. Each flower emerges a soft, blush pink before changing to white, and is held up on a strong, supportive stem for a display that looks more like a bouquet of flowers than a landscape plant. Blooming begins in early summer and continues through frost, with new flowers appearing the whole time. Versatile and floriferous, it just might be the solution to your landscape problems. Long blooming. Native to North America.

Hydrangea mac. 'Endless Summer Bloomstruck'

Mophead Hydrangea

Dense and compact with deep green foliage, this selection is a reblooming beauty with deep blue, mophead flowers starting in June and continuing all summer. Heavier blooming than Endless Summer® The Original.

Hydrangea mac. 'Endless Summer Blushing Bride'

Mophead Hydrangea

The name of this new Hydrangea macrophylla says it all. Pure white blooms with semi - double florets gradually mature to a sweet, pink blush. The foliage is an attractive dark green, providing a striking background for the emerging white flowers.

Hydrangea mac. 'Endless Summer Pop Star'

Lacecap Hydrangea

Genetically compact and incredibly floriferous, Pop Star® Hydrangea is a lacecap variety that is a standout in the landscape or decorative container. With strong bud hardiness and reliable rebloom, Pop Star® is a blooming powerhouse. Its short stature makes this a strong border or short hedge plant that doesn’t need pruning to keep its size and is great for year-after-year color on your deck, patio, or porch. The dark green leaves against the blue or pink blooms give the classic hydrangea look, while the lacecap flowers add extra texture and interest to the garden.

Hydrangea mac. 'Endless Summer Summer Crush'

Mophead Hydrangea

With a profusion of big raspberry red or neon purple blooms, Summer Crush™ brings floral quality blooms to your garden or patio container. Not only is it drop-dead gorgeous, but it is compact so you get a neat, tidy look throughout the summer

Hydrangea mac. 'Endless Summer The Original'

Mophead Hydrangea

Another first—a Bigleaf Hydrangea plant with flowers that form on the current year's growth as well as on old wood. 'Endless Summer' will bloom from early July through late summer, especially if deadheaded regularly, and the flower heads - blue in acid soil - will be up to 6” across.

Hydrangea mac. 'Endless Summer Twist-N-Shout'

Lacecap Hydrangea

Like the Endless Summer hydrangea, 'Twist n Shout' is zone 4 hardy, blooms on new wood and blooms repeatedly throughout the season. This variety differs by offering a big, beautiful lacecap blossom and a bi - color mixture of deep pink and startling blue offset by maroon - red stems. The dark foliage then turns a deep maroon in the fall.

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Cherry-Go-Round'

Mophead Hydrangea

Mouthwatering cherry-red flowers adorn its compact frame and rebloom through summer and fall. Deep red mophead flowers from late spring through summer. Very sturdy stems.

Hydrangea macrophylla 'L.A. Dreamin'

Mophead Hydrangea

L.A. Dreamin'® Hydrangea is one of the most impressive big leaf hydrangeas we've seen. It produces pink, blue and lavender blooms all on one plant, regardless of your soil's pH. You no longer have to worry about supplementing your soil to achieve a certain hydrangea color. You'll just delight in the color show as it blooms and blooms again from early summer until fall. Its large flower heads are borne on sturdy, upright stems, and they rebloom strongly, flowering heavily on both old and new wood; this means you will have an abundant show from early summer through hard frost. Plant in humusy soil, ideally in a spot that gets morning sun and a little afternoon shade. This variety holds up better in heat than older ones, but it benefits from extra water when first planted. Named in honor of the breeder's daughter. This outstanding new Big Leaf Hydrangea grows a compact 4' tall and wide, a nice size for most any garden. It's impressive when planted near entryways, along walkways or as a focal point. The flower heads make striking fresh bouquets and can be dried for year-round enjoyment.

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Let's Dance Big Band'

Mophead Hydrangea

Let's Dance Big Band' combines bodaciously big mophead flowers with pure, true colors (pink in neutral/basic conditions, blue in acidic conditions) on a plant that survives winter better and reblooms better. That means more flowers, from the beginning of hydrangea season until the snowflakes fly! Pruning: big-leaf hydrangeas cannot be pruned at any point in the year without negatively impacting the flowering. As such, it's best to avoid pruning this type of hydrangea altogether. If portions of the plant were damaged from winter weather, they can be removed in spring when it is clear where the new growth is emerging.

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Let's Dance Blue Jangles'

Mophead Hydrangea

The reblooming hydrangea that really does! Let's Dance® Blue Jangles® is a big-leaf hydrangea that blooms on both old and new wood, with a tight, compact habit that is unusual among reblooming hydrangeas. Large, full flower heads will readily go heavenly blue in acid soils; in alkaline soils, they'll be vivid pink. This proven performer will bloom reliably even in zone 5. Salt tolerant.

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Let's Dance Rhythmic Blues'

Mophead Hydrangea

Let's Dance Rhythmic Blue hydrangea will make you feel like the head honcho of hydrangeas. This easy-to-grow, no prune hydrangea was developed in Michigan for superior cold climate performance. Each perfectly formed floret has a distinctive rectangular shape. They combine into dozens of lush, full, mophead flowers that are pink in alkaline soils and a fabulous blue in acidic conditions. An outstanding rebloomer, Let's Dance Rhythmic Blue hydrangea will provide you months of flowers. Blooms on both old and new wood.

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Let's Dance Sky View'

Mophead Hydrangea

Let's Dance Sky View big leaf hydrangea (H. macrophylla) is a standout for consistent, yearly blooming, whether you grow it in Michigan or Florida. Selected from our extensive Let's Dance® hydrangea breeding program for its ability to not only conserve its old wood buds in the face of weather challenges, but also its ability to continue creating new flowers. You'll also love how easy this cultivar is to turn blue, which is what we recommend, since it’s so spectacular this way: flowers emerge a beautiful sky blue with a honeydew-green eye before maturing to a full sky blue. Its nice compact growing habit makes it both a good container and garden plant.

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Nantucket Blue'

Mophead Hydrangea

Selected for prolific blooming, vibrant bloom color and compact growth habit, this repeat blooming Hydrangea features an abundance of summertime flower clusters until frost. Flowers are blue in acidic soil and pink in alkaline soil. This vigorous grower reaches 4 to 6 feet tall and wide.

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Wedding Gown'

Lacecap Hydrangea

Pure white, fully double, lace-cap type flowers that keep coming in an inexhaustible supply until October.

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Wee Bit Giddy'

Mophead Hydrangea

Wee Bit Giddy hydrangea will put a smile on your face - not just because it's absolutely beautiful (though it is!), but because this durable, handsome plant was developed specifically for improved performance in your garden. You might think of it as an improved version of our best-selling Cityline Paris hydrangea, as it shares its same intense red flower color and neat, dwarf habit; however, it adds in the robust durability of Let's Dance Rave hydrangea, which imbues it with outstanding performance in the landscape, even in USDA zones 5 and 6.

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Wee Bit Grumpy'

Mophead Hydrangea

Don't be fooled by its curmudgeonly name: Wee Bit Grumpy hydrangea will put a smile on your face! Like its sister plant, Wee Bit Giddy hydrangea, it was selected for its combination of pure, intense, saturated flower color and outstanding landscape performance. And its color is really something you must see to believe: in acidic soils, its big, full blooms take on a moody, dramatic deep purple-blue. They appear amid a neat, tidy mound of compact foliage that resists disease and stands up better to cold weather than conventional hydrangeas.

Hydrangea paniculata 'Berry White'

Panicle Hydrangea

Strong, upright stems and large cone-shaped flower panicles that stay upright make Berry White® Hydrangea an impressive summer stunner. The flower color starts out white in July then progresses to a jaw-dropping dark pink, beginning at the bottom and developing up to the top of the panicle. The color on Berry White® is truly remarkable, especially in cooler climates with a gradual decrease in fall evening temperatures.

Hydrangea paniculata 'Bobo'

Panicle Hydrangea

Loads of flowers on a tiny plant! This dwarf panicle hydrangea will turn heads! Bobo® hydrangea is engulfed by large white flowers in summer. The flowers are held upright on strong stems, and continue to grow and lengthen as they bloom. No flopping, unlike some panicle hydrangeas! As blooms age, they turn pink. It is compact and dwarf in habit, and the flowers cover every inch of the plant right down to the ground. This plant was developed by Johan Van Huylenbroeck, the same breeder that developed Pinky Winky® hydrangea.

Hydrangea paniculata 'Fire Light Tidbit'

Panicle Hydrangea

If you thought you didn't have enough space to grow a beautiful, reliable panicle hydrangea, Fire Light Tidbit® hydrangea is here to help! This innovative new development is the tiniest, tidiest panicle hydrangea yet: it reaches just 2-3'/.6-.9m tall and wide, yet it packs in tons of easy-care beauty into its small size. Big, lush panicles of white mophead flowers appear in early-mid summer, nearly obscuring the textured green foliage. As the summer progresses, they begin to develop bright pink and red tones, which keep it colorful right on up to the first frost, especially combined with its colorful autumn foliage, an unusual trait in panicle hydrangeas. Thick, sturdy stems help to create a neat, mounded plant that's fantastic in landscapes, flower gardens, even in containers! We absolutely love this little beauty paired with the legendary Supertunia Vista Bubblegum petunia.

Hydrangea paniculata 'Fire Light'

Panicle Hydrangea

Fire Light® is the standard to measure all panicle hydrangeas! We developed this easy-to-grow, reliable panicle hydrangea in Michigan, selecting it for its huge, full flower heads and sturdy, strong stems. Blooms emerge creamy-white and age to a vivid red for lots of summer color. It makes a great cut flower, fresh or dried, and can be used as a hedge, specimen, or incorporated into flower gardens and foundation plantings.

Hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight Prime'

Panicle Hydrangea

The next generation of 'Limelight' is here! Introducing Limelight Prime® hydrangea. In a very short time, Limelight hydrangea became one of the most popular plants ever - but that doesn't mean that there wasn't room for improvement. So we've spent years developing this new selection that does everything better than the original, from bud to bloom and beyond. Here's how Limelight Prime hydrangea is different: Blooms much earlier, creating a longer display. This is especially valuable in colder climates, where 'Limelight' might not bloom until late August. bolder, brighter color. As the green blooms age, they develop pink and red tones that are far more vivid and showy than conventional panicle hydrangeas. stronger stems. Though strong stems is a crucially important factor in the panicle hydrangeas we select for Proven Winners ColorChoice Shrubs, you can count on Limelight Prime to hold its big blooms up all summer long. useful smaller size. Limelight Prime reaches a very garden- and landscape-friendly 4-6'/1.2-1.8m tall and 4-5'/1.2-1.5m wide.

Hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight'

Panicle Hydrangea

Limelight' will take your breath away with its unique lime - green flowers that cover the plant in big, poofy snowballs starting in mid - August. Very vigorous and very floriferous, this is just the plant to inject some excitement into the late summer landscape.

Hydrangea paniculata 'Little Lime Punch'

Panicle Hydrangea

You'll be drinking in the beauty Little Lime Punch® hydrangea serves up all season long. Similar to Little Lime®, its blooms emerge lime green, but they mature a little differently. Flowers change progressively from the bottom up in a gorgeous array of white, light pink, and rich Hawaiian Punch red! As it reblooms throughout the summer you'll see these four colors mix to create a truly memorable show. With a compact habit and strong stems, you'll find that it's as useful in the landscape as it is beautiful.

Hydrangea paniculata 'Little Lime'

Panicle Hydrangea

Dwarf 'Limelight' hydrangea! Compared to its famous sibling ‘Limelight’, Little Lime hardy hydrangea (Hydrangea paniculata) may seem like a pipsqueak. Don’t let this petite shrub fool you. While maintaining its short stature of 3-5’ tall and wide, it really packs a visual punch in the garden. In summer, lime green blooms open on strong stems – no drooping here. As it ages, rich pink coloring emerges to prolong the show through fall. Little Lime hydrangea is small enough to grow in containers and also stands out as a bold mass planting. Its bright bloom coloration makes it an excellent choice for cut flower gardens and can be used fresh or dried. This reliable performer blooms on new wood, so a quick trim in late winter or early spring will encourage fresh growth and an abundance of buds. Like most hardy hydrangeas, it is hardy to Zone 3 and does best in full sun or part shade.

Hydrangea paniculata 'Little Quick Fire'

Panicle Hydrangea

Dwarf form of the popular Quick Fire® hydrangea! Like Quick Fire, it is early blooming, flowering about a month before other hydrangeas. White flowers transform to pink-red as summer progresses. This dwarf plant fits easily into any landscape, including container gardens. Add it to your existing hydrangea garden to extend the blooming season.

Hydrangea paniculata 'Pinky Winky'

Panicle Hydrangea

Pinky Winky has an unusual name, and an even more unusual flower. The large white panicles open in mid to late summer, and as summer turns to fall the florets at the base of the panicles turn pink. The flower panicles continue to grow, producing new white florets at the tip. The result is spectacular two - toned flower panicles that can reach up to 16 inches in length!

Hydrangea paniculata 'Quick Fire Fab'

Panicle Hydrangea

Quick Fire Fab® panicle hydrangea shares the same super-early bloom time, rock-solid reliability, and easy-going nature of the original Quick Fire hydrangea, but adds big, full, showy mophead blooms to the mix. How fabulous is that? It's the best way to get the earliest possible panicle hydrangea flowers, expanding the seasonal display by two weeks or more every year. If you look closely at the lush blooms, you'll see each floret has an unusual cruciform shape which gives them a textural effect you won't find in other panicle hydrangeas. As the blooms age, they turn blush pink, then bright pink, then red, from the bottom up, making each one look like a big delicious ice cream cone that goes from vanilla to berry as the summer progresses. Quick Fire Fab provides 3+ months of flowers and color in your landscape or garden, and does it all with almost no work or effort from you.

Hydrangea paniculata 'Quick Fire'

Panicle Hydrangea

The first to bloom! 'Quick Fire' blooms about a month before other hardy hydrangea varieties. Flowers open white then turn pink, and will be an extremely dark rosy - pink in the fall. They are produced on ‘new wood and will bloom after even the harshest winters.

Hydrangea paniculata 'Strawberry Sundae'

Panicle Hydrangea

Strawberry Sundae™ is a delicious new compact hydrangea. Flowers emerge creamy white in mid-summer, change to pink as night temperatures drop. The fantastic flower color lasts well into fall. With its compact habit, this hydrangea adds spectacular color and impressive flowers to small space gardens or containers. It is also excellent for fresh cut and dried flower arrangements. Flower color varies based on climate and growing conditions.

Hydrangea paniculata 'Vanilla Strawberry'

Panicle Hydrangea

The enormous flower heads are a blend of vanilla and strawberry, held upright on red stems. Flowers emerge creamy white in mid-summer, change to pink as the night temperatures drop and finally turn strawberry red. New blooms emerge as older blooms change color, giving the plant a multicolored effect in late summer and early fall. The red coloring lasts at least 3-4 weeks. Plants grow upright, and then cascade later in the season. Excellent for fresh cut and dried flower arrangements. Flower color varies based on climate and growing conditions.

Hydrangea quercifolia 'Ruby Slippers'

Oakleaf Hydrangea

A profusion of exceptionally large, white blooms in summer that quickly age to deep pink. Robust blooms remain upright even after heavy rains. Dark green, deeply lobed oak-like foliage turns brilliant mahogany in fall. The compact form works in smaller landscapes and is useful for mass planting, hedges or borders. Deciduous.

