2025 Premium 4.25" Herbs
2024 Premium Pack Herbs
The chive is a member of the onion family. It grows in clumps and produces narrow, hollow leaves and attractive violet, globe-shaped flowers in May or June
The flat, tender leaves have a flavor midway between garlic and onion. Delicious in salads, spreads and flavored vinegars. Perennial in Zones 3-10. Start early indoors or outdoors after danger of frost.
Sweet cinnamon aroma. Flat dark green leaves, purple stems/flowers. Also a lovely ornamental.
Well-branched, dark green variety with short internodes makes a beautiful, towering plant with huge harvest potential. Beautiful columnar habit basil is ideal for any garden- patio pots, raised beds, small space landscape and hydroponics. It flowers very, very late in the season, for huge harvests of sweet Genovese flavored leaves for fresh eating or chopped in salads and recipes.
Bred for season-long performance and continual harvests, Everleaf Genovese is a well-branched yet tidy plant that performs well in field or container plantings. Plants have intermediate resistance to Downy Mildew and Fusarium, and leaves offer robust flavor that stands up to cooking. An excellent variety for growers and consumers alike!
Bring bright, lemon flavor to your table all season long with this late-flowering basil. This herb is a great addition to dressings, marinades and salads. Upright plants deliver an abundant harvest. Performs well in-ground and in containers.
Large, fragrant columnar plants take your containers and cooking to new heights. Abundant licorice-flavored leaves enhance Thai soups, curries, stir-fries and more of your favorite dishes. Productive and very late-flowering
This basil has a stronger flavor than sweet basil, and the reddish-purple leaves create a unique look in salads. Large, flat, dark red to purple leaves have a sweet flavor. Vigorous plants are highly decorative. To dry, wait until the flowers begin to open, then cut clusters off and hang them upside down, turning periodically until dry.
Genovese type basil with a compact, highly productive habit. Leaves are large, cupped, and medium green with a slightly sweet and spicy aroma. Strong downy mildew resistance!
Compact bush-type plant is great for containers. Use fresh or dried.
Fragrant plants are great for herb gardens or adding scent to mixed combinations. Includes Genovese, dark red and serrated basils a lovely mix of colors and flavors for all your basil needs.
Bay merits a place in every herb garden. Well adapted to serve as a houseplant or can be grown as an annual outdoors. Plant s dark-green leaves are strikingly fragrant, especially once dried. A classic ingredient in the traditional French bouquet garni , bay leaves add earthy flavor to stews, soups and sauces. Use bay leaves for fragrant wreathes and garlands.
With its blue, star-shaped flowers, borage makes a lovely ornamental. Its young leaves have a refreshing, mild cucumber-like fragrance and traditionally been used in salads and lemonade. The flowers can be candied. Borage will self-sow where it is happy.
Use small white daisies in potpourris, tea and hair rinses.
Standard cilantro. Santo is a slow-bolting selection grown for its leaves. Like the leaves and seeds, the flowers are also edible.
Perfect for patio planters dwarf, compact plants don t need staking and won t topple over. Can also be grown in-ground and used for traditional culinary purposes. Late flowering allows for a long harvest season and extended ornamental period.
Attractive ornamental herb with a spicy curry fragrance. Silver foliage is a beautiful complement to vibrant colors in the herb or perennial garden. Dried flowers and fragrant foliage are attractive in floral arrangements and herbal crafts. Upright habit.
Large, silvery blue-green leaves appear to be strung on the stem. The most popular foliage for fresh, dried, or preserved use for large bunches and decorating.
Use fresh fennel leaves in salads or with eggs, fish and sauces. The bulbous stem can be steamed, grilled or served raw; it's like celery with a delicate anise aroma. Chopped and sauteed, it's great with shrimp. Likes full sun and mild to cool weather.
