2025 Selection

Forsythia 'Show Off Starlet'


Show Off Starlet forsythia is a bright ball of yellow flowers in spring! If your older forsythia takes up too much room and has a weak flower display, try this new, improved variety. It has the same fabulous flower display you get with Show Off forsythia, but in a smaller package. This new dwarf forsythia is a mass of bright yellow spring flowers from base to tip. Prefers a good, loose soil, but is very adaptable. pH adaptable, air pollution tolerant, withstands city conditions. Pruning is seldom needed; if necessary, prune immediately after flowering. Old stems can be cut to the ground. Fertilize in spring.

Height: 2-3'
Width: 2-3'
Color: Yellow
Exposure: Sun or Part Sun
Bloom Months: Early Spring