Hydrangea quercifolia 'Snow Queen'

Oak Leaf Hydrangea

Snow Queen is an elegant and showy full - sized oakleaf hydrangea variety, Snow Queen was selected for its plethora of big full bloom trusses which begin their show in July. The dark green oak - like leaves turn a striking red - bronze color in the fall. Exfoliating bark and orange buds create winter interest.

Hydrangea serrata 'Let's Dance Can Do!'

Reblooming Mountain Hydrangea

One look at Let's Dance Can Do hydrangea tells you it's beautiful - but there's more to this innovative new hydrangea than that. It has the unique ability to create flower buds along the entire length of the stem instead of only at the top like other big-leaf hydrangeas. That means that even if winter does its worst and kills back a portion of the plant, there will still be flower buds to open in early summer. It's also what makes Let's Dance Can Do hardy to USDA zone 4 - not only will it survive in such a cold area, it will actually bloom there! Let's Dance Can Do also reblooms quicker than others: in other words, you won't have to wait until fall to see the new flowers. And about those flowers! They are lacecaps, but the size and quantity of the showy sterile florets obscures the tiny fertile florets. Flowers are a luscious strawberry pink in neutral/alkaline soils and a lovely lavender in acidic ones. Salt tolerant.

Hydrangea serrata 'Tiny Tuff Stuff'

Mountain Hydrangea

Very hardy reblooming hydrangea! We love Hydrangea serrata because they are so bud hardy and bloom reliably. This is a real beauty, with flowers so delicate and refined that it seems strange to call them tough - but they are. As mentioned, extremely bud-hardy, each year it produces abundant lacecap flowers comprised of doubled sepals. It is a rebloomer. While this plant leans to blue, the flower color may range from blue to pink to white, all soft, delicate shades perfect for refined gardens. The flowers age to an attractive pink, and tip down in a distinctive arching fashion. It has smaller, narrower leaves and an abundance of dainty flowers that cover the plant every summer. Add aluminum sulfate to the soil to encourage blue flower color. Blooms on old and new wood.

Hydrangea serrata 'Tuff Stuff Ah-Ha'

Reblooming Mountain Hydrangea

One of the most prolific reblooming hydrangeas. All summer long, it devotes its energies to creating flower buds on its new growth so that you have a constant supply of fabulous blooms from early summer through frost. Tuff Stuff Ah-Ha®hydrangea will bloom pink or blue, depending on soil chemistry.

Hydrangea serrata 'Tuff Stuff Red'

Mountain Hydrangea

Colorful, beautiful, reliable. Tuff Stuff™ Red is the newest edition to the Tuff Stuff series of mountain hydrangeas. These unique hydrangeas fare better in cold weather than their cousins, big-leaf hydrangeas, making them the perfect choice for landscapes and gardens in USDA zones 5 and 6. Large, lacecap flowers are a deep pink-red color which is set off by lustrous, deep green foliage. This reblooming hydrangea begins blooming in early summer on old wood and continues to produce flowers on new wood through autumn, ensuring a showy, abundant display. Small, rounded habit gives Tuff Stuff Red extra versatility in the landscape - grow it as a foundation planting, low hedge, edging, or specimen.

Hydrangea serrata 'Tuff Stuff Top Fun'

Reblooming Mountain Hydrangea

Brimming with color, Tuff Stuff Top Fun hydrangea’s bold lacecap blooms are supported by bright burgundy stems. Each flower is filled with cheery green fertile florets at the center and purple or pink infertile florets around the edges. So inviting to pollinators and quite a lovely cut for florists. And these flowers just keep coming all summer long, first on old wood and later on new wood.

Hydrangea serrata 'Tuff Stuff'

Reblooming Mountain Hydrangea

So pretty, it's hard to believe it's so tough! But indeed, Tuff Stuff™ mountain hydrangea lives up to its name. It shares the showy blooms and beautiful pink or purple color of big-leaf hydrangeas, but because it grows wild on the chilly mountain tops instead of the mild seaside, it naturally developed substantially better cold tolerance. The sturdy lacecap blooms will be bright pink or deep purple-blue, depending on your soil pH, and the handsome dark green foliage resists wilting. If you've had trouble getting big-leaf hydrangeas to bloom reliably in your landscape, try Tuff Stuff - it's the reblooming hydrangea that really does.

Hydrangea x 'Let's Dance Arriba!'

Reblooming Hydrangea

Don't blink! This cute little shrub will grow to maturity and fill out within a couple seasons. Let's Dance ¡Arriba! is one of the most prolifically flowering, fastest-growing reblooming hydrangeas we've seen! Its flower color is dependent on the soil pH, but no matter what type of soil you have, you can depend on brilliant color. Blooms look gorgeous well into fall, aging to soft mauve! Blooms on both old and new wood. Salt tolerant.

Hypericum 'Hidcote'

St. John's Wort

Brilliant golden yellow 3-inch, cup-shaped flowers bloom on this tidy mounding shrub. Attractive dark green foliage adds contrast to the blooms. Well suited as a low, untrimmed hedge. Stunning color when planted in mass. Grows well in dry, rocky soils.

Ilex 'Red Beauty'

Blue Holly

Red Beauty® is a distinctive holly that combines dark glossy foliage with an abundance of bright red fruit. 'Blue Prince' is recommended as the male pollinator. More heat tolerant than other blue hollies.

Ilex crenata 'Beehive'

Beehive Japanese Holly

A dense compact mounded form with lustrous dark green leaves.

Ilex crenata 'Bennett's Compacta'

Compact Japanese Holly

Dense, compact shrub with wide, leathery, shiny dark green foliage. A versatile plant for shrub beds, foundation plantings, massing and hedges. Prefers well drained, moist, slightly acid soils for optimum growth and performance. Evergreen.

Ilex crenata 'Chesapeake'

Chesapeake Japanese Holly

Lustrous black berries are attractive to birds which feed on them in fall. Excellent carefree shrub for even green background that can be sheared for a formal appearance. Makes a good medium height privacy or wind screen hedge

Ilex crenata 'Compacta'

Compact Japanese Holly

Dense growing and globe - shaped, this selection has deep, dark, shiny foliage and a multitude of landscape uses. Great for foundation use or in hedging, this plant is easy to grow and prune.

Ilex crenata 'Green Lustre'

Green Lustre Holly

A low growing handsome shrub with dark green lustrous foliage. The growth habit is dense and mounding with a wider spread. The Green Lustre is hardier than many Japanese hollies. Small flowers are inconspicuous followed by black fruit in winter

Ilex crenata 'Helleri'

Dwarf Japanese Holly

Beautiful low, dense form! Branching habit is tight and mounding and foliage is small, but deep green. Great for small spaces, low maintenance.

Ilex crenata 'Lucky Marble'

Japanese Holly

Add dependability and some significant texture to your landscape with this easy to grow, the slow-growing evergreen that will certainly grow on you! Dense, compact and rounded, this slow grower features shiny, tiny foliage that you will just love to touch! Easy to grow. Perfect for half-day sun/half-day shade. Tiny, lustrous foliage adds loads of 'touch me' texture to the landscape. Perfect for grouping to form a small border planting and excellent for small landscape spaces.

Ilex crenata 'Sky Pencil'

Sky Pencil Japanese Holly

A narrow, columnar form with dark green foliage that stays neat year-round, and often sports small purple berries in fall, with a male pollenizer nearby. Leaves lack sharp points, making it ideal for decks, patios, or entryways as a vertical accent

Ilex crenata 'Soft Touch'

Soft Touch Compact Holly

A dense, mounded, evergreen shrub with soft-textured, glossy green leaves that have an interesting silver mid-vein. Works wonderfully when planted in borders, as an accent, or along walkways

Ilex crenata 'Steeds'

Steeds Upright Holly

An easy-to-grow, densely branched evergreen shrub with an attractive upright, pyramidal form. Dense, lustrous, dark green foliage adds color to the landscape year-round. Tiny white flowers produce ornamental black berries that persist throughout winter

Ilex glabra 'Compacta'


Slower growing, wide, dense upright form of the native Inkberry. Black berries. Native to the eastern USA, this variety has proven to be one of the most reliable of the hollies. Inkberry prefers moist, acid soils and full sun, but it will tolerate partial shade very well. It is the only holly that spreads by underground stems and will form colonies, making it valuable for mass plantings and hillsides. Very tolerant of shearing.

Ilex glabra 'Densa'


This tough, durable broadleaf evergreen is an outstanding plant due to its ability to provide year round cover for a host of native bird species while providing an excellent food source for these same birds with it black berries. What's more, it's an easy keeper that prefers moist, acid soils and full sun, but it will tolerate partial shade very well.

Ilex glabra 'Gem Box'


A great native alternative to boxwood! This cool new dwarf, broadleaf evergreen looks more like a boxwood than an inkberry. A dense, ball-shaped plant, Gem Box ilex has small, dainty, dark green leaves with attractive red tips during the spring flush. It maintains good branching right to the ground so it never looks bare-legged like other cultivars may. It's great as a small evergreen hedge.

Ilex glabra 'Shamrock'


Shamrock Inkberry is a cultivar of our native Ilex glabra. It is a compact form with lustrous, deep green leaves with the new leaves emerging bright green above the older, darker green foliage. This plant is a good multi - purpose plant for hedges, mass planting, foundations, and use as a specimen.

Ilex glabra 'Strongbox'


Native alternative to boxwood. Love boxwood but struggle with disease or winter damage? Plant Strongbox® inkberry holly instead. This native evergreen naturally grows as a broadly rounded mound, and keeps its leaves all the way to the ground for the lush, dense look you love. It can be pruned or shaped as you desire, or left to attain its neat natural shape. It's also much faster growing than boxwood, and offers good deer resistance, too.

Ilex verticillata 'Berry Heavy'


Heavy berry production for brilliant winter color! Berry Heavy® winterberry produces copious amounts of bright red berries that really shine in the fall and winter landscape. It is a deciduous holly, which means it loses its leaves in fall, but this makes that vivid fruit even showier. The berries can also be cut for use in floral arrangements. To produce berries a male and female plant are both required - use Mr. Poppins® winterberry holly as the pollinator. Berries are not edible for humans but are relished by birds after they've softened in mid-winter. Native to North America.

Ilex verticillata 'Jim Dandy'

Winterberry Holly

A compact male pollinator for 'Afterglow', 'Aurantiaca', 'Red Sprite,' and other early-blooming winterberry hollies. Note: this male cultivar will not bear fruit but is essential for pollinating female varieties.

Ilex verticillata 'Little Goblin Guy'

Winterberry Holly

Little Goblin® Guy winterberry holly is a male pollinator for Little Goblin® Orange and Little Goblin® Red. Though it will not bear fruit itself, it plays a crucial role in getting the best from the female varieties. Little Goblin® Guy blooms at the same time as the female Little Goblin varieties, guaranteeing a good crop of showy berries all winter long.

Ilex verticillata 'Little Goblin Red'

Winterberry Holly

This unique winterberry brings you extra big and abundant rich-red berries on a dwarf plant. You will treasure this plant for gardens, mass plantings or as a cut branch. Its compact size makes it ideal for residential landscapes. Native to North America. To produce berries, you'll need a Little Goblin® Guy ilex, the male pollinator. One Little Goblin Guy will pollinate up to five Little Goblin Red and/or Little Goblin Orange winterberry hollies; plant within 50'/15.24m of one another.

Ilex verticillata 'Mr. Poppins'


This compact male winterberry is the ideal pollinator for Berry Poppins® or any Proven Winners® winterberry holly.

Ilex verticillata 'Red Sprite'


Red Sprite' is a compact winterberry holly with glossy foliage and impressive fruit set. Branches may be cut for arrangements but this plant's dwarf habit makes it less suited to cutting than larger plants. For berries on this female selection, a male pollinator is required; use 'Jim Dandy' or Mr. Poppins® winterberry holly. Fruit is not edible.

Ilex Verticillata `Winter Red`


Deep green foliage and a bumper crop of bright red berries in the fall and winter along with a dense, multi - stemmed form make this plant an excellent choice for landscape borders. Easy care and an excellent bird attractant.

Ilex x meserveae 'Berryific'


This variety is actually a 'Blue Prince' and 'Blue Princess' holly planted closely together to provide tons of berries reliably every year. 'Berryific' produces a colorful, distinctive, pyramidal evergreen that is ideal for gardeners that are unable to accommodate separate male and female plants.

Ilex x meserveae 'Blue Prince'


Superb dark blue - green leathery foliage on purple stems! This variety, along with its ability to pollinate any female meserveae holly, has great form and texture in the landscape and is extremely hardy.

Ilex x meserveae 'Blue Princess'


Large, dark blue - green foliage and exceptional berry production make this evergreen holly particularly attractive. The broad growing holly can reach a height of 12ft and 9ft wide. Performs well in full sun or part shade. Requires a male of the species to cross pollinate and set fruit.

Ilex x meserveae 'Castle Spire'


A superb selection that is more compact and more dense than 'Blue Princess' with a better branching system. This plant's foliage is superb with big lustrous, bluish - green leaves that show off an ample amount of bright red fall berries. Use Ilex 'Castle Wall' to cross pollinate and set fruit.

Ilex x meserveae 'Castle Wall'


This hard - working selection performs double duty by providing the pollen that will ensure that 'Castle Spire' has an abundant supply of berries and by providing a columnar landscape shape. This plant has shiny, deep blue - green foliage on a upright form that makes it ideal for tight spaces.

Ilex x meserveae 'Honey Maid'

Blue Holly

A variegated form of Blue Maid® holly with very stable yellow and green foliage. This is a female plant which will produce red berries if planted near a male pollinator such as 'Blue Prince' or Castle Wall® ilex.

Itea virginica 'Little Henry'


Little Henry' may sound small, but the landscape show it puts on is anything but small! Low and mound forming, this selection starts the show with an explosion of pure white lightly scented flower spires that shoot out like fireworks in late June that sets it apart from the crowd. In fall the foliage turns a shade of red that may outshine the burning bush.

Juniperus chinensis 'Angelica Blue'

Blue Juniper

The bright blue color of the fine-textured foliage is intensified by the cool winter temperatures. Creates excellent texture and color contrast when mixed with dark green foliaged plants. Prefers a well drained soil. Full sun. Evergreen.

Juniperus chinensis 'Blue Point'

Blue Point Juniper

A favorite for stately lawn specimens and tall screens. Glowing blue-green foliage on a densely branched, broad pyramid form that maintains its natural form well with practically no pruning. Clipped topiary forms make a wonderful formal accent in entrances or on patios. Evergreen.

Juniperus chinensis 'Gnom'


Delicately textured, gray-green foliage striped with silver makes this tough upright juniper outshine other conifers. Dense and exceptionally hardy. Stays narrow and keeps shape without flopping or splaying open. 'Gnom' only grows about 3-4" per year making it ideal for smaller landscape spots or containers. Easy to grow and does best in full sun.

Juniperus chinensis 'Hollywood'


The artistic appearance of its twisted, rustic form makes this a wonderful landscape accent. An excellent evergreen for use as a topiary specimen in containers and formal gardens. Well-suited for cooler coastal regions. Named for its popularity in Los Angeles gardens, this twisted upright beauty is very cold hardy. Its unique form and deep green color is striking against peach or white stucco walls. Use at entries and to mark gateways, and it is very attractive in conjunction with wrought iron gates. Grow on the corners of your house or between windows. It can be lined up in an informal hedge, but this spoils its drama as a single specimen and will not have the manicured appearance of a true hedge. Perfect for Mediterranean, Santa Fe, and Asian inspired gardens.

Juniperus chinensis 'Sargentii'


A ground - covering wonder with a strong horizontal branching habit and an aggressive nature, this juniper sports small, medium green, needle - like foliage and a clean, refined look. This is one of the best low growing junipers for grouping on banks en mass..