Also known as Fringed Lavender, this species is most often grown in pots or tubs, to be wintered indoors in all but very mild winter regions. Plants form a bushy shrub of grey-green, finely-toothed fragrant leaves, bearing short spikes of lavender-mauve flowers in midsummer. One of the best types for forming into topiary shapes, this is easily pruned to keep a compact size.
The thin, light green leaves of this herb give off a strong lemon fragrance at the slightest touch. Harvest leaves as needed throughout the growing season. Each time you snip a stem, new growth will emerge at the whorl of leaves beneath the cut. This growth pattern makes frequent cutting necessary to keep stems from becoming leggy.
Lemongrass lends a fresh, fine, fragrant lemony tang with hints of ginger and mint. Adds bright, grassy, floral kick to curries, fish, shrimp, soups, stews, marinades and stir-fries. Use a teaspoon to make a refreshing tea, hot or cold. Or use in place of grated lemon rind in cookie and cake recipes. Lovely grass-like plant grows to 4 ft. Before adding to dishes, slice lemongrass into rings or strips and bruise segments to release the flavor. Freezes well.
Hundreds of petite, citrus-scented flowers cover neat, low mounds of lacy foliage. Long-blooming for beds, borders and containers where it attracts beneficial insects such as hoverflies. Leaves of the plant are edible and are used as flavorful salad greens and garnish. Edible Flowers: Use the flowers to dress up salads and desserts or cooked in egg or rice dishes. Flavor is floral with hints of citrus and spice, and slightly bitter. Remove the petals from the flower base before consuming as the base can be quite bitter.
Marjoram is sweeter and spicier than oregano, but used in much the same way.Use fresh or dried.
Lemon Balm features small, heart-shaped and lemon-scented leaves with a puckered texture and scalloped edges that should be sheared often to keep in shape
Mint is an old fashioned standard. Bruise the leaves and put them in a pitcher of ice water for a refreshing treat. Make tea with Mint and Chamomile.Fresh leaves can also be used as a garnish and in salads.
Mint is an old fashioned standard. Bruise the leaves and put them in a pitcher of ice water for a refreshing treat. Make tea with Mint and Chamomile.Fresh leaves can also be used as a garnish and in salads.
Mint is an old fashioned standard. Bruise the leaves and put them in a pitcher of ice water for a refreshing treat. Make tea with Mint and Chamomile.Fresh leaves can also be used as a garnish and in salads.
Robust-growing spearmint with large leaves and sweet/spicy flavor.
Mint is an old fashioned standard. Bruise the leaves and put them in a pitcher of ice water for a refreshing treat. Make tea with Mint and Chamomile.Fresh leaves can also be used as a garnish and in salads.
Mint is an old fashioned standard. Bruise the leaves and put them in a pitcher of ice water for a refreshing treat. Make tea with Mint and Chamomile.Fresh leaves can also be used as a garnish and in salads.
Refreshing mint flavor and fragrance; will develop pinkish-white blooms.
Without a doubt this will be your cat's favorite herb! Cats are often found rubbing against this herb in a state of sheer bliss. A pretty herb with its whorls of lavender flowers
Greek features small, slightly hairy leaves that have a pungent aroma typified by Italian cooking. The stems will carry tiny white to lavender clusters of flowers in July.
Use this perennial herb fresh or dried for culinary purposes to flavor a variety of Italian and Mediterranean dishes.
This herb s flat, deeply cut, dark green leaves are very flavorful and attractive. It grows well in sun or part shade, and adds texture to mixed containers.
Triple Curled is fast-growing and produces closely curled dark leaves. It prefers full sun and holds for a long time when mature, making harvesting easy. Use the finely cut, curly leaves as a flavoring or garnish.
This non-edible herb is best known for its earthy and relaxing scent. To release the essential oils, steam or dry and rub the leaves. A mellow addition to sachets and potpourri. Prefers indirect light.
One of herbs "royalty" with a scent that has so many wonderful uses! A must, either fresh or dried, for seasoning hundreds of foods, 'Arp' is perfect for use in teas, herbal oils, bath oils, and dried sachets and potpourris. 'Arp' loves full sun and good air flow and will grow well in containers, inside or outside. Upright, bushy form, dark green-gray foliage, and abundant small purple flowers will make you want these by the arm load!
