2025 Selection

Pinus strobus 'Shaggy Dog'

White Pine

Famous for his groundbreaking work with dwarf White Pines from witch's brooms, the late Sid Waxman from the University of Connecticut introduced this low, irregular, half-upright spreader with long needled, unruly branches in 1993. This new favorite breaks the mold of many of his dense, tight, inpenetrable selections to give us a more open, highly textured plant that is more relaxed, free-form and airy. This sweet textured beauty is perfect for a large location where it can look its 'Shaggy Dog' best, anchoring any sunny, well drained location by growing into a spectacularly different, year round beautiful specimen.

Height: 5-6'
Width: 6-8'
Color: Green
Exposure: Sun
Bloom Months: --