Juniperus communis 'Gold Cone'

Gold Cone Juniper

Golden new growth appears on this columnar, narrow, upright evergreen. Golden foliage gradually fades to blue-green in winter. Slow growing, easy to grow. Tolerates poor soil conditions

Juniperus horizontalis 'Bar Harbor'


Known for its rock hardiness, this aggressively spreading groundcover juniper is one of the most functional plants you'll ever use. Deep green summer foliage color turns nearly purple in the winter months, adding an unusual color to the winter landscape. A plant that's very tolerant of poor soil conditions, 'Bar Harbor' is best used in large group plantings. Plant in full to partial sun. Prune in early spring before new growth begins. Do not prune beyond where green growth is; avoid shearing.

Juniperus horizontalis 'Blue Chip'


A vigorous, prostrate growing juniper, 'Blue Chip' is best known for its eye - catching steel blue color and its ability to cover real estate quickly. A perfect plant for groupings and very adaptable to rough, sandy soils and salt conditions.

Juniperus horizontalis 'Wiltonii'

Blue Rug Juniper

One of the finest trailing junipers having a uniform, full centered growth habit with intense silver-blue evergreen foliage. Excellent for large scale groundcovers or cascading over walls.

Juniperus procumbens 'Nana Greenmound'

Nana Greenmound Juniper

Very similar to J. 'nana', lower growing with with greener needles. It does not "hump up" in the middle like 'Nana' and has a soft, flat, rug-like texture.

Juniperus scopulorum 'Blue Arrow'


An improved selection with tight, bright blue foliage and a very narrow, upright form. Perfect as a tall, narrow screen where space is limited. Makes a colorful addition to the garden. Produces silvery blue berries from late spring to late winter. Evergreen.

Juniperus squamata 'Blue Star'


Very slow growing, with a low rounded habit. This spectacular plant remains dense throughout its life and has an extremely eye - catching rich blue color.

Kalmia latifolia 'Carol'

Mountain Laurel

Dense and vigorous with dark evergreen foliage and masses of burgandy-red flower buds that open raspberry-pink in late May. Growth and form make make this plant ideal for woodland group plantings. Beautiful foliage showcases a great display of late May flowers. Shade tolerant. Likes enriched, well-drained soil and mulch. Remove spent flowers. Prune after flowering.

Kalmia latifolia 'Carousel'

Mountain Laurel

Fast - growing, dense and upright, 'Carousel' features burgundy stems holding dark glossy foliage that impresses all year round. Soft pink flower buds open in late May to immaculate clusters of cup - shaped flowers boasting intricate patterns of cinnamon - purple bands on a white background. Dappled sun or shade tolerant.

Kalmia latifolia 'Elf'

Elf Mountain Laurel

Miniature in habit and slower growing. Flowers are standard size with light pink buds opening almost pure white. A small wonder.

Kalmia latifolia 'Kaleidoscope'

Mountain Laurel

Well-branched with a wide, upright habit. Brilliant red buds open with a broad cinnamon red band which almost fills the white corolla. Late flowering. A vigorous grower with new growth, reddish in color.

Kalmia latifolia 'Minuet'

Mountain Laurel

Pink buds open to gorgeous white flowers with a striking maroon-red band around the inside edge. Useful as a landscape accent, informal hedge or border where its flowers can be enjoyed. Dwarf, slow growing North America native plant. Evergreen.

Kalmia latifolia 'Nipmuck'

Nipmuck Mountain Laurel

Nipmuck' sets loads of buds that color deep red in late May and burst into color soon after. Flowers open light pink to almost white with a pink petal back that gives this plant's ample bloom a two-tone look that's subtle, yet beautiful

Kalmia latifolia 'Olympic Fire'

Mountain Laurel

Upright, dense and rounded, this evergreen shows twisted, deep green foliage and loads of bright red flower buds that open pink in early to mid-June. Superb for naturalizing in groups as woodland edge border planting. Interesting, showy foliage and eye-turning bloom just before summer begins. Shade tolerant.

Kalmia latifolia 'Olympic Wedding'

Mountain Laurel

This dependable performer has all the attributes that make people fall in love with Mt. Laurel. Start with deep green, glossy foliage that looks great year round on a vigorous yet dense growing plant. Add in flowers with loads of deep pink buds that open in late May through mid - June to reveal light pink with cinnamon banding and this will become a favorite in your yard.

Kalmia latifolia 'Pink Charm'

Pink Charm Mountain Laurel

Deep pink buds open to rich pink flowers with a narrow dark pink ring near the base of the corolla. Ideal for a lightly shaded, woodland setting, providing year round protection for birds. Effective in mixed shrub borders.

Kalmia latifolia 'Raspberry Glow'

Raspberry Glow Mountain Laurel

Dense and vigorous with dark evergreen foliage and masses of burgandy-red flower buds that open raspberry-pink in late May. Growth and form make make this plant ideal for woodland group plantings.Native

Kalmia latifolia 'Sarah'

Mountain Laurel

Showy, deep red flower buds open to deep, pinkish - red flowers that are some of the showiest you'll see on any of our varieties! Lustrous, deep green foliage and a dense, rounded landscape habit make this selection a superb landscape plant.

Kalmia latifolia 'Tiddlywinks'

Mountain Laurel

This dwarf mountain laurel reaches only 3' in 10 years. Pale pink buds open to pale pink flowers in the spring. Dark green foliage contrasts nicely with red stems that branch nicely with good form. Evergreen

Kerria japonica

Japanese Kerria

A free flowering, fine textured shrub that performs well on borders and tolerates shadier conditions without compromising bloom. Bright yellow blossoms are heaviest in late April to early May but plant will flower sporadically throughout the year. Interesting bright green stems are effective in the winter landscape.

Kerria japonica 'Golden Guinea'

Japanese Kerria

Kerria is an indispensable deciduous flowering shrub, especially for the shady areas of your yard where it will bloom nicely. The large golden single flowers (the size of a gold coin), appear in mid - spring and repeat sporadically during the summer. In winter the attractive bright green stems add color to an otherwise monochromatic view. Really effective planted around white barked Aspen.

Leucothoe axillaris

Coast Leucothoe

A mounding shrub with a fountain-like appearance, this plant offers a range of foliage color through the year from bronze at flush, medium green in summer to purple-red in winter. Loves shade and moist, well drained soil, and is deer resistant. White, catkin-like flowers in May.

Leucothoe axillaris 'Squirt'

Compact Leucothoe

This evergreen is dense and showy with its rich mahogany and copper-toned new growth that really stands out against the glossy, green leaves. Native bees love the nectar from the fragrant, white, bell-shaped flowers that bloom in May. Its low, spreading form is perfect for grouping in shaded areas.

Leucothoe fontanesiana 'Rainbow'

Rainbow Leucothoe

Gracefully arching, striking red stems with colorful, creamy white and green mottled foliage with scarlet accents. A beautiful, natural woodland companion to rhododendrons and ferns. Evergreen.

Ligustrum ovalifolium


California privet is a large shrub with dense, semi erect stems that can reach up to 15' high. It is one of the tried and true hedging plants with its ability to be trimmed and shaped into any formal or informal form. It even performs well in moist partially shaded sites. Large 2 - 4” clusters of white, strongly fragrant flowers are produced in June and July followed by shiny black fruit that attract local songbirds.

Lindera benzoin

Northern Spicebush

Northern spicebush is a single- or few-stemmed, deciduous shrub, 6-12 ft. tall, with glossy leaves and graceful, slender, light green branches. Dense clusters of tiny, pale yellow flowers bloom before the leaves from globose buds along the twigs. Flowers occur in umbel-like clusters and are followed by glossy red fruit. Both the fruit and foliage are aromatic. Leaves turn a colorful golden-yellow in fall. Spicebush is a fast-growing shrub, useful in moist, shady places. A small amount of sun yields a bush with better form and more berries. There are no serious disease or insect problems.

Liquidambar styraciflua

American Sweetgum

Deep, glossy green star-shaped leaves mark the Sweetgum. Leaves turn yellow-purple-red in the fall, and stay on the tree quite late. Its shape is pyramidal, becoming more rounded with age. Avoid polluted sites. Grows 60'-70', with a 45' spread.

Lonicera 'Scentsation'


Scentsation' honeysuckle is a very showy vine with extremely fragrant yellow flowers blooms from mid-spring to late summer, followed by bright red berries. This floriferous honeysuckle has a very long bloom time, and is a wonderful addition to summer gardens, especially when trained up a trellis or fence. Not invasive like other honeysuckles.

Magnolia 'Betty'


For a spectacular and colorful introduction to summer, the Betty Magnolia cannot be beaten.When the blooms subside, the foliage will begin to emerge with a coppery hue and then transition to a deep forest green

Magnolia 'Genie'

Saucer Magnolia

The culmination of 15 yrs. of breeding - a compact, small tree maturing at 10-13 ft. tall. Sensational black-red buds open to small, globular tulip-shaped blooms of deep rich, maroon-purple - both inner and outer surfaces. Reflexed tepal tips fade to a lighter magenta-rose. ‘Genie’ has lightly scented blooms.

Magnolia 'Jane'


, deliciously fragrant flowers in late April before leaves appear. Rich purple exteriors frame bright white centers on this bloom not only in spring, but all summer long and even into the fall as 'Jane' will surprise you with her charming ways and spontaneous small bursts of blooms even in the off season

Magnolia stella 'Centennial Blush'


Pink buds open to incredibly full and wonderfully fragrant pale pink flowers in spring. Centennial Blush™ is a prolific bloomer with flower buds formed at almost every node yielding a fantastic floral display of delicate pink covering the entire plant.

Magnolia stellata 'Royal Star'


An early bloomer with large, fragrant, white, double flowers appearing before the foliage emerges in spring. A springtime thriller will that add a nice touch to the landscape as the seasons progress.

Magnolia Stellata `Centennial`


Centennial Star Magnolia is a great large shrub or small tree, a very prolific bloomer, and fragrant. Each flower has 25 to 35 petals, and a mature tree can have many thousands of flowers at the same time. The fragrant flowers emerge before leaf break in mid to late April as white with a pink tinge from the fuzzy buds.

Magnolia virginiana

Sweetbay Magnolia

Native to North America, creamy white flowers appear in late spring followed by red cone shaped fruit in the fall. Immature plants may take a few years to bloom but once established they will bloom prolifically. Moderate growth rate of 1-2 ft per year. Also known as swamp magnolia, they prefer wet soil.

Magnolia x loebneri 'Leonard Messell'


A delightful specimen that develops stunning, bi-colored, flowers on bare stems at an early age. The petals of the exquisite star magnolia-like blooms have rosy-purple undersides and crisp white topsides. Green foliage emerges after the flowers in spring

Malus 4 in 1 Cold Climate

4 in 1 Apple

4-in-1 cold climate apple is created from grafting from an assorted selection of cold climate hardy apples. These are the varieties that are used in the grafting: Gravenstein, Red Delicious, Red McIntosh, Yellow Delicious

Malus 'Cortland'

Apple Tree

Cortland' is a bright red, medium - sized apple tree which produces a crisp, slightly tart apple of high quality that ripens late season or late September in Zone 5. Blooms mid April.. Cortland apples are wonderful for kabobs, fruit plates and garnishes because they don't turn brown quickly when cut. This variety requires a different selection of the same species growing nearby in order to set fruit.

Malus 'Fuji'

Fuji Apple

One of the best home-grown apples, Fuji offers super crisp, sweet, and juicy fruit with skin that ranges from yellow-green with red highlights to mostly red. Exceptional for fresh eating. Stores well; great for baking. Ripens iin October.

Malus 'Gala'

Apple Tree

At the top of the harvest charts, Malus domestica 'Gala' is a culinary or dessert cultivar with a profusion of fragrant, white flowers in mid-season (mid spring). Draped in clusters along the branches, they are truly a sight to behold. The flowers attract bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. They are followed in late summer and fall by a heavy crop of medium sized, bright red apples with darker red stripes over a creamy-yellow background. Sweet, crisp, juicy, with a mild tang, they are flavorful and snack-worthy, perfect for eating, cooking, making salad and sauces. The fruits resist bruising and can be stored up to six months. Gala is partially self-fertile and requires pollination by a tree of another variety with the same bloom period, such as Honeycrisp, Fuji, Golden or Red Delicious. Originating from New Zealand, Gala success is explained by its taste, texture, sweetness, ease of growing and productivity.

Malus 'Granny Smith'

Granny Smith Apple

One of the best cooking apples, Granny Smith has crisp, tart and juicy fruit with a good balance of acids and sugars. Medium-sized apple.

Malus 'Honeycrisp'

Apple Tree

Great for taste and even better for storage, this sweet - flavored late season selection retains its crispness even after seven months of storage! 'Honeycrisp' is not only becoming an orchard favorite, it's becoming a “must have” tree for the home gardener. This variety requires a different selection of the same species growing nearby in order to set fruit.

Malus 'Indian Magic'


A showy tree that has buds which open to pink, single flowers in spring. The foliage is dark green and develops an open, round shape. Indian Magic produces red fruit turning to orange. Matures 15 to 20 feet tall and wide. Very disease resistant.

Malus 'Indian Summer'


Crimson buds open to single deep pink flowers before the leaves emerge. Medium red crabapples form after blooming. Foliage turns orange red in the fall.

Malus 'Louisa'

Weeping Crabapple

A stunning ornamental feature tree with showy pink flowers in spring and interesting yellow fruit in fall, broadly weeping habit of growth; makes a wonderful accent in a landscape or garden composition, needs well-drained soil and full sun.

Malus 'Macoun'

Apple Tree

A favorite New England variety, this mid - season apple needs no introduction Exceptionally high quality fruit are hard red and firm. Considered by many the best overall apple for fresh eating, the fruit ripens August to October. This variety requires a different selection of the same species growing nearby in order to set fruit.

Malus 'McIntosh'

Semi-Dwarf McIntosh Apple

A very productive tree which yields medium-sized, bright red fruit with green background. With a tender, thin skin, these apples are good for fresh eating or cooking.

Malus 'Prairie Fire'

Malus 'Prairie Fire'

An outstanding flowering tree with an upright form that becomes rounded with age. Reddish new foliage matures to a dark green. Lovely deep pink spring flowers produce persistent, small, dark red-purple fruit. A colorful accent for smaller landscapes

Malus 'Profusion'


Worthy of its name, this stunning accent tree features showy red flowers in spring and colorful deep red fruit in fall, spreading habit of growth with dark foliage; a very artistic tree for larger landscapes, needs well-drained soil and full sun

Malus 'Red Delicious'

Semi-Dwarf Red Delicious Apple

Semi-dwarf. Everyone loves 'Red Delicious', with its juicy and very sweet flesh. Good for fresh eating and salads. Blooms mid season and also ripens mid season

Malus 'Yellow Delicious'

Apple Tree

Pink buds open to white flowers in the spring and by September and October the golden yellow skin fruit begins to ripen. Sweet, full of flavor eaten fresh and in desserts. Excellent pollinator for other apples trees blooming at the same time.

Microbiota 'Celtic Pride'

Siberian Cypress

Looking for an evergreen groundcover with delicate good looks but tough-as-nails performance? Try Celtic Pride Siberian cypress. Its pretty fern-like foliage belies its durable nature. This plant is super hardy (down to USDA zone 2), tolerates light shade, tolerates dry conditions, and is untouched by deer. In winter, the plant takes on a russet-purple tone. Celtic Pride microbiota was selected for its uniform growth and resistance to the tip dieback that often plagues conventional varieties.