Long, upright stems are perfect for skewering and roasting vegetables and meats on the BBQ. Heat and drought tolerant.
A beautiful, flowing form of a tasty, multi-use herb! 'Prostrate' rosemary is just as prized as 'Arp' for use with all sorts of foods, teas, oils and sachets while its form is extremely decorative for use to trail in window boxes, containers or even hanging baskets! Be sure to grow it in full sun and allow for good air flow around your plants.
Every rosemary selection can seduce you with its great scent and flavor. 'Salem' is no exeption, providing incredibly aromatic, tasty foliage that will have your mouth watering. 'Salem' displays a strongly upright form and a neatness that can only be describe as more formal than other selections. It's a very effective form for using in a formal herb garden or a container and, when left to get a little woody, its stems make a perfect, aromatic skewer for use on the grill. Even its slighly longer, deep green foliage contrast pleasingly with other rosemarys... it's a selection that will grow on you!!
Compact, ornamental sage has gray-green leaves with superb aroma and flavor for sauces, stuffing, sausage and more. Berggarten sends up purple flower spikes in early to mid-Summer.
With lilac-blue flowers in midsummer and purple, aromatic, young leaves that mature to gray-green, Purple Sage will look stunning planted next to golden oregano in a sunny herb garden.
Marbled green, white and purple leaves lend color to herb gardens and flavor to many popular dishes. Strongly aromatic foliage is excellent fresh or dried.
Scented geranium cultivar is prized for the evocative lemony aromatic leaves used in potpourris. Fast-spreading, easy-growing plants are best grown in a pot or container, filling the patio and home with a lovely citrusy scent that just happens to drive away mosquitoes and other biting insects.
Leaves are 30 times sweeter than sugar. Single plant yields up to a 1/2 lb. of dried leaf. All parts of the plant are sweet, but pick the herb's short-stemmed leaves for fresh use. Leaves can be sun-dried, powdered and stored in an airtight container for future use.
French tarragon is grown for its distinctively flavored leaves.
What a showy plant! You'll love this plant's great texture but you'll marvel at its tiny deep green foliage edged in the brightest gold. Golden lemon thyme makes a great show in the garden as it mounds and spreads but its real beauty is its array of uses in cooking, teas, aromatherapy, and more! Its strong lemon scent is a breath of fresh air and it's such an easy plant to grow. It's perfect for full sun and loves growing in containers on a deck or in a sunny window where you'll be tempted to cut it repeatedly just for the joy of that strong citrus aroma! Perennial.
You'll love the look of this sweet looking herb so much you'll be tempted not to cut it! Fight the urge to leave it uncut because this plant's thyme scent is deliciously overpowering and its uses are many. Silver-edged is perfect, fresh or dry, and versatile for seasoning loads of different dishes including teas, aromatherapy, potpourris and more. This no-hassle plant craves full sun and forms a beautiful, spreading mound in any sunny area whether in the ground or in a container or window box. Perennial.
A superb perennial herb that is one of the backbones of any herb garden. Widely used as a seasoning for most any dish. English thyme loves full sun and well-drained soil and will even tolerate poor soils. Low and spreading with lilac-purple summer flowers that bees love! Perennial.
A durable herb with aromatic leaves, perfect for filling between stepping stones or as a waterwise groundcover. Creates a low, lush mat of soft green foliage. Works nicely tucked into a container, allowed to trail over the edge. The small, showy, pink flowers attract butterflies. An herbaceous perennial.
Tight, creeping groundcover with mats of tiny, dark green foliage and pink flowers in Summer.
Mat-forming creeper with tiny green leaves and pink flowers. Ideal ground cover between paving stones, where footsteps will release its scent.
This low growing plant is often planted between the stones or bricks in garden paths for its beauty and sweet aroma.