2025 Selection

Cornus stolonifera 'Arctic Fire'

Red Twig Dogwood

More compact and dense than 'Baileyi', this Dogwood will find a home in the smaller landscape. This selection gives up about half of 'Baileyi's' size but none of the fantastic, bright fiery red winter stem color. This plant is perfect for smaller spaces. The best red color appears on one and two year old stems; older stems will turn corky and brown. To maintain a colorful display, you can do one of two things: one, cut the whole plant back to short stubs every other year. Two, cut out one-third of the oldest stems every year. This option is recommended if you planted your Arctic Fire� dogwood to provide coverage. Early spring is the best time to prune.

Height: 3 - 4'
Width: 3 - 4'
Color: Green with Red Stems in Winter
Exposure: Sun or Part Sun
Bloom Months: Spring