Microbiota Decussata

Russian Cypress

This Cary Award winning shrub earns all its accolades by being one of the best groundcover conifers available! Very hardy with a soft, feathery touchable foliage, this selection does great in sun or shade and has a striking bronze fall color.

Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Goshiki'

Goshiki False Holly

Goshiki translates from Japanese as "five colors". Its new leaves emerge red and quickly turn green. The green leaves are daubed with spots of creamy white, gray-green, and yellow-green. This lovely evergreen selection makes a great accent.

Paeonia 'Double Pink'


Giant double peonies are hardy, fragrant, long-lived, and rarely need dividing. As a bonus, they're superior as cut flowers...it's no wonder peonies are considered "The Queen of Garden Flowers!" Great as focal points in a perennial bed, for hedges or in a spot of their own. Very low care and high performance.

Paeonia 'Double Red'


Giant double peonies are hardy, fragrant, long-lived, and rarely need dividing. As a bonus, they're superior as cut flowers...it's no wonder peonies are considered "The Queen of Garden Flowers!" Great as focal points in a perennial bed, for hedges or in a spot of their own. Very low care and high performance.

Paeonia 'Double White'


Giant double peonies are hardy, fragrant, long-lived, and rarely need dividing. As a bonus, they're superior as cut flowers...it's no wonder peonies are considered "The Queen of Garden Flowers!" Great as focal points in a perennial bed, for hedges or in a spot of their own. Very low care and high performance.

Paeonia 'Dr. Alexander Fleming'


Fragrant, fully double, pink blossoms abound in early summer. The central petals have a tendency to curl inward, giving the flowers a sphere-like shape. Many side buds are produced, extending the bloom time.

Paeonia 'Duchesse de Nemours'


This plant has stood the test of time for over 150 years and is still one of the better selections out there. It's hard to beat it when it comes into bloom in mid June above deep green foliage with fat, double, full, fantastic, fragrant pure white flowers with a touch of cream in the middle. Wow indeed!

Paeonia 'Karl Rosenfield'


Large, red, double blooms are spectacularly displayed on sturdy, erect stems emerging from beautiful, lush, green foliage on a rounded form. A truly exquisite cut flower.

Paeonia 'Moscow'

Patio Peony

The Patio Series produces peonies for containers featuring strong stems and upright flowers. They are suitable for, but not limited to, containers and were specially selected for their compact growth habit and ease of flowering in pots or gardens. This particular selection has semi-double, russet flowers with a yellow centre appearing in spring.

Paeonia 'Sarah Bernhardt'


Absolutely stunning, with huge, fully double, fresh pink blooms are backed by a lush mound of glossy green, deer resistant foliage.

Paeonia 'Shirley Temple'


Huge, fully double, white blooms with a hint of rose coloring are backed by a lush mound of glossy green, deer resistant foliage. A classic for cut flower arrangements

Paeonia itoh 'Bartzella'

Itoh Peony

Very large, bright yellow double blossoms with a slight red center stain stand above the lush, dark green, deeply dissected foliage. Flowers have a pleasant, slightly spicy scent. An especially vigorous plant with sturdy flower stems that do not require staking. An herbaceous perennial.

Philadelphus 'Illuminati Arch'


Old-fashioned charm, modern day performance! Mock orange has long been beloved for its romantic white flowers, full of a sweet, orange blossom fragrance. But mock oranges were a bit ratty and messy, not really garden-worthy plants. Illuminati Arch® mock orange changes that! Enjoy the elegant, arching habit, sweetly fragrant flowers, and handsome, clean foliage that looks great all season. Imagine a fragrant hedge, or a striking specimen - or plant in your perennial garden and bring back those memories of Grandma's garden! Deer and drought tolerant.

Philadelphus 'Illuminati Tower'


Mockorange is a delightfully old-fashioned plant that has unfortunately fallen out of favor, mostly due to its enormous size. Illuminati Tower® mockorange stands to breathe new life into this classic favorite, though, combining a landscape-friendly size with a totally unique space-saving habit. It naturally grows in a very narrow, upright way, each sturdy stem a stack of rugged, deep green leaves that looks like a four-sided tower. In late spring/early summer, hundreds of fragrant white flowers emerge from between the leaves for striking show that truly celebrates the season. Illuminati Tower mockorange will need little pruning - it blooms on old wood, so any pruning you do wish to do should be done after flowering. Deer resistant. Drought tolerant.

Philadelphus 'Snowbelle'


Extra useful, thanks to its compact, low growing habit, 'Snowbelle' mockorange is loaded with fragrant, double white flowers in spring.

Physocarpus 'Amber Jubilee'


Rounded and dense in habit with a bold array of colors in glowing tones of orange, yellow and gold, Amber Jubilee™ stands out in the garden border or makes an eye-catching hedge. Clusters of delicate white blooms in spring and fall add extra interest. Plant in full sun for best performance.

Physocarpus 'Coppertina'


Coppery-orange foliage all season long. White flowers in early summer. Adaptable. Easy to grow. Native. Adaptable to difficult situations. Withstands acidic and alkaline soils. Medium moisture, can tolerate dry conditions once established. Best if pruned immediately after blooming. Best in open areas with good air circulation to prevent foliage problems. Will benefit from a good hard pruning as a young plant. Fertilize in early spring by applying a slow release fertilizer specialized for trees and shrubs.

Physocarpus 'Diabolo'


A super hardy winner from Europe that deserves a home in any landscape. This rounded, deciduous shrub with deep, reddish purple foliage holds its color all season long, while white to pink flowers make a nice show in May and June. Superb exfoliating bark adds winter interest.

Physocarpus 'Ginger Wine'


Spring to autumn color, without lifting a finger! Ginger Wine® ninebark expands the color palette for these easy care, native flowering shrubs. Spring foliage emerges a sunny orange color and matures to sparkling burgundy. Clusters of white flowers cover the plant in late spring, and these age to attractive red seed heads. This disease-resistant shrub does best in full sun locations and cooler climates.

Physocarpus 'Summer Wine Black'


Ninebark, that is - because Summer Wine® Black has the darkest, most dramatic foliage yet. With its rich, saturated color and versatile habit, it's the ideal choice for accentuating your home's exterior. Spring brings white flower clusters to contrast with the nearly-black foliage. Upright stems and small foliage gives a fine textural effect. Ninebark is a versatile landscape, but should be sited in full sun with plenty of space around it and good air circulation to avoid any leaf problems. Ninebark is best left unpruned, except for removing any heavy old wood every few years or so. Avoid trimming it back, which will cause it to branch out and distract from its naturally elegant habit. Plant only in full sun.

Physocarpus 'Summer Wine'


A striking plant with deep reddish - purple foliage that keeps a dense rounded form that is the perfect size for most landscapes. Its graceful, arching habit makes if very appealing in the landscape. The pure white button - like flowers that form in late May and early June are a perfect contrast to the deep colored foliage. Bark on older plants peels into papery - like strips. This plant loves full sun and tolerates poor soils and extreme cold.

Physocarpus 'Tiny Wine Gold'


Gold new growth for bright landscaping! Tiny Wine® Gold offers brilliant yellow new growth, small, refined foliage, and dozens of clusters of white-pink flowers in late spring. A bit smaller than your average ninebark, it's a colorful, easy-care choice for perennial gardens, foundation plantings, and other landscape features. Disease resistant and native to North America. All ninebarks are best left unpruned, as they naturally take on a graceful, appealing habit. If you'd like to prune your plant, do so after it flowers. Plant in full sun; ninebarks are drought tolerant once they are established.

Picea abies

Norway Spruce

Norway spruce is a large, fast-growing evergreen coniferous tree that grows to mature heights of 115 to 180 feet (35 – 55 m) tall with a trunk up to 3 to 5 feet (1 - 1.5 m) in diameter, measured at breast height. It is fast growing when young, up to 3 feet (1 m) per year for the first 25 years under good conditions, but becomes slower once over 60 feet (20 m) tall.

Picea abies 'Nidiformis'

Birdnest Spruce

Flat - topped, wider than high, and with a hollow center, this spruce looks like its descriptive common name - - bird's nest spruce. This spruce is a good choice for adding "bones" to the garden. This handsome conifer has a charming shape and adds substance to mixed garden borders. In the summer, it quietly takes a back seat to the flamboyant perennials, but in winter, the bright green shrub has the duty to keep the garden looking alive. Tolerates sandier soils and low temperatures.

Picea abies 'Pendula'

Weeping Norway Spruce

A choice evergreen with a naturally low growing form composed of weeping branches that trail outward, densely blanketed with rich green needles

Picea glauca 'Conica'

Dwarf Alberta Spruce

A compact, pyramidal spruce that is very slow - growing. It is widely used in the landscape because of its low maintenance, slow growth habit and rugged dependability.

Picea pungens 'Glauca Globosa'

Globe Blue Spruce

This charming, globe-shaped evergreen shrub is dwarf, flat-topped and densely branched. The bright blue needles hold their color all year long, but are a brighter hue in summer. Provides a unique accent for that special spot in the garden.

Pieris japonica 'Brouwer's Beauty'


Dense, compact habit. New growth foliage is yellowish green turning dark green and shiny. Purplish red winter forming buds open to white slightly fragrant flowers in April. With its attractive foliage, showy blooms, hardiness, and resistance to deer, 'Brouwer's Beauty' is an excellent addition to partially shaded areas of the garden..

Pieris japonica 'Cavatine'

Cavatine Dwarf Pieris

An exquisite dwarf variety reaching just 2 feet tall in ten years. Numerous green buds open to white bell-shaped flowers in early spring. Lustrous, dark green foliage cloaks the compact, rounded form. Useful in the front of shrub borders.

Pieris japonica 'Dorothy Wycoff'


Vigorous, upright growing, somewhat more compact than the species. Glossy dark green foliage turns mahogany - red in winter. Very dark red winter flower buds open to fragrant white flowers with a touch of pink in April. Reddish bronze new growth turns green at maturity. Arching clusters of brown seedpods in fall and winter.

Pieris japonica 'Fire N Ice'


Compact, upright evergreen with glossy green and white foliage. Stem-ending flower buds are white and fragrant. Shade tolerant. Deer resistant.

Pieris japonica 'Historyland Supreme'


A very compact plant with an upright rounded growth habit best known for setting its flower buds later in the season. Heavy clusters of white flowers cascade over the entire plant in spring. A great performer in the landscape as a single specimen or small hedge. A low maintenance shrub that is easy to keep at its desired height. Great for a woodland setting. Nice dense rosette-like foliage, spreading branches on this broadleaf evergreen makes it an attractive landscape specimen. Rich bronze-red new growth changes to lustrous dark green at maturity. Cascades of urn-shaped white to pink slightly fragrant flowers cover the plant in March and April and last for 2 to 3 weeks. Buds form during the summer for the next season’s blooms.

Pieris japonica 'Katsura'


Make your landscape memorable year round with this amazing broadleaf evergreen. 'Katsura' cloaks its dense, rounded form with wide, shiny, deep green foliage and each stem is topped with a string of buds in early spring. The buds open in April to reveal scented white Lily of the Valley bells infused with pink followed by a spectacular show of wine red color on emerging new foliage in May!

Pieris japonica 'Mountain Fire'


Brilliant red new growth in mid - May makes for a stunning landscape feature. Slightly more upright than spreading, this deer - resistant plant is a dependable late March to mid - April bloomer with typical white Pieris flowers.

Pieris japonica 'Prelude'

Prelude Pieris

A useful dwarf selection that flowers later than other varieties. Lovely clusters of pure white flowers on short stalks shine against rich, dark green foliage on a densely branched globe shaped form. New leaves emerges with a pinkish tint

Pinus flexilis 'Vanderwulf's Pyramid'

Limber Pine

Distinctive, pyramid-shaped pine with long, twisted, silvery blue-green needles covering the dense branches. Excellent pest and disease resistance.

Pinus mugo 'Mughus'

Mugho Pine

Texture and touchability make this durable, slow growing conifer extremely popular. Easy to grow and easy to use, both singly or in groups in the landscape.

Pinus strobus

Eastern White Pine

An extremely useful, fast growing pine perfect for windbreaks and tall screens.A rugged evergreen that adapts well to poor soils.

Pinus strobus 'Blue Shag'

Blue Shag Pine

This easy-care conifer has a dense, dwarf habit with short, blue-green needles that are soft to the touch. Adaptable to a wide range of soil conditions and effective in rock gardens, shrub borders or as a small garden specimen

Pinus strobus 'Connecticut Slate'

Dwarf White Pine

Another introduction of the late Dr. Sydney Waxman of the University of Connecticut, 'Connecticut Slate' is a dense, spreading, quicker growing Dwarf White Pine that feautures gray-blue colored needles that make it stand out from the many other varieties on the market currently. The medium length, slate colored needles are tightly packed along the stems giving 'Connecticut Slate' a full appearance even though it is not as tightly dwarf as other types. It's a great plant for a border area, thriving in full sun or partial shade, and it makes a beautiful specimen for a larger foundation area with color and form that is truly memorable.

Pinus strobus 'Shaggy Dog'

White Pine

Famous for his groundbreaking work with dwarf White Pines from witch's brooms, the late Sid Waxman from the University of Connecticut introduced this low, irregular, half-upright spreader with long needled, unruly branches in 1993. This new favorite breaks the mold of many of his dense, tight, inpenetrable selections to give us a more open, highly textured plant that is more relaxed, free-form and airy. This sweet textured beauty is perfect for a large location where it can look its 'Shaggy Dog' best, anchoring any sunny, well drained location by growing into a spectacularly different, year round beautiful specimen.

Potentilla 'Creme Brulee'


Add a pop of white to the landscape with this double flowered potentilla. Crème Brulee™ showcases bright white blooms on a rounded shrub throughout the entire summer. Its dark green foliage contrasts beautifully with the flowers and its rock-solid performance necessitates little maintenance.

Potentilla 'Happy Face Pink Paradise'


A better pink potentilla! The clear pink, semi-doubled flowers hold their color longer than other pink potentillas, although they may still fade under intense heat. This is an excellent choice for cooler climate gardeners who want low-maintenance flowers all summer long. Long blooming. Salt and drought tolerant. Deer resistant. Native to North America.

Potentilla 'Happy Face White'


Extra large, pure white flowers adorn this plant from spring to late summer. Happy Face White potentilla has a dense habit with dark green foliage. Excellent for mass plantings and commercial landscapes. Salt tolerant. Deer resistant. Native to North America.

Potentilla 'Happy Face Yellow'


Big, bright flowers make this potentilla anything but dull! Happy Face® Yellow potentilla offers extra-large bright yellow flowers, and lots of them. Blooming non-stop from spring to frost, this super durable plant will put a smile on your face. Needs little maintenance and is highly deer resistant. Native to North America. Prefers moist, well drained soils but will tolerate poor, dry conditions once established. Prune off one third of the branches in late winter to keep the habit full and attractive.

Prunus 'Montmorency'

Tart Cherry Tree

The most widely grown 'sour' or 'pie' cherry, this vigorous cherry is a heavy spring bloomer with clouds of small white, fragrant flowers followed by tons of sizable cherries which mature in July and August. Great for pies and jams. This tree is a self - pollinator.

Prunus 'Redhaven'

Peach Tree

The Redhaven Peach is the peach by which all others are measured. Its a heavy - bearing, cold - hardy, and resists leaf spot, and the July fruit is spectacular. You'll enjoy bushels of big, luscious peaches that have an almost fuzzless skin over firm, creamy yellow flesh. Fruit is medium to large size and is just right for fresh snacks, canning or freezing. Disease resistant and self - fertile.

Prunus 'Shiro'

Plum Tree

This vigorous, hardy plum is so productive that it will make your mouth water! 'Shiro' is a Japanese selection that ripens in mid - July bearing loads of medium sized, juicy, sweet dark yellow plums that are perfect eating right off the tree. It is one of the earliest ripening plums. 'Shiro' requires pollination from other Japanese plums and is a good pollinator for Santa Rosa.

Prunus 'Snow Fountain'

Weeping Cherry

Magnificent specimen tree will make your neighbors green with envy. It has the appearance of a fountain of snow when covered with snow white blooms in late April. It is drought and heat tolerant, with clean, dark green, disease - tolerant foliage that turns golden to orange/red in the fall. Wit all this, 'Snow Fountain' could possibly be considered the ‘ultimate in ornamental flowering trees.

Prunus 'Stella'

Sweet Cherry Tree

Large, heart - shaped, dark red fruit are produced on this self - pollinating sweet cherry. Sweet, rich flavor on a vigorous, productive tree make this an excellent choice. Moderate crack resistance. Can pollinate other sweet cherries.

Prunus 'Weeping Snow Fountain'

Weeping Cherry

Increasingly popular with such a heavy late April bloom that it nearly obscures the plant!! Slightly more heavily branched than 'Pendula', while retaining a great form that a landscape just loves.

Prunus avium 'Bing'

Sweet Cherry Tree

The most popular sweet cherry variety, known for producing exceptionally large, dark mahogany fruit that is firm, sweet and juicy. Excellent for eating fresh, canning or preserves. Plant a pollenizer such as Stella or Rainier for best production.

Prunus avium 'Lambert'

Sweet Cherry Tree

One of the most dependable and productive Sweet Cherries, Lambert (Prunus avium 'Lambert') is a wonderful addition to the home garden. You'll love the look—and the taste—of these large, firm cherries. Deep, dark red, and heart-shaped, Lambert are excellent fresh eating sweet cherries. Capture the incredible taste by canning them for use later in the year. Plant a group of 2 or 3 varieties that will pollinate each other and extend the harvest season. Van, Black Tartarian, and Rainier will all work to pollinate Lambert.

Prunus avium 'Rainier'

Sweet Cherry Tree

Rainier' is a cross between 'Bing' and 'Van', two sweet-red varieties, creating a very vigorous, productive tree for the backyard orchard.a premium quality Cherry that resists cracking while ripening, producing a medium to large sized fruit with red skin blushed yellow. Enjoy the fruit fresh from the tree, canned or even dried for a tasty sweet snack

Prunus cerasifera 'Crimson Pointe'

Flowering Plum

This unique narrow tree with a strongly columnar shape is the perfect specimen for smaller landscapes or massed to line expansive drives. White flowers in early spring are followed by showy, glossy, bronze-to-maroon foliage. Produces small ornamental fruit in summer. Deciduous.

Prunus cerasifera 'Krauter Vesuvius'

Flowering Plum

This remarkable tree is perhaps the most colorful of all flowering plums! Beautiful dark purple-black summer foliage is preceded by a profusion of showy light pink flowers in spring. A phenomenal ornamental accent for landscapes that seldom produces fruit. Deciduous.

Prunus cerasifera 'Thundercloud'

Flowering Plum

Great summer interest is provided by deep purple foliage on this small specimen tree. Small pink flowers line the branches in early May before foliage emerges. Tolerates sandier soils.

Prunus cistena


A very tolerant plant with intense purple - red foliage that shows stunningly throughout the summer. Small, single pink flowers line the branches before foliage flushes in late April and are very effective. Good plant for hedging, borders, or as an accent, it thrives in poor sandy soils.

Prunus persica 'Elberta'

Dwarf Elberta Peach

Semi-dwarf. This spreading tree produces large, firm peaches ripening late August. Golden yellow blushed with red. A freestone peach that is self-fertile and resistant to brown rot.

Prunus persica 'Fantasia'

Nectarine Tree

Hot pink flowers in early spring are followed by yellow fruit that is blushed red. These nectarines ripen in late summer. A freestone fruit producing tree that is self-fertile. Matures at 15 to 20 feet tall and wide.

Prunus persica 'Reliance'

Peach Tree

One of the hardiest of all peaches, ripens mid to late August with greenish yellow coloring and a slight blush of red. Flesh is bright yellow, soft and juicy. Good for fresh eating, especially in colder climates. Freestone and self - fertile.

Prunus salicina 'Burbank'

Plum Tree

A semi-dwarf variety with a flat topped habit that produces an abundance of sweet and juicy fruit suitable for canning, baking, desserts or eating fresh. Will pollinate with Satsuma plum.

Prunus salicina 'Santa Rosa'

Semi-Dwarf Santa Rosa Plum

Semi-dwarf. This Japanese variety is a vigorous, fast growing plant that produces large crops of beefy, round fruit with thin, purple-red skin. This tart, sweet fruit ripens in mid-August and is excellent for fresh eating and canning.

Prunus salicina 'Shiro'

Shiro Japanese Plum

Semi-dwarf. This vigorous, hardy plum is so productive that it will make your mouth water! 'Shiro' is a Japanese selection that ripens in mid-July bearing loads of medium sized, juicy, dark yellow plums that are perfect eating right off the tree. A great addition to the home orchard!

Prunus serrulata 'Kwanzan'

Kwanzan Flowering Cherry

A lovely specimen tree that puts on an incredible early season show with clusters of large, double deep pink blooms backed by bronze-red new growth. An upright, vase-shaped branching habit perfect for lining a road or driveway.

Prunus serrulata 'Pendula'

Japanese Weeping Flowering Cherry

This graceful weeping form is prized in the landscape. Small pink flowers cover the slender, pendulous branches giving a flower fountain appearance in late April to early May.

Prunus subhirtella 'Pendula'

Weeping Cherry

This graceful weeping form is prized in the landscape. Small pink flowers cover the slender the slender, pendulous branches giving a flower fountain apearance in late April to early May. Very hardy.

Prunus x 'Lapins'

Sweet Cherry Tree

In late April or early May the branches are covered in white flowers The fruit ripens in Late July or early August. The fruit is firm and are some of the juiciest cherries that grow on trees. The Lapins Cherry fruit is large and dark red in color with lighter red flesh. They are great for snacking, and so big, one cherry is a mouthful! The Lapins is an excellent self - pollinator and is a heavy bearer.

Prunus x 'Reliance'

Peach Tree

One of the hardiest of all peaches, ripens mid to late August with greenish yellow coloring and a slight blush of red. Flesh is bright yellow, soft and juicy. Good for fresh eating, especially in colder climates. Freestone and self - fertile.

Prunus x yedoensis 'Yoshino'

Japanese Flowering Cherry

Yoshino cherry, is a hybrid that produces fragrant white flowers in spring, followed by tiny black fruit. This is an upright tree, with a spreading crown that enjoys full sun. Its leaves are serrated and a rich green colour that provide good autumn colour later in the year, as they turn bright shades of orange and red.

Pyrus 'Bartlett'

Pear Tree

This vigorous, productive tree bears fruit at a young age which ripens well on the trees. Your tree will flower in April - May, and will add a touch of beauty to your yard with its fragrant white flowers. Fruit is large, golden - yellow, with a wonderful quality. Buttery, juicy, highly flavored fruit. This tree is self - pollinating.

Pyrus 'd'Anjou'

Pear Tree

The D'Anjou Pear is a large pear. The flesh is white with abundant juice and a sweet brisk flavor. It is a naturally sweet pear, light green in color with a yellow tinge when ripe. D'Anjou pears have exceptional keeping qualities. The best flavor is realized when stored 1 - 2 months. The tree is very hardy, and highly productive. The D'Anjou does not change color as it ripens. Requires cross pollination with Bartlett or any other pear with the same bloom date..

Pyrus 'Luscious'

Pear Tree

Semi-Dwarf. This heavy producer lives up to its name by giving you massive amounts of medium-sized, high quality, sweet, crisp fruit in September.

Pyrus pyrifolia 'Shinseiki'

Asian Pear

Produce medium to large, rounded yellow fruit with smooth, sweet, creamy, white flesh. Excellent dessert quality.

Rhododendron 'Aglo'


An aromatic plant that produces numerous bright pink flowers that cover the branches in early May. Aromatic, small, glossy, bright green foliage in summer, turns coppery bronze in winter. A hardy, fast - growing plant with a dense, mounding habit, it prefers full sun and well - drained, rich soil. Excellent winter leaf retention.

Rhododendron 'Blue Baron'


Striking, riveting, brilliant blue flowers grace this selection in early May, nearly covering its uniquely small, elongated, shiny foliage. Compact, mounded landscape form is easy to work with and looks good year round, even in winter as its foliage takes on a decidedly reddish-bronze hue

Rhododendron 'Capistrano'


A dense, rounded form with lustrous, deep green foliage, serves as a backdrop for distinct yellow flower trusses that will easily be the best yellow seen on a Rhododendron in this part of the country.

Rhododendron 'Catawbiense Album'

White Catawba Rhododendron

Our hardiest broadleaf white rhododendron, this variety is vigorous growing and dependably sets loads of lilac-tinged flower buds that open pure white with yellow blotches in mid-May.

Rhododendron 'Catawbiense Boursault'

Catawbiense Boursault Rhododendron

Dependable and hardy with a round dense shape that lends itself well to any landscape situation. Deep purple buds open lavender in mid-May and put on quite a show!

Rhododendron 'Chionoides'


This variety is a beauty with a dense, compact habit and narrow deep dark green foliage. Later blooming, toward the end of May, it's usually covered with big trusses of white flowers with yellow centers. Although most are adaptable to full sun or full shade, the large - leaf varieties perform best in partial shade with protection from harsh summer and winter sun as well as wind.

Rhododendron 'Cunningham's White'


Compact growing with great dark green foliage, this selection is easy to grow and a dependable, profuse bloomer with even an occasional fall bloom! Buds are pink, opening to white with a greenish yellow blotch in early May. It will become an anchor plant in your landscape.

Rhododendron 'Dark Lord'


Dramatic merlot-red, ruffled blooms emerge on a neat, mounded plant in May. Deep red flowers against glossy, dark green foliage create a show-stopping explosion in your landscape.

Rhododendron 'English Roseum'


A beautiful, dense-growing evergreen shrub, prized for its large, elegant trusses of showy rosy pink-purple flowers that stand out against the lustrous dark green foliage. Thrives in cooler regions but benefits from protection from winter winds. An outstanding choice for foundation plantings or for use as an accent specimen. Use this romantic lavender-flowering hybrid at the back of the shrub border with others of its size. Plant as a single accent outside a special window or use to fill a barren corner of the yard. Makes a foolproof front-yard display plant to fill in side-yard gaps and disguise utilities. Makes a good evergreen hedge for privacy or to absorb sound.

Rhododendron 'Lee's Dark Purple'


Interesting wavy-edged deep green foliage and dark purple flowers make this variety stand out. Quite hardy and a strong grower, its late May bloom make this plant a knockout.

Rhododendron 'Minnetonka'


A dense and spreading compact shrub with handsome dark green, glossy foliage. This hardy mid-season bloomer heralds spring with deep red-violet buds

Rhododendron 'Miyama Gold Prinz'


Beautiful glossy dark green foliage with golden-yellow flowers speckled with red. Prefers cooler regions but some protection from winter wind is recommended. Makes an outstanding accent specimen or low, informal hedge.

Rhododendron 'Nova Zembla'


A great, eye-grabbing red flower on a very dependable plant adds up to this variety being extremely popular! Profuse mid-May bloom on this heat and cold tolerant selection and large, upright form make this a great landscape background plant.

Rhododendron 'PJM Elite Star'


Super hardy and super compact, this floriferous, denser selection of 'PJM Elite' will light up the landscape with huge clusters of deep lavender-pink flowers in late April and early May. 'PJM Elite Star' is likely the most tolerant Rhody you'll find for cold conditions and will reward you with a consistently breathtaking flower show each spring.

Rhododendron 'PJM Elite'


A slightly more compact form of PJM, this plant is a landscape stunner both for form and flower. The purple-plum color of the winter foliage serves as a great background for the late April burst of brilliant lavender pink bloom.Extremely hardy!

Rhododendron 'PJM'

SmallLeaf Rhododendron

Early flowering. Brilliant lavender - pink flowers cover the entire plant in late April when forsythia is in bloom. Small, rich green, aromatic foliage turns a vibrant dark mahogany winter color from October through April. Even though it seems to be a compact growing plant when young, it will attain a large stature with maturity if allowed to grow unsheared or in partial shade. More sunlight will produce a deeper fall foliage color.

Rhododendron 'Polar Night'


Unique form, bud color, and flower color will make this Rhododendron an unforgettable landscape experience. Tight, low and spreading, this broadleaf Rhododendron will mature twice as wide as tall with a pleasing form that is perfect where height issues are paramount. Leathery, dark green leaves populate its branches and serve as the backdrop for striking, bulbous, branch ending buds that turn nearly black as they expand in mid to late May to expose the first glimpses of flowers color. When the buds open fully, frilly deep, dark purple flowers form huge trusses that cover the plant with this rare, very showy color. What a sight and what a perfect, well behaved plant for morning sun/afternoon shade conditions!

Rhododendron 'Purple Gem'


A handsome dwarf evergreen shrub with a dense habit and deep blue-green foliage that develops a bronze tint in winter. Prized for its showy trusses of stunning purple-violet flowers.

Rhododendron 'Purpurpeum Elegans'


Purpureum Elegans Rhododendron is covered in stunning clusters of lightly-scented purple trumpet-shaped flowers with a burgundy blotch at the ends of the branches in mid spring. It has dark green foliage. The glossy narrow leaves remain dark green throughout the winter.

Rhododendron 'Roseum Elegans'


Roseum Elegans Rhododendron is smothered in stunning clusters of lilac purple trumpet - shaped flowers with shell pink overtones at the ends of the branches in mid spring, which emerge from distinctive purple flower buds. It has green foliage. The large narrow leaves do not develop any appreciable fall color.

Rhododendron 'Roseum Pink'


Rounded evergreen shrub with dark green foliage. Clear pale pink flowers with light brown blotches burst forth in late May. Ideal for hedge, accent plant or in natural setting.

Rhododendron 'Towhead'


A dense growing beauty with bronze winter foliage, this plant is highlighted in late April with an eye-catching display of profuse, soft yellow flowers. Low and dwarf, this plant deserves a try in any small landscape space.

Rhododendron yaku 'Prince'


Another excellent, compactly formed selection that cries out for wide landscape use. Mid-May bloom is heavy and attractive with a showy, dark pink color that stands out.

Rhododendron yaku 'Princess'


Showy pinkish white blooms create a striking contrast against the deep olive green foliage. A vigorous grower and low maintenance

Ribes 'Hinnonmaki Red'


A unique tart and sweet combination. Tart skin covers the sweet flesh of these tasty, ruby berries, so you can enjoy both flavors. Perfect for making pies and jams. Bushes are heavy producers, even when young. Mildew-resistant and cold-hardy. Ripens in July. Self-pollinating.

Ribes sativum 'Red Lake'

Red Lake Currant

Clusters of large, bright red berries, delicious eaten fresh or used in jams and jellies, ripen mid-July

Rosa 'At Last'


Finally - a fragrant, disease-resistant rose! It's the dawn of a new day for roses: At Last® combines all the romance of a fragrant, fully-petaled tea rose with the no-nonsense practicality of a disease-resistant landscape rose. No spraying is required to enjoy a non-stop display of large, sweetly perfumed sunset-orange blossoms from late spring through frost. Handsome, glossy foliage and a vigorous, rounded habit makes it ideal for use in the landscape or the flower garden.

Rosa 'Blaze'

Climbing Rose

Perhaps the most famous, most durable climbing rose available, 'Blaze' is a flower producing machine with big bunches of lightly scented, pure red flowers on aggressive, flowing canes. 'Blaze' keeps the flowers coming throughout the season and blooms on both new and old wood.

Rosa 'Blue Girl'

Hybrid Tea Rose

This rose has been sought after for decades due to its bigorous nature and its double, clear lavender flowers that appear throughout the summer, ready to be cut for any long stem bouquet. A light, fruity flowers scent adds to the intrigue of this very popular selection.

Rosa 'Cherrytini'


This deep red Floribunda rose has an outstanding color with excellent disease resistance. It produces dark green glossy foliage and maintains a nice rounded habit. It will rebloom throughout the season.

Rosa 'Chrystler Imperial'

Hybrid Tea Rose

An old stand-by that still is the standard by which great Hybrid Teas are judged! Huge, shapely flowers open velvety red with a powerful sweet, spicy fragrance that just fills the yard.

Rosa 'Flower Carpet Pink'

Pink Flower Carpet Rose

The old standby that still keeps on performing. Vigorous and spreading, this plant is awash with double, deep pink flowers throughout the growing season and is nearly care free with glossy, disease-resistant foliage.

Rosa 'Flower Carpet Red'

Red Flower Carpet Rose

Bold, bright red flowers are single in form and prolific throughout the season. Vigorous and strongly spreading, this selection will really cover some ground that will look all the better for that coverage!

Rosa 'Flower Carpet White'

White Flower Carpet Rose

Double white bloom and trailing form will make your landscape look like a blanket of snow in summer when this is flowering full tilt! This selection is vigorous and exhibits terrific glossy, deep green foliage.

Rosa 'Gold Medal'


Great vigor and great blooming power distinguish this selection that is so little known yet so superlative in the landscape. 'Gold Medal' is a strong . Upright power that clothes itself in deep green resistant foliage that always seems to look great in the garden. Late May sees bunches of large buds grouped at the top of stems colored gold, brushed with orange color that open to reveal deep, golden yellow double flowers with a rich, fruity fragance you'll love. 'Gold medal' is one of the best rebloomers in the garden and very dependable so be prepared for color throughout the summer and great, fragrant blooms to cut for inside, too! Plant 'Gold Medal'in full sun with good airflow, mulch on the soil surface and feed regularly during the growing season.

Rosa 'Intrigue'


Riveting color and superb garden form make this plant, in a word, intriguing! Deep, dark green foliage is tightly packed on a dense, rounded frame serving as a perfect backdrop to bunches of large, double flowers that emerge an extraordinary velvety-plum purple and keep on blooming throughout the summer. Even better, 'Intrigue' exudes a wondrously strong citrus scent that fills the garden.

Rosa 'Joseph's Coat'

Climbing Rose

Huge, multi-colored flowers of red, pink, orange and yellow grace this vigorous climber. Long-blooming and blooms on new and old wood. Great foliage.

Rosa 'Julia Child'


Just before our wonderful American icon left us, she selected this exceptional rose to bear her name. Julia loved the even butter gold color & the licorice candy fragrance. Yet it wasn't just the old-fashioned blooms that inspired the recipe. The perfectly rounded habit, super glossy leaves & great disease resistance finish off the dish. An awesome AARS award winner—a right & proper honor for a dear friend. Consistent, hardy & floriferous in all climates. Very disease resistant.

Rosa 'Miracle on the Hudson'


An award winning, reliable & easy to grow rose with a profusion of rich, velvety red blooms atop beautiful dark green, glossy disease resistant foliage. Flowering from early summer to frost, it suits every garden and every lifestyle.

Rosa 'Mister Lincoln'

Mister Lincoln Hybrid Tea Rose

A dependable Hybrid Tea that keeps on giving velvety, rich red flowers with strong demask scent thoughout the growing season.

Rosa 'New Dawn'

Climbing Rose

Fragrant, blush pink, double flowers cover this large climbing rose. Glossy dark green foliage and abundant rose hips in autumn add to the show for months of show stopping curb appeal.

Rosa 'Queen Elizabeth'

Queen Elizabeth Climbing Rose

This regal Glandiflora sets the standard for this rose type with its dependability and profusion of long-stemmed bunches of clear pink blossoms.

Rosa 'Rise Up Ringo'


The Rise Up™ series of roses are the first-ever climbing roses from Proven Winners ColorChoice Shrubs. We call them "mini climbers," as they keep a neat, dense habit and can be grown as a climber or a shrub rose, depending on how the gardener prunes or trains them. Coming to us from the rose breeding genius of Chris Warner in the UK, these vigorous, healthy, reblooming roses create a range of new applications for Proven Winners roses. Rise Up™ Ringo® rose is a beautiful mini-climber with double golden yellow flowers featuring a bright red eye. Very healthy foliage and a very vigorous growth habit. Moderate fragrance. Winner of the Warsaw Rose Trials Photographers Award and the Australian National Bronze Medal.

Rosa 'Royal Gold'

Royal Gold Climbing Rose

Rich golden yellow flowers send a lovely fragrance adrift through the summer air, making any outdoor space a haven of luxury.

Rosa 'Zepherine Drouhin'

Climbing Rose

Wonderfully scented, deep rose pink blooms. Flowers freely and almost continuously. Thornless climbing rose.

Rosa David Austin 'Benjamin Britten'

English Shrub Rose

A variety of unusual coloring that changes with age to a glowing deep pink-red. The deeply cupped flowers soon open to slightly cupped rosettes. The fragrance is fruity, with aspects of wine and pear drops. It forms a dense, rather upright shrub. REPEAT FLOWERING roses flower in flushes from late spring through to fall.

Rosa David Austin 'Crown Princess Margareta'

Climbing Rose by David Austen

Glorious, neatly formed rosettes of a lovely apricot-orange with a strong, fruity fragrance. A well-rounded, slightly arching growth. Repeat flowering.

Rosa David Austin 'Darcey Bussell'

English Shrub Rose

When young, the outer petals of each bloom form a perfect ring around an inner cup, gradually opening out to form a perfect, medium-large rosette. The color is a deep, rich crimson-pink, taking on a tinge of mauve just before the petals drop. There is a light-medium fruity scent. It forms a compact shrub with attractive bushy growth. REPEAT FLOWERING roses flower in flushes from late spring through to fall.

Rosa David Austin 'Golden Celebration'

English Shrub Rose

One of the largest-flowered English Roses, bearing rich yellow blooms in the form of giant cups. They have a strong Tea fragrance, developing wonderfully combined notes of Sauternes wine and strawberry. It forms a rounded shrub, with ample foliage – the flowers held beautifully poised on long, arching branches. Repeat flowering.

Rosa Easy Elegance 'High Voltage'


High Voltage shocks with beautiful clusters of double yellow blossoms held high on sturdy stems. Its incredibly clean foliage complements the fragrant blooms, giving your garden a fresh feeling. This own root shrub rose grows in an upright, vase shape, making it a perfect plant for the back of a border or stand out as an accent. Portland Rose Society named High Voltage the Best Shrub Rose in 2010.

Rosa Easy Elegance 'Kashmir'


Resembling a hybrid tea rose, the velvety red blossoms are as soft as cashmere and beg to be cut for the vase. With an evenly rounded habit, Kashmir fits perfectly into today's urban landscapes. Try this bold accent plant in the border, foundation or as a low hedge, hugging paths and walkways.

Rosa Easy Elegance 'Music Box'


Music Box boasts everblooming double blossoms with creamy yellow centers surrounded by delicate pink blends. Glossy medium foliage accompanies the beautiful flowers, making an ideal accent shrub for any garden. This statement rose is own root shrub rose is highly disease resistant and does not disappoint.

Rosa Easy Elegance 'Pinktopia'


Pinktopia is an ideal accent or hedge plant. Masses of pink flowers are surrounded by dark green foliage and red new growth, creates a beautiful contrast. Own root.

Rosa Knock Out 'Coral'

Shrub Rose

Brilliant color and superb disease resistance will make this latest addition to the Knock Out® Rose family an absolute winner in your landscape. Shiny, deep green foliage serves as the backdrop for rich orange to coral flowers that bloom from spring through fall

Rosa Knock Out 'Double Pink'

Shrub Rose

Just as gorgeous as 'Double Knockout' only with intense hot pink blooms. The double have twice the number of petals as regular 'Knock Out' roses, presenting a fuller, richer, traditional style rose flower that is simply breathtaking. Blooms maintain a continuous show of color from early June to hard frost, with beautiful foliage almost year round. Compact and upright fashion, more winter hardiness and shade tolerance.

Rosa Knock Out 'Easy Bee-zy'

Shrub Rose

Easy Bee-zy™ Knock Out® delivers flower power like no other with fragrant yellow flowers that bloom repeatedly from spring to frost. Plant individually, in a group, or mixed with other perennials, shrubs or roses.

Rosa Knock Out 'Orange Glow'

Shrub Rose

Orange Glow™ Knock Out® delivers flower power like no other with luminous orange flowers that bloom repeatedly from spring to frost. Plant individually, in a group, or mixed with other perennials, shrubs or roses.

Rosa Knock Out 'Peachy'

Shrub Rose

Blooms from spring through fall with attractive pink flowers. The overall color effect is peach, achieved with the combination of pink petals that become yellow in the center. The color will be much more intense with the cooler temperature in the spring and fall.

Rosa Knock Out 'Petite'

Shrub Rose

The Petite Knock Out® Rose is the first-ever miniature Knock Out® Rose! It has the same flower power and easy care as others in The Family, but in an adorable, compact size! Not only is the plant petite, but it displays smaller blooms than other Knock Out® Roses. Plant in decorative containers for your porch or patio, or in mass for a dramatic pop of bold red color.

Rosa Knock Out 'Pink'

Shrub Rose

Single petals just like the original 'Knock Out' but in a beautiful shade of bright pink. And like the other members of the family, The Pink 'Knock Out' Rose is black spot resistant, drought tolerant and self - cleaning. A perfect companion to other shrubs, roses and perennials.

Rosa Knock Out 'Sunny'

Shrub Rose

Loads of buds top deep green foliage from May to October, continually opening to reveal bright yellow, single, 3” diameter flowers that mature to creamy yellow as they age. These are the only fragrant members in The 'Knock Out' Family. The plants clean themselves, dropping their spent petals, and are perfect for groupings or as a stand alone

Rosa Knock Out 'The Original'

Shrub Rose

The original member of The Knock Out® Family, this shrub rose set a new standard in disease resistance with little to no maintenance required. The bloom cycle produces rich cherry red, hot pink blooms that will continue until the first hard frost. Black spot resistant, drought-tolerant and self-cleaning.

Rosa Knock Out 'White'

Shrub Rose

A compact, exceptionally disease resistant selection with abundant, single white flowers backed by superb dark green, nearly black foliage. This rose re-defines flower power, with nearly non-stop blooming in the mildest climates

Rosa rugosa

Beach Rose

Tough,hardy, native plant that thrives in difficult sites. Used extensively in seashore locations. Large, flowers that bloom somewhat continously all summer.

Rosa rugosa 'Alba'

Beach Rose

Pure white, single flowers abound in the spring, recur sporadically throughout the season and fill the air with their sweet scent

Rosa rugosa 'Purple Pavement'

Beach Rose

A dense, rounded mound of a plant with a continuous show of semi-double purple-crimson flowers. Very hardy with bright red, bird attracting hips in the fall and winter months.

Rubus 'Anne'

Yellow Raspberry Bush

If you like fall bearing Raspberries, 'Anne' is your choice for the best fall bearing yellow Raspberry. Think of 'Anne' almost a yellow version of the old red favorite fall bearer, 'Heritage'. 'Anne' offers the same big, sweet berries in big numbers in the spring and fall just like 'Heritage' only in a pleasing yellow, firm berry that your taste buds will thank you for. Like all Raspberries, 'Anne' is easy to grow in any sunny location... just give it space so you can pick easily and so this wide grower does not overfill a small space.

Rubus 'Chester'

Thornless Blackberry

A thornless blackberry that yields a productive crop of large, very sweet, high quality fruit. The hardiest thornless blackberry, it does fine in all of Zone 5, and has good resistance to cane blight. Ripens in July.

Rubus 'Heritage Red'

Raspberry Bush

Red raspberry with flavorful fruit, producing one crop in mid July and another in early September. Flesh stays firm even when over-ripe.

Rubus 'Meeker'

Red Raspberry Bush

This tried and true selection was developed by Washington State University back in 1967 and features brilliant red fruit that is highly sweet and perfect for home gardeners. Aggressive growing, expect a great July harvest after a strong May flower bloom.

Rubus 'Navaho'


Navaho is an upright,blackberry producer on a thornless shrub. When berries are not in season, there are clusters of pinkish-white blossoms. Excelent snack for a hot summer day when matured in the mid-to-late July, or to use in canning and pies. Get ready to love this variety year after year!

Rubus 'Raspberry Shortcake'

Raspberry Bush

Revolutionary! There is no other word for this Raspberry that is a quantum leap ahead of the competition. Dwarf and rounded, this thornless beauty tops off at only 3' in height while producing a boatload of sweet tasting mid season red Raspberries in June and July. While it does spread like other Raspberries in the ground, it is perfectly suited for growing in a container on a deck so that you can pick delicious fruit at your leisure. Gone are the Raspberries that take over the landscape! Start a berry revolution in your garden today!

Salix discolor

Pussy Willow

Vigorous, spreading, deciduous shrub with a multitude of gray, hairy catkins that appear in mid to late March. Attractive red-brown stems and bluish backed foliage. Tolerates wet soil, easy to grow. Perfect for large border plantings.

Salix integra 'Hakuro Nishiki'

Dappled Willow

Outstanding tri-color variegation of white, green and pink make this more compact growing pussy willow an interesting landscape addition. Easy to grow, prefers moist soil.

Sambucus nigra 'Black Lace'


Intense purple black foliage is finely cut, giving it an effect similar to that of Japanese maple. Huge 10” diameter creamy pink, fragrant flowers in spring contrast nicely with the dark leaves. They are followed by blackish red fall berries which can be harvested for making wine and jam, or left on the plant to attract birds and other wildlife. 'Black Lace' is very cold hardy and easy to grow, and adaptable to most sites. Full sun is needed for the best color. Tough enough for roadsides or naturalizing. Good in wet soils

Sambucus nigra 'Instant Karma'


Variegated va-va-voom! Brighten your garden with Instant Karma® elderberry. A major improvement over older variegated elderberries, Instant Karma offers neat, clean foliage of interplaying green and white. Large, lacy flower clusters appear in early summer, and if a pollinator variety (like Black Lace® or Black Beauty® elderberry) is present, you'll get a crop of purple-black fruit in autumn. This versatile plant can be grown as a small tree or large shrub - it even plays nice in a perennial garden if it is cut back each year for a handsome spray of bright foliage.

Sambucus nigra 'Laced Up'


Beautiful elderberries like Black Lace® and Black Beauty® have long been some of our most popular varieties - but as fairly large plants, not everyone has space for them. Enter Laced Up® elderberry, an amazing narrow, upright variety that takes up only a few square feet of ground. Feathery black foliage covers broomstick-straight stems that shoot toward the sky but stay in a narrow column. Early summer brings hundreds of pink flowers to contrast with the leaves. It's an exotic looking plant that's surprisingly hardy and easy to grow!

Sambucus racemosa 'Lemony Lace'


Ever wish our popular Black Lace® elderberry came in a sunny bright yellow? We are happy to oblige: Lemony Lace® offers finely dissected foliage but in a cheery gold color to really light up your landscape. This North American native produces big clusters of white flowers in early spring before the foliage emerges, then bright yellow leaves take over, edged in red. As the foliage ages, it turns an attractive chartreuse. Though it is a large plant, it can be pruned to stay smaller if you'd like. Deer resistant. Native to North America.

Spiraea japonica 'Little Princess'


Little Princess Spirea is perfect for a cottage garden. It attracts lots of butterflies to its pink flowers. Plant it along a foundation, put it in a border or in a rock garden. Use it as a low casual hedge or to line a sidewalk.

Spiraea japonica 'Shirobana'

Shirobana Spirea

Unique and showy in bloom with rose-pink and white flower heads appearing on the same plant starting in mid-June. Compact and spreading, this variety will bloom throughout the summer if old flower heads are removed.

Spiraea vanhouttei 'Renaissance'

Renaissance Spirea

Selected for increased resistance to foliar diseases, this graceful shrub features a massive display of pure white flowers and colorful orange-red fall color. Very attractive as a specimen plant or in mass plantings. Deciduous.

Spiraea x bumalda 'Goldflame'


Tiny rose - pink flowers in flat - topped clusters cover the foliage in late spring to mid - summer with sparse and intermittent repeat bloom often occurring throughout the remainder of the growing season. Flowers are attractive to butterflies. ‘Goldflame is noted for the changing colors of its foliage. Leaves emerge bronze - red in spring, mature to yellow - green by summer and finally acquire interesting yellow - orange - copper hues in fall.

Spiraea x bumalda 'Magic Carpet'


A real improvement in gold foliage Spireas, this selection keeps its gold color throughout the summer and blooms heavily from mid - June through July with pink, flat flower heads. Neat compact form makes it easy to use anywhere.

Spirea 'Double Play Big Bang'


Japanese spirea comes by its popularity earnestly: durable, super easy to care for, and perfectly pretty pink flowers in spring. Double Play Big Bang® spirea does the landscape classic one better with the biggest, pinkest flowers of any Japanese spirea. It also offers super colorful new growth, especially when it emerges in early spring. That's what makes it a perfect Double Play! Like other Japanese spirea, it's drought tolerant, deer resistant, grows and blooms well in partial shade, and maintains a nice, neat shape without pruning.

Spirea 'Double Play Candy Corn'


Meet the newest and most colorful Proven Winners spirea, Double Play® Candy Corn®. The show starts in early spring when the new growth emerges bright candy apple red. As it matures, it turns pineapple yellow, and the new growth continues to emerge bright orange all season. Top it off with dark purple flowers in late spring/early summer, and you've got a display you really have to see to believe. Be sure to click the image tab below to see just how showy this low-maintenance spiraea is! Deer resistant.

Spirea 'Double Play Doozie'


Like all of the Double Play® spirea series, the show begins in early spring, when the foliage emerges in blazing brilliant color - in this case, deep red. By late spring, the flowers begin to emerge, a bright, glowing purple-red that truly sings in the landscape. And as summer comes on, the show doesn't stop: it just keeps flowering, and flowering, and flowering. Because it produces no seeds, it puts all of its energy into flowering! It does it all with the same good looks, drought tolerance, and deer resistance that you expect from spirea, too.

Spirea 'Double Play Pink'


Double Play Spiraea have vibrant flowers and stunning foliage. Double Play Pink is an improved variety of spirea whose foliage emerges dark red in spring and then turn rich green in time for the pure pink spring flowers. The flower color on this variety is quite intense - much deeper than that of other varieties. It has a dense, mounded habit that is perfect for landscapes.

Spirea 'Double Play Red'


Double Play spireas have vibrant flowers and stunning foliage. Double Play Red is a flower color breakthrough, with nearly-red flowers. Add in showy dark burgundy spring foliage and you've got the perfect double play!

Spirea japonica 'Gold Mound'


Light chartreuse - green foliage throughout the spring and summer make this an outstanding accent plant. Produces best color in full sun. Very compact habit. Flowers are pink in June and July. Fall color is pinkish red.

Syringa 'Baby Kim'


Yes, you have space for a delightfully fragrant lilac! Baby Kim lilac is our smallest lilac to date, but boy, does it pack in a lot of flower power. Enjoy glossy, dark green foliage, an abundance of fragrant purple blooms that don't fade to white, and a useful rounded habit that fits into just about any sunny spot. It brings all the joy of lilacs into a neater, tidier package so you can enjoy this classic flowering shrub no matter how much - or how little - space you have.

Syringa 'Betsy Ross'


Selected for its fragrant pure white flowers, compact, rounded growth habit and mildew tolerance. This is one of the better lilacs for warmer climates.

Syringa 'Bloomerang Dark Purple'

Reblooming Lilac

Don't settle for lilacs that bloom just once a year - get Bloomerang® lilacs and enjoy months of blooms instead of just weeks. Big, bold, and beautiful - that's Bloomerang® Dark Purple lilac. Naturally growing as a handsome, rounded shrub, very large dark purple buds emerge in mid to late spring. These open to a classic deep purple-lilac color and perfume the air for weeks. The plant then takes a brief rest to create new growth before it starts to bloom again in mid to late summer, continuing through frost. Bloomerang lilacs are also noted for their exceptional disease resistance - no worries about ugly white or brown foliage to spoil the floral show. And like other lilacs, it is sun-loving and deer resistant, so it makes an easy care choice for years of beauty.

Syringa 'Bloomerang Dwarf Pink'

Reblooming Lilac

Think you don't have room for a lilac? Think again! Bloomerang® Dwarf Pink lilac naturally grows as a small, rounded shrub, at just about a third the size of conventional lilacs. It outperforms other lilacs with its pure pink blooms that cover the plant in late spring, then reappear throughout summer and fall. Plus, it's vigorous and resistant to disease. Just plant it in full sun, soil that's not too wet, and enjoy the show for years to come.

Syringa 'Bloomerang Dwarf Purple'

Reblooming Lilac

Think you don't have room for a lilac? Think again! Bloomerang® Dwarf Purple lilac naturally grows as a small, rounded shrub, at just about a third the size of conventional lilacs. It outperforms other lilacs with its perfectly purple blooms that cover the plant in late spring, then reappear throughout summer and fall. Plus, it's vigorous and resistant to disease. Just plant it in full sun, soil that's not too wet, and enjoy the show for years to come.

Syringa 'Bloomerang' Lilac


Enjoy classic lilac fragrance for months instead of weeks! A revolutionary new kind of lilac, Bloomerang blooms in spring and then again throughout the summer. It does go through a rest period in the heat of the summer, then flowers again as Bloomerang's fragrant flowers continue until frost. This compact, mounded variety fits easily into any landscape, and is ideal as a foundation planting or as part of the mixed border.

Syringa 'Declaration'


Selected at the U.S. National Arboretum for its very large, fragrant, dark reddish-purple flowers and clean foliage. It has an upright habit and good mildew resistance.

Syringa 'Maiden's Blush'


Looking for a pink lilac with the traditional lilac scent? 'Maiden's Blush' is it! This early blooming Lilac blooms about 1 week before the common and French lilacs and is considered the best pink Lilac available on the market. The single, very fragrant blooms are held above a cloud of green leaves in big, attractive cones that will dazzle in early to mid-May. These factors, as well as being able to survive the coldest of winters and maintaining an upright form, makes 'Maiden's Blush' a perfect plant for full sun or partial shade, to be planted alone as a specimen or in groups to create a deliciously fragrant border planting. Try planting 'Maiden's Blush' near a porch or walkway to better enjoy the heavenly scented blooms and beauty.

Syringa meyeri 'Pearl Potion'


Pearl Potion™ delivers all the great lilac qualities we love in an improved compact form. Each spring, pure white fragrant flowers blossom to make your outdoor space a sweeter place. And because it’s easier to maintain, you can spend your extra time relaxing and breathing in the wonderful scents of spring.

Syringa meyerii 'Palibin'

Dwarf Korean Lilac

Palibins profusion of delicately perfumed lavender - pink blooms burst forth from dark purple buds in early May. The compact and wide growing shrub is covered in clean foliage that is not susceptible to powdery mildew like so many older varieties.

Syringa patula 'Miss Kim'


Showy 3” long panicles of fragrant purple flowers grace this dense, full shrub in mid - May. Leaves are deep green and somewhat glossy and tend to keep clean throughout the growing season.

Syringa reticulata 'Ivory Silk'

Ivory Silk Lilac Tree

Trouble free and spectacular, this plant will be a blooming masterpiece in any landscape. Round, dense form is covered with creamy white, 6-12" long panicles of flowers in June. A real beauty!

Syringa vulgaris

Common Lilac

The common lilac is an old-fashioned, long-lived, and well-loved lilac best known for its fragrant flowers. It is extremely hardy and thrives with little care which make it a lovely shrub for a specimen planting, in masses, screens, hedges, or mixed in shrub borders. The May blooming flowers are typically purple to lilac but cultivars also come in magenta, pink and white.

Syringa vulgaris 'Angel White'

Angel White Lilac

An upright grower with open branches, this lilac sends out clusters of exquisite, pure white flowers in mid-May. With a heavenly scent to match its visual appeal, this is a variety that is sure to please in hedges, screens, or as an accent in your landscape.

Syringa vulgaris 'New Age Lavender'


This compact, unique Lilac is beautiful in both the landscape and containers. It produces fragrant, lavender flowers in the spring, is resistant to mildew, and displays attractive foliage throughout the season.

Syringa vulgaris 'New Age White'


You may remember Lilacs from your grandma’s yard by their fragrance and size. These Lilacs represent a new generation of ultra compact, mildew resistant varieties with attractive foliage that will have you creating new Lilac memories.

Syringa vulgaris 'Sensation'

Sensation Lilac

Displays unique two-toned flowers of deep purple with white edges, contrasted by lovely, dark green, heart-shaped leaves. A lightly sweet fragrance adds to this individuals appeal: butterflies and hummingbirds cant resist!

Syringa x hyacinthiflora 'Pocahontas'


A profuse bloomer, 'Pocahontas' features deep violet - purple buds that open to fragrant, single, deep violet florets throughout the month of May.. Deep green foliage completes this upright and vigorous plant.

Syringa x hyacinthiflora 'Royal Purple'


This early May bloomer will take your landscape by storm with waves of fragrant, double, dark purple flower panicles that have to be seen and smelled to believe! Great foliage and superb multi - stem form add to the package. This one gets large, so give it space and stand back and watch the show!

Taxus 'Hatfield'

Upright Yew

While it will grow quite tall with age, as with most of the taxus species it takes pruning very well. The natural form is a tall and pyramidal with very dense foliage. Provide a fertile, well drained soil for the best growing conditions. Male selection, does not fruit.

Taxus x media 'Densiformis'

Spreading Yew

A very densely growing shrub form of Yew - many times twice as wide as it is tall. Nice deep green needles, with new growth emerging as a brighter green and eventually maturing to deep green. Excellent choice for use as formal hedge, takes very well to pruning / trimming. Will do well in full sun, but will really perform well if given just a bit of shade as a break from high summer heat. Likes well drained soil that is somewhat moist and slightly on the acidic side.

Taxus x media 'Hicksii'

Hicks Yew

This selection is narrowly columnar in habit with needles that are lustrous dark green above and lighter green beneath. Easily grown in average, well-drained soils, and will tolerate full sun to even deep shade

Thuja 'Fire Chief'

Globe Arborvitae

A durable orange globe arborvitae! Fire Chief™ arborvitae is a sport of 'Rheingold' with much brighter spring foliage and a deeper red tinge to the new growth all season. It is also less prone to splitting. Use it to add bright, year-round color to landscapes.

Thuja 'Mr. Bowling Ball'

Globe Arborvitae

True to its name, Mr. Bowling Ball® arborvitae is a dwarf, mounded globe with soft, sage-green juvenile foliage. The habit is tight and compact, creating an outstanding landscape or container plant.

Thuja occidentalis 'Anna's Magic Ball'


Anna's Magic Ball® arborvitae is a cute little sphere of cheerful yellow foliage. It was developed in Canada, so you know that this little plant isn't bothered by winter weather and holds its color all year-round. This nifty little native evergreen needs no pruning to keep its tight, rounded shape and makes a nice addition to perennial beds, rock gardens, troughs and containers, or any landscape project. It's petite size and well-behaved manner makes it an especially nice choice for smaller yards and gardens. Native to North America. Shade tolerant

Thuja occidentalis 'Golden Globe'


This is a golden-yellow, globe-shaped evergreen shrub. It is ideal as a low hedge or as an accent in the landscape. Requires little maintenance.

Thuja occidentalis 'Hetz Midget'

Hetz Midget Arborvitae

Scale-like foliage populates fan-like foliage fronds that pack tightly to form a dense, flattened globe shaped evergreen offering great landscape texture on a slow growing plant Easy to grow

Thuja occidentalis 'North Pole'


Narrow upright columnar habit is perfect for narrow sites as a specimen or screen. Little care is needed. Evergreen. Hardy, resists winter burn. Excellent landscape plant. Native to North America.

Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd'

Emerald Green Arborvitae

Very ornamental and deservedly popular because of its narrow, uniform habit, 'Smaragd' also offers glossy, soft, emerald green color in summer and winter. Adaptable and easy to grow.

Thuja occidentalis 'Tater Tot'


Irresistible green globes of cedar-scented, fan-like foliage are virtually maintenance-free! Native to North America, this dwarf evergreen is perfect for year-round beauty in rock gardens, edging a pathway or even a larger container.

Thuja plicata 'Forever Goldy'

Western Arborvitae

This “ever golden” compact shrub grows quickly into a stunning display of gold-yellow foliage that will not shed. Both heat and drought-tolerant. Excellent for planting in a container on the patio, or at the back of a border.

Thuja plicata 'Green Giant'

Western Arborvitae

Fast - growing and upright with rich, medium - green foliage, this selection is an ideal choice for screening in a hurry! Rumored to be much less palatable to deer than occidentalis types, 'Green Giant' is drought tolerant and has no significant insect or disease problems. You get that classic French Renaissance look without having to prune or shear.

Thuja plicata 'Spring Grove'

Western Arborvitae

The solution to deer problems! This fast growing, cold hardy selection of Western Arborvitae shows excellent resistance to deer browsing. Spring Grove was selected for its superior winter color and hardiness. It maintains a dark green, glossy color even in Midwest winters, and has survived -25 degree temperatures. The tight pyramidal habit works nicely in landscape designs, and its hardiness and deer resistance makes it a good choice for many suburban locations, especially for creating fast-growing privacy screens.

Thuja plicata 'Whipcord'

Western Red Cedar

A dense, multi-stemmed evergreen shrub with finely textured, green foliage and gracefully arching branches. Foliage turns bronze in winter. Excellent for use as a specimen plant or in group plantings for added appeal in the landscape.

Ulmus americana 'Princeton'

American Elm

The Princeton elm is the king of all shade trees. This ornamental tree features a stately vase shape with an overhead arch. If you want the ultimate street tree, this is definitely the elm for you. These elms are extremely adaptable and very hardy. For that classic look, make sure to select the Princeton elm for your yard.

Vaccinium 'Jelly Bean'

Jelly Bean Blueberry

Jelly Bean® has large, flavorful blueberries that taste like sweet homemade blueberry jelly. The foliage has unique, elongated green leaves with highlights of red in cooler climates.

Vaccinium corymbosum 'Blue Jay'

Highbush Blueberry

Humans and landscape critters alike will find it hard to resist this American Beauties selection. Robust and rounded, 'Blue Jay' is easy to grow, tolerating dry acidic, poor soils and partial shade while yielding an impressive crop of deep blue, sizable berries in August. Not only do humans love the fruit, countless songbirds and small mammals count it as one of their favorite foods, making it a magnet for wildlife in the landscape while native bees and butterflies seek out the nectar from its May flowering. 'Blue Jay' also provides outstanding cover for these birds and mammals, all while looking great in the landscape with deep green foliage that puts on a remarkable purplish-red fall show.

Vaccinium corymbosum 'Blue Ray'

Highbush Blueberry

This highbush blueberry cultivar is an upright, deciduous shrub which typically grows 5 - 8' tall but is more manageable as a fruit crop when pruned to 6' or less. Dainty, waxy, bell - shaped, white flowers appear in May. Flowers are followed by medium sized powder blue blueberries which ripen in mid - season. Ovate, dark green leaves turn brilliant, burgundy red in fall. Reddish stems have better winter color than those of most other blueberry varieties. Blueberries love acid soil.

Vaccinium corymbosum 'Bluecrop'

Highbush Blueberry

Midseason - Considered the best all around variety for consistent yields; large, high quality fruit and disease resistance. Bluecrop is an upright, open growing shrub to 5 - 6 feet. There are other varieties with better ornamental value but none better in the garden. The most popular variety in North America. Turn attractive shades of red in fall. Reddish stems can be attractive in winter. Blueberries love acid soil.

Vaccinium corymbosum 'Chippewa'

Highbush Blueberry

Chippewa' has an upright habit and large fruits on a compact plant with exceptional cold-hardiness. Bears large quantities of firm sweet sky blue berries in early summer, preceded by small white urn-shaped flowers. Glossy dark green foliage turns a brilliant orange-red in fall. Deciduous.

Vaccinium corymbosum 'Duke'

Highbush Blueberry

Slighly tart, very firm berry is perfect for fresh eating but also one of the best berries for freezing allowing you to enjoy 'Duke' long after its profuse crop has been picked

Vaccinium corymbosum 'Jersey'

Highbush Blueberry

Big, burly, and productive, 'Jersey' is an old time variety that keeps on growing. 'Jersey' is laden with huge numbers of small - to medium - sized, sweet, dark blue fruit late in the season and is a consistent producer of perfect fresh eating or pie berries year after year. Blueberries love acid soil.

Vaccinium corymbosum 'Northland'

Highbush Blueberry

One of the hardiest Highbush Blueberries available, 'Northland' is also one of the most compact, yielding loads of fruit on a dense, rounded bush. While we humans love the easy to grow nature of blueberries, their great landscape look, and, of course, their luscious fruit, these plants are also an essential part of any living landscape. 'Northland's' May blooming flowers are a great source of early season nectar for native bees and butterflies while its summer fruit is a songbird magnet, so much so you might find it hard to get any yourself! Small mammals also prize the fruit while the plant provides needed cover for birds and mammals for nesting. 'Northland' tolerates dry, acidic, poor soils, grows well even in partial shade, and tops off the year with a riveting display of searing purplish-red fall foliage color. This is one American Beauties plant that everyone will love!

Vaccinium corymbosum 'Patriot'

Highbush Blueberry

This variety bears consistent crops of the largest early season blueberries around - the size of quarters! Production is high, ranging between 10 and 20 pounds at maturity. The berries are dark blue and highly flavored. Patriot is a low growing, spreading shrub to about 4' wide. It is adaptable to many soil types and will perform better in wetter soils than many other varieties. Patriot makes an excellent landscape variety with its showy white blooms in the spring, dark green summer foliage, and fiery orange fall colors. Blueberries love acid soil.

Vaccinium corymbosum 'Polaris'

Highbush Blueberry

Another small space wonder, 'Polaris' will thrill with its tight form, heavy producing ability and sweet, sweet berry taste. 'Polaris' is known as a 'half-high' type of Blueberry, combining the denseness of lowbush selections with the fruit size and larger berry yeilds of the highbush selections. The result is a plant that will cover itself with fragrant, white, bell shaped flowers in early May and with medium sized, powder blue, aromatic, extremely sweet tasting fruit in late July and early August. It is one of the earliest maturing of the Blueberries meaning that you might have to fight off more than the birds for its sweet fruit as hungry family members will be looking to outwit you for their year's first taste of fresh Blueberries! 'Polaris' is such a low maintenance plant and will even reward you and your garden with brilliant orange-red fall foliage color!

Vaccinium corymbosum 'Sunshine Blue'

Highbush Blueberry

One of the best for mild-winter areas, a low-chill selection perfect for small gardens or large patio tubs. Blue-green foliage and showy pink to white flowers provide ornamental value, followed by an abundant crop of fruit. Self-fruiting, but yields best when planted with another variety.

Viburnum carlesii

Korean Spice Viburnum, Arrowwood

A sweet, rich, spicy vanilla flower fragrance makes this variety one of the most sought after viburnums in this region. Bunches of deep pink buds open to mini - snowballs of creamy white flowers in late April. Late summer presents offerings of clustered red fruit that fade to black, drawing chattering birds. Leathery, deep green foliage turns wine - red in autumn. A real landscape gem.

Viburnum carlesii 'Spice Island'

Korean Spice Viburnum

Sweetly fragrant white flowers are in such tight balls they resemble snowballs. Unlike many viburnum carlesii, this variety blooms with its leaves fully expanded as a backdrop, enhancing the beauty of the flowers. Cooler fall weather turns the dark foliage into brilliant shades of burgundy and glowing red. A compact grower, Spice Island™ is slow to mature, perfect for garden paths, smaller spaces and as a specimen plant.

Viburnum carlesii 'Sugar N Spice'

Korean Spice Viburnum

Sweetly scented flowers are extremely fragrant and will fill the air with the sweet-spice scent in early spring. Sugar n' Spice is slow-growing and forms a nice rounded shrub with pleasing red fall color. Easy to grow with great landscape rewards! The fragrant flowers of Sugar n’ Spice® Koreanspice Viburnum attract birds, butterflies, and other pollinators in spring. Thrives in full sun in average to rich, well-drained soil. Prune to shape if needed after flowering in late summer.

Viburnum dentatum 'Blue Muffin'

Arrowwood Viburnum

This handsome selection of the North American native arrowwood viburnum boasts neat foliage, white spring flowers, and, if a different selection is planted nearby, the namesake blue fruits in autumn. It's ideal as a hedge or specimen plant, and is very low maintenance. At present, there are no Proven Winners varieties that are suitable for pollinating Blue Muffin, so we recommend Chicago Lustre, which is a widely-available selection.

Viburnum dilatatum 'Cardinal Candy'

Linden Viburnum

Cardinal Candy® viburnum has improved hardiness compared to other varieties of linden viburnum, so even northern gardeners can finally enjoy the impressive display of bright red berries in fall. Tons of creamy white flowers cover the plant in spring. The plant itself has a nice, well-branched habit, and fits nicely into the landscape. Berries are not edible by humans. Though Cardinal Candy viburnum will set fruit without a pollinator, planting near Tandoori Orange® viburnum results in abundant fruit on both.

Viburnum p. t. 'Mariesii'

Doublefile Viburnum

Mariesii is a doublefile viburnum noted for its distinctively layered horizontal branching. Non - fragrant flowers in flat - topped, lacecap - like clusters bloom in profusion along the branches in April or May, causing a magnificent sight when in full bloom. Flower clusters appear in two rows or files along the branch, hence the common name. Flowers give way in summer to red berry - like drupes which eventually mature to black. Dark green healthy leaves turn reddish purple in fall; excellent plant for massing or as a specimen, tolerant of drought.

Viburnum plicatum 'Shasta'

Shasta Doublefile Viburnum

Vigorous and spreading, this selection's symmetrical branching lines up with showy, brilliant white flowers along the tops of branches in late May. Red to black berries follow in summer. Vigorous nature makes it perfect for grouping to form a hedge.

Viburnum plicatum 'Steady Eddy'

Doublefile Viburnum

Not your run of the mill doublefile viburnum! In our trials, it has beaten out 'Summer Snowflake' with improved, stronger blooming. You can see for yourself with its long bloom time in spring and repeat blooming in the summer. Its elegant, lacy blooms are held on a strongly horizontal habit, which brings a unique architectural feature to the landscape. Foliage is dark green, glossy, and has the hallmark deep veining of the species, which altogether looks lovely in the landscape and performs well as a filler for cut flower arrangements. Fall color is a brilliant purplish-burgundy.

Viburnum x burkwoodii

Burkwood Viburnum

This shrub has a compact, rounded form, growing 8 - 10 feet tall and wide. In early spring, it produces showy lipstick - red buds that open to white flowers. Once open, the flowers scent the air with their spicy, clove - like perfume for another two weeks. The glossy dark green foliage is handsome throughout the growing season and resistant to bacterial leaf spot and powdery mildew. Foliage turns orange - red in autumn.

Vitis 'Canadice'


It's hard to beat this grape for taste and ease of growth. The compact clusters of large, seedless red grapes ripen in early to mid September. Easy to grow, 'Canadice', like all grape vines, can get big and it could use a supporting, heavy duty trellis or pergola for best production and ease of care. Grapes need full sunlight and high temperatures to ripen, so plant on southern slopes, the south side of windbreaks, or the south sides of buildings. Birds love grapes, so be sure to plant some to share

Vitis 'Cayuga White'

White Grape

Developed at Cornell University, this white Grape is perfect for growing in the northern home orchard and an incredibly heavy producer. This selection is widely used for producing a number of different white wines and is one of the easiest Grapes to grow with good disease resistance. September harvest.

Vitis 'Reliance'

Red Seedless Grape

A superb red seedless selection, this introduction features sweet flavored, medium to large clusters of berries. Vigorous, relatively disease resistant, mid-season ripening.

Vitis `Concord`


Vigorous and fruitful, this old, dependable variety still packs a punch with a multitude of medium to large clusters of big, sweet, highly aromatic black - blue grapes, the skins separate easily from the fruit for making jams and juices. Harvest late - August to September. Grape vines can get big and it could use a supporting, heavy duty trellis or pergola for best production and ease of care.

Weigela 'Czechmark Trilogy'


Three colors - on one plant - at once! Czechmark® weigela are a new series that showcases just how much flower power this old-fashioned favorite is capable of. Selected especially for their pure, true colors and bountiful bloom set, these easy-care weigela will rake in the compliments. Czechmark Trilogy® is an absolute dazzler that blooms in late spring with three colors at once - enjoy white, pink, and red flowers all on one plant! There aren't many other spring flowering shrubs that offer you so much color for so little effort.

Weigela 'Fine Wine'


Rich pink spring flowers often rebloom through summer. Dark purple foliage all season. Good for mixed borders or foundation plantings. Deer resistant. Season-long color.

Weigela 'Midnight Wine Shine'


Everything you love about Midnight Wine®, but with more va-voom than ever! It has darker, shinier leaves which make a huge impact in the landscape from spring to fall. And as for autumn, you'll be relieved to hear that it has had displayed much better hardiness when it comes to tip die-back

Weigela 'Midnight Wine'


Take a look at this seductive, burgundy - purple foliage and then watch it explode with masses of deep pink flowers in mid - June. Consider its low, dense, spreading form and you'll wonder why it's not in your garden!

Weigela 'My Monet Purple Effect'


My Monet Purple Effect™ brings new color, more flowers, and better adaptability, while sharing all the charm and beauty of the original My Monet® weigela. Its variegated cream and mint green foliage takes on purple (as opposed to pink) tones, and it is much better able to withstand the rigors of both cold and warmer climates. Though it is slightly larger, it can be used in much the same way: as a delightful companion to perennials, as a colorful edging, in a container, or anywhere you need a spot of clear, clean color.

Weigela 'My Monet'


This is the first dwarf variegated Weigela to be introduced. Its tight habit and colorful foliage make it very versatile. Variegation changes depending on light exposure - whiter variegation in shade and pink variegation in full sun. Deep reddish - pink flowers add to the mix in late May through June. It's easy to grow, loves full sun, and will brighten any spot in your garden.

Weigela 'Snippet Dark Pink'

Reblooming Weigela

Snippet® weigelas are the best thing to happen to this spring-blooming favorite in years: they rebloom abundantly and naturally grow as a dwarf, rounded mound. They fit perfectly in just about any sunny spot in your landscape to add appealing structure and months of color. Snippet Dark Pink weigela has thick, deep green foliage that perfectly sets off the vivid pink blooms. They appear in late spring along with other weigelas, but then they continue to bloom all through summer with waves of fresh flowers. No deadheading required!

Weigela 'Sonic Bloom Pink'


This is a humdinger of a weigela! Sonic Bloom® weigela are the strongest rebloomers ever seen in weigela. Loads of hot pink flowers in May are followed by waves of blooms until frost. No deadheading is needed to see strong reblooming through summer and fall. Deer resistant.

Weigela 'Sonic Bloom Red'

Reblooming Weigela

Lipstick red flowers in spring. Repeat flowers until frost. Reblooms without deadheading. Attracts hummingbirds.

Weigela 'Spilled Wine'


Spilled Wine® weigela shares the fabulous deep purple foliage and bright pink flowers of the classic Wine & Roses® weigela but in a smaller size. This useful plant grows wider than tall, making it the perfect choice for edging beds or walkways and for incorporating under windows in your landscaping. Like all weigela, it is deer resistant and very easy to care for.

Weigela 'Very Fine Wine'


Top reasons to grow Very Fine Wine® in your garden: Fantastic cold hardiness, less prone to tip dieback. Darker foliage, full season interest. Heavy bloomer.

Weigela 'Wine & Roses'


Rosy - pink flowers add a touch of romance when displayed against the dark glossy foliage. The foliage is much darker than that of older varieties. It contrasts beautifully with the rosy - pink flowers, making for a high impact display in the garden. This variety produces copious amounts of flowers in spring, and will re - bloom throughout the summer. The trumpet - like flowers are adored by hummingbirds!

Weigela 'Wine and Spirits'


An update on our classic Wine & Roses weigela, this vigorous, handsome variety combines even more dramatic dark foliage with crisp white-green flowers. A real showstopper in the landscape. Deer resistant.

Wisteria Frutescens 'Amethyst Falls'


Amethyst Falls has blue - lavender flower clusters for several weeks in June. This species twines counter - clockwise and is native to woodlands and streamsides of the southeast. It grows more slowly than other species and tends to be smaller in stature and much less aggressive. Tightly packed fist size clusters of somewhat fragrant flowers in June on new growth. Produces flowers at a young age, and tends to re - bloom sporadically during the summer. Suitable for the seashore. Deer resistant.

Yucca filamentosa

Yucca, Adam's Needle

Upright sword - like evergreen foliage beneath 3–5 foot flower stalks with bell - shaped creamy white flowers in July and August. Fragrant at night. Prefers a dry, sunny location. Tolerant of poor, dry soils. Well suited to seashore gardens. Deer resistant. A traditional and durable favorite.

Yucca filamentosa 'Color Guard'

Color Guard Yucca

Slightly arching, sword-shaped, striped foliage of creamy-white against dark green provides great architectural interest. Showy spires of fragrant snow white blooms in summer.

Zelkova serrata 'Green Vase'

Japanese Zelkova

Zelkova serrata 'Green Vase' has the distinctive, broad, vase shape of the typical species but grows almost twice as fast. 'Green Vase' has all of the other desirable characteristics of the species, including a wonderful scaffold of branches for a great winter silhouette, medium-sized, dark green leaves that turn soft yellow, orange and russet in autumn. This is a fine tree for the urban landscape as it has a high tolerance for wind, pollution, drought and compacted soils. Using a cultivar such as this one is effective when a consistent avenue of trees is